Period Comfort
Prompt: Can you write OM brother reacting to MC having their period?
Gender: fem!Reader

- Lucifer maturely handles everything and is prepared for your period.
- If you like drinking tea, he will ask Barb to find tea leaves to help with bloating and cramps.
- He keeps track of your period on a calendar so that he can be prepared for it and stock up on items if needed.
- He will not shy away from buying pads/tampons for you. Lucifer keeps some in his bedroom and office in case of emergencies.
- He also keeps a heating pad and a stack of warm, fuzzy blankets in his bedroom.
- Will get anything and everything you want to eat. Usually, Lucifer stops you from eating a lot of junk food, but during your period, he will let you eat whatever you want.
- For those few days, you won’t have to do any chores in the house. You don’t even have to get out of bed if you don’t want to – he will take care of you and your needs.
- If you want him to cuddle, he will find time to cuddle. If you want massages, he will give you massages—Lucifer will do anything to make you happy and divert your attention from the havoc your body is wreaking.

- When you have your period, Beel knows immediately, thanks to his strong smell sense, and is ready to help you.
- Will go and buy sanitary products for you without hesitation, but if it’s the first time, you may need to be patient with him.
- Beel is patient and understanding, especially if you have mood swings. If you happen to get mad about something, he will pull you into a tight hug and not let go until you calm down.
- Will bring you any and every snack that you want. He will even bring you snacks you didn’t ask for – in fact, Avatar of Gluttony will spoil you with all sorts of snacks and desserts.
- His forte, though, is giving you massages. He is very good with his hands and knows exactly how much pressure to apply.

- Satan has read books on human anatomy, and after he starts dating you, he does a little more research. So, he is fully prepared for your menstrual cycle.
- The first time around, he asks you a few questions about what products you use, if you have cravings, and what helps you. He keeps track of your cycle on his calendar and stocks up on sanitary products and foods you like.
- Can’t understand why anyone would hesitate to buy pads/tampons for their female partners. Menstruation is a natural occurrence, and it’s nothing to be grossed out or embarrassed by – in the end, he concludes that some people are just stupid.
- Satan is willing to do anything for you during the next few days and will not reject your request, no matter how silly or embarrassing it may be.

- Asmo is ready to love and cuddle you even more than usual – hugs, forehead kisses, stomach or back rubs, stroking hair, cuddles, arm rubs, you name it. Even puts on a fashion show for you.
- He has a decent amount of knowledge when it comes to helping with period pain and always keeps a heating pad ready when your time comes near. He also keeps track of your cycle.
- Always stocked up on all the products you will ever need.
- Will go out and buy any snacks or sweets you crave. If Beel tries to eat your snacks, Asmo will charm him and send him on his way.
- If you have a lot of bloating and cramps, he prefers you stay home. If needed, Asmo will talk to Lucifer about letting you out of RAD for those few days.
- Loves to watch movies while cuddling you, especially romantic ones.

- Mammon is absolutely clueless about menstruation and freaks out when he smells blood on you. He thinks you are hurt and are lying to him about being okay. Only after you explain things to him does the demon kind of calm down – but only kind of.
- When he is alone, he reads a few articles on how to help you deal with the stress and pain. Initially, Mammon tries everything the articles suggest, but he slowly learns what helps you and what irritates you.
- Is very patient, but if you lash out at him, he will get upset. Then, he will feel guilty for getting upset and apologize to you before showering you with hugs and kisses.
- He isn’t too keen on going out and buying sanitary products for you. Why? Because there are too many! Just seeing an entire wall of pads/tampons makes him dizzy.
- If Mammon sees you crying, he will start crying. He just can’t see you in pain.
- Will stay with you 24/7, even if you don’t want him to. He has to watch you and ensure you are okay, so Mammon is not going anywhere.

- Though it may not seem like it, Belphie knows about human anatomy and is aware of how a woman’s body works. So when you get on your period, he isn’t surprised.
- His first suggestion is to sleep the days away and only get out of bed if you need to eat or use the bathroom.
- Doesn’t want to go out and buy products for you. It’s too much work – he has to wake up, get ready to go out, walk all the way to the store, go through aisles, look for your products, and so on…way too much work. BUT if you really need him to, he will go. In return, he expects you to cuddle and nap with him when he gets back.
- He will give you small massages if you want, but nothing too major. Keeps a heating pad by his bed for you.
- If you need any snacks or have cravings, Belphie will ask Beel to get them for you.
- Will lazy around with you in bed all day and will not leave your side until your period is over.

- Levi has little knowledge about menstruation, but it’s only from what he has seen in animes.
- He always keeps spare sanitary products in his bathroom just in case you are in his room and need them. Luckily for him, all he needs to do is log on to Akuzon and order the products for you.
- During that time, Levi asks you to stay in his room. He doesn’t want you to be alone, especially if you experience a lot of pain.
- Likes to watch movies and animes with you while cuddling.
- If you have mood swings or get angry at him, he will panic but then remind himself that this is all due to the chaos your hormones are causing. Sometimes, though, Levi will ask if you still love, but only after your period is over. He needs to make sure that you are not actually angry at him.