24-Hour Assembly Hall Job

Prompt: The chaos that ensues during the 24-hour job. Based on the 24-hour job option in-game.

Gender: gn!Reader

A/N: SWD gave part of the reason why Beel acted the way he did, but I wrote this fic before they released that chapter. ><

Word Count: 3,810

Hour one. The meeting begins at 6 am, and almost everyone dreads their decision to join a 24-hour Assembly Hall meeting, but they all have reasons to be there.

Diavolo, Lucifer, and Barbatos are in it to fulfill their duties as the top three leaders.

Mammon and Asmo are in it for the money.

Satan joined out of curiosity.

Beel is there to help his brothers.

Belphie shows up since Beel is there.

Solomon wants to keep an eye on the demons and find out their plans.

Simeon is there to help out of the kindness of his heart.

Luke follows Simeon, not knowing what is in store for him.

Everyone settles in. Diavolo takes his place on the highest chair in the hall while Barbatos stands beside him. The brothers, angels, and Solomon sit at the desks across. The prince announces the first topic of discussion – what classes to offer at RAD?

Hour two. No one is complaining yet, but Mammon is slightly bored. The rest are paying attention to the debate between Mephistopheles and Lucifer regarding the classes.

Diavolo approves ideas from both sides, but some of the brothers are bothered by Mephistopheles’s behavior towards Lucifer. Simeon feels terrible for the brothers and wonders just much discrimination they have faced since their fall. He prays that one day they will be accepted into Devildom.

Hour three. Beel is starting to feel hungry, and Belphie is trying not to doze off. Mammon is doodling caricatures of Mephistopheles while Levi is trying not to laugh at the doodle of the aristocratic demon hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Luke wishes he stayed at the House of Lamentation but doesn’t want to upset Simeon, so he tries to pay attention to the boring meeting.

Hour four. Everyone, except Diavolo, wonders how Mephistopheles can still go on after 2 hours of nonstop talking. Satan can’t put up with this much longer but tries his best to control his anger by thinking about cats. Solomon is amused.

Beel is near his hunger breaking point, while Belphie can barely stay awake. Luke looks like he wants to cry.

Noticing the atmosphere in the room, Barbatos suggests moving to a different topic, but Solomon asks, “Why? The debate is rather enjoyable, wouldn’t you agree?”

Barbatos shoots him a nasty glare.

Hour five. Mephistopheles leaves the meeting in frustration but not before criticizing Lucifer for the last time. Diavolo apologizes and dismisses the meeting for a much-needed 30-minute break.

Barbatos brings refreshments for everyone, but Beel nearly eats all the snacks in one go. Lucifer lectures his brother, but Diavolo stops him and compliments Beel on his hearty appetite.

Asmo takes selfies with the assembly members and uploads them to his social media accounts. Belphie sits beside Levi, rests his head on his brother’s shoulder, and doses off. Asmo makes a video of this and posts it on Fab Snap.

Satan gets something to eat and drink and sits back down, not wanting anything to do with the others. Though Luke is scared of the Avatar of Wrath, he sits beside him and tries to start a conversation. Satan doesn’t care much for it until Luke mentions seeing a cute cat sleeping outside the House of Lamentation five hours ago and adds he left some food/water for the feline.

Mammon takes Lucifer’s overcoat and covers his sleeping baby brother with it. Diavolo sees these events unfold and experiences a rollercoaster of emotions. First, he is touched by the brothers’ care for the youngest. Then, he is moved by how much the brothers care about each other. This tugs on his heartstrings and makes him realize just how lonely he feels. Ultimately, Diavolo concludes that he at least has Barbatos by his side.

The prince isn’t the only person who riding the rollercoaster of emotions. Simeon feels content to see the strong bond of the brothers, but somehow he feels left out. If only he had joined the war on Lucifer’s side, maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t be lonely.

Once the break is up, Barbatos shares the narrowed-down class ideas for RAD and thanks everyone for their input. Diavolo announces the next topic of discussion, management.

