Thirteen as a Best Friend
Prompt: Headcanons for Thirteen as a best friend for a female MC. I feel like if MC was a girl she would need feminine energy after being around boys for so long.
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Platonic.

- Being best friends with Thirteen would be like partying every moment of every day. The girl has so much contiguous energy that she can make you smile and feel energetic even on your worst days.
- She is the type of best friend who would laugh if you did something stupid or tripped and fell.
- If you do something embarrassing, she will use it against you, but not in a harmful way.
- When time permits, Thirteen likes to go shopping with you in the human world. She enjoys trying out unique and quirky outfits just for giggles.
- If you get drunk around her and do funny or weird things, she will make a video and use it to ‘blackmail’ you.
- If you like pranking, great, she will be your partner in crime. But if you hate pranking, be prepared to learn lessons on how to be a prankster. Whether you like it or not, Thirteen will become your prank partner in crime.
- If you hate Solomon, she is going to love you. If you get along with Solomon, Thirteen will find every excuse to steal you away from the untrustworthy sorcerer in the book. In her mind, she is taking you away from him for your own good.
- You are welcome to enter her cave any time you want, just as long as you don’t enter the forbidden areas and don’t bring Solomon along.
- One of her favorite things to do with you is have a sleepover. Just the two of you spending time away from the men of Devildom. No one else is allowed at the sleepovers except Luke. Though she dislikes angles, Thirteen doesn’t mind Luke joining the sleepover as long as he brings some homemade sweets.
- If you want to talk about boys, she is up for it as long as you don’t get too giggly and sappy. Also, no talking about Solomon allowed unless you have mean things to say about him.
- One thing she will not tolerate is someone hurting you and making you cry. She will make that person pay for hurting you regardless of who they are. Thirteen is very protective of you as you are her precious friend.