Hour six. Belphie is still asleep, but no one has the heart to wake him up – except Barbatos, but Diavolo stops him.

The younger brothers lose interest in the discussion until the prince says, “I would like the seven of you to join the student council and lead the school along with me.”

Lucifer doesn’t support the idea but carefully weighs the pros and cons in his mind. Asmo, Beel, and Levi look unsettled. Mammon inaudibly mumbles under his breath, while Satan chooses to remain silent.

Solomon notices their reactions and asks, “Are you sure that is a wise decision? Many demons in Devildom have yet to accept the brothers as their own.”

“I am aware of this, but…this is my decision, and they will have to respect it,” Diavolo attempts to sound confident, but his voice falters.

The remainder of the hour is used to discuss the roles of the student council members.

Hour seven. The entire hour is used to create rules and regulations for RAD and the code of conduct for the students, teachers, and council members.

Belphie wakes up halfway through and immediately regrets it.

Hour eight. It’s 2 pm. Everyone is starting to get hungry, and Solomon suggests cooking for them.

The color from Levi, Asmo, Belphie, Simeon, and Beel’s faces drain. Satan grits his teeth while Luke and Mammon vigorously shake their heads.

“What a wonderful idea!” Diavolo exclaims, and in return, Lucifer and Barbatos yell “NO” in unison. Before Solomon forces the prince to allow him to cook, the butler quickly calls a restaurant and places a take-out order.

The entire hour is dedicated to lunch. Every so often, Barbatos shoots a glare in Solomon’s direction.

Hour nine. For a while, Levi has wondered why Diavolo is not bringing up the most essential matter for a new school. He doesn’t want to speak up, so he asks Mammon to question the prince.

“Yo, Diavolo, Levi’s been wonderin’ why you ain’t bringin’ up the topic of uniforms?”

Levi hits his brother’s arm and pouts, “The whole point of asking you to bring up this question was…never mind.”

The prince laughs and says, “The uniforms have been decided and designed.”

Asmo squeals, “Are they cute? Oh, or are they sexy? Can we see them, please?”

The fifth brother continues to fan about the uniforms for a few minutes. Though Diavolo is amused by Asmo’s excitement, Barbatos says, “Asmo, your concerns regarding the designs are needless. A beautiful demon shall remain beautiful regardless of their attire.”

Asmo blushes and stops asking questions. He sits in silence for a while and internally fans over Barb’s comment.

More rules and regulations are added to the existing list.

Hour ten. Another uneventful hour filled with Barbatos, Lucifer, and Diavolo selecting the class teachers. The rest of the meeting attendees are dozing off, staring into space, on their phones, or scribbling in their notebooks.

Hour eleven. Diavolo brings up the topic he has avoided for a while – exchange students. Demons, angels, a Grim Reaper, and a human-but-not-human sorcerer studying under one room.

“What about humans? You can’t leave them out of this.”

The prince hesitantly looks at Solomon with a small smile, “You can represent them.”

“You say I am no longer a human, so how can I represent them? It is unfair to leave them out.”

Mammon sighs, “Yeah. You gotta be fair with everyone, y’know?”

“But…,” Diav glances at Lucifer for help.

“Their point is valid,” the Avatar of Pride says. “(Y/n) can represent humanity alongside Solomon.”

Asmo claps his hands and squeals, “Which means…(y/n) can stay in Devildom! Diavolo won’t get into trouble for allowing a human to stay either.”

“Kindly grant the young master time to consider this matter. Such crucial decisions cannot be taken in a hurry.”

Barbatos manages to halt the discussion, but Diavolo knows the brothers and Solomon will only stop once they make him agree to let you stay in Devildom.

Hour twelve. It’s 6 pm. Luke wants to cry; his mind and body are exhausted. Simeon requests Diavolo to allow Luke to return to the House of Lamentation. The prince readily agrees, but the young angel is afraid to walk back and stay alone in the house. Simeon accompanies Luke to the HoL, but not before apologizing to everyone for leaving the meeting halfway through.

Lucifer notices some of his brothers’ expressions and quickly warns them, “Don’t even think about it. If you choose to abandon your duties, I shall punish you the entire day tomorrow.”

The brothers sink back into their chairs, but Satan glares at Lucifer for being inconsiderate.

Hour thirteen. After hearing from you about the 24-hour job, Thirteen checks on everyone. She laughs at the state everyone is in, but she feels a bit bad on the inside. Then again, it was their choice to suffer for a few Grimms.

“Whatcha laughin’ at?”

“A greedy bunch who is desperate for money? And here I thought the Avatar of Greed was the only greedy one.”

“Hey. Whatcha pickin’ on me for?” Mammon grumbles.

“Diavolo,” Solomon glances at the prince, “Thirteen is an exchange student, correct? Why not ask her to join the meeting? She can bring fresh ideas to the table.”

“Why, you little-“

“That’s a great idea! Thirte-“

Before Diavolo can finish, the Grim Reaper shakes her head, “Gotta go! Sorry!”

She runs out of the hall like her life depended on it. The meeting goes on as usual with a new topic – grades and exam structure.

Hour fourteen. Mephistopheles returns to check on Diavolo, to thank him for his hard work, and to deliver a letter from the House of Lords. He can’t help but feel jealous of how lucky the brothers are. They get to work directly with Diavolo and help him make his RAD dream come true. What does he have to do to get the prince to notice him? What do the brothers have that he doesn’t?

After he leaves, Diavolo nervously opens the letter, but to his surprise, the lords just want to update him on their current affairs. With a smile, he asks Barbatos to bring in the assignment. The brothers see the butler walk in with a stack of papers.

“These are the applications for the students in Devildom who wish to attend RAD. Please review the applications and sign the first page.”

Hour fifteen. The brothers and prince breeze through the stack, but Barbatos walks in with two more stacks – that too with a teasing smile.

“He so did that on purpose,” Levi mumbles, only to find the butler staring at him with an emotionless smile. With an “eek,” the third brother hides his face behind his stack of applications.

Solomon uses his magic to sign off on papers, earning a glare from some of the brothers.

Hour sixteen. Break time! Solomon teasingly says as the brothers stretch their aching arms, “Ah, my hands are so sore.”

“Sore? You didn’t even touch the pen!” Asmo pouts while massaging the area between his thumb and index finger. The sorcerer chuckles in return.

“Excuse me, can we come in?” Simeon walks into the room with Luke following him. Beel’s head immediately turns in their direction as he sniffs the air.

“We…b-brought…f-food…,” Luke says while half-hiding behind the older anger.

Beel hurries towards them and sniffs their basket, earning a squeal from Luke. A warning from Lucifer is enough for the Avatar of Gluttony to back away.

“How thoughtful.” Diavolo laughs while Barbatos excuses himself to help the angels plate the food for everyone.

“Luke, would you happen to have baked these cakes?” He asks, to which the angel nods slowly. “You are quite talented.”

Though the boy fears the butler, he can’t hide his happiness and smiles. Simeon chuckles, “Your practice is paying off. Can you help me bring in the other items?”

Simeon returns to the room in a minute, carrying a bag of neatly rolled blankets while Luke is behind him, struggling to drag a large bag of pillows. Everyone chuckles at the young angel hauling a load twice his size.

“Here are some blankets and pillows,” Simeon starts but notices a look of disapproval on Barb’s face. “I am sorry if we shouldn’t have brought these, but staying awake 24 hours can harm your health. Please allow everyone a little rest. Let’s get going, Luke. It’s past your bedtime.”

At the end of the break, Diavolo asks Barbatos to bring in the assignment. The brothers fear he will bring in more stacks of paper, but the butler drags in a large sack of letters filled to the brim.

Hour seventeen. Asmo is excited to open what he assumes to be fan mail, but much to his and his brothers’ horror, the letters are filled with complaints. Complaints about them.

Mammon comes across a letter from a shopkeeper asking for permission to permanently ban the brothers from entering his shop. How is their situation still the same? They have the title of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld, so why can’t the demons stop seeing them as outcasts?

Satan finds a letter with the complaint the outcasts will ruin Devildom. Why were they grouping him with them? He was never an angel, to begin with, so why is he receiving the same treatment? The second, third, and fourth letters state the same thing. Noticing his agitation, Solomon swipes the letter from his hand and replaces it with a letter about a lost kitten.

Belphie reads a few letters from grocery store and restaurant owners complaining about how Beel ruins their businesses. How is he destroying their businesses? He pays for everything he eats. If anything, his twin’s appetite is increasing their profits. The Avatar of Sloth crumbles those letters and places them out of Beel’s reach.

Lucifer comes across a complaint asking Diavolo to step down for permitting angels to enter the realms. Cowards. These demons are using them as an excuse to get the prince to relinquish the throne. If they have an issue with Diavolo, why not bring it up with him? Stop using him and his brothers.

Hour eighteen. The torment continues.

“I can’t do this anymore,” Levi whispers.

Mammon glances at his younger brother and switches letters with him. Lucifer watches their interaction and exhales silently. Did Diavolo and Barbatos do this on purpose? They could have left these letters for another day and given them to him only. Slowly, Lucifer’s mind spirals towards the decision he made long back. This is all his fault. They would have been suffering if he hadn’t dragged his brothers with him.

“Lucifer…I know what you’re thinkin’,” Mammon muttered without looking at him. “Stop. Will ya? It’s not your fault.”

He chuckled, “Mammon…thank you.”

Hour nineteen. It’s 1 am. Asmo worries about his beautiful skin and can’t stop complaining. Levi does his best to block out Asmo’s voice but gets irritated. Belphie gets up and sits beside Satan near the table’s end, as far away from Lucifer as possible.

“Asmo, would you like to take a nap?” The prince asks out of concern.

“My lord,” Barbatos says in disapproval.

“It’s alright. They have worked hard. A nap won’t hurt.”

Asmo gets a pillow and pink blanket and hurries to the back of the room. Belphie takes the opportunity and joins his older brother. In a few minutes, the Avatar of Sloth is fast asleep on the top of the last table, while the Avatar of Lust is asleep with his head resting on his folded arms.

Hour twenty. Mammon nearly dozes off, but a weight against his shoulder wakes him up. Levi smiles in his sleep and murmurs, “I love you…Ruri-chan.”

Beel is fast asleep on a stack of opened letters on the other side of the table, dreaming about a mountain of food. Solomon notices a string of drool in the corner of his mouth and tries to pull the letters from under Beel’s head in vain. Soon enough, the letters are coated in saliva, and the Avatar of Gluttony even ends up eating some of the letters.

Satan does everything he can to stay awake – slapping his cheeks, drinking caffeine, pinching his skin – but drifts to sleep anyways.

Barbatos disapproves yet again, but considering their efforts in the meeting, he lets the brothers sleep. Solomon grabs a handful of letters and reads them while walking around the room to stop himself from sleeping.

Hour twenty-one. The butler notices the prince fighting to stay awake and excuses himself to prepare tea for his master. Diavolo stands up to stretch but stops when he sees Lucifer walking toward the bag of blankets.

The Avatar of Pride grabs a red, green, and orange blanket. He covers Beel with the red one and sighs at the paper sticking out of his brother’s mouth. “Beel, refrain from consuming inedible objects…”

He covers Levi with the orange one only to hear his brother say, “I love you.” A warm smile tugs on Luci’s lips, but Mammon grumbles, “Don’t get too happy…he’s sayin’ I love ya to Ruri-chan…not us.”

Lucifer exhales loudly, makes his way to Satan, and lays the green blanket over him. He closely examines his sleeping face and reaches a hand to his head but stops short. “I am aware you dislike me, but I harbor no ill will towards you.”

He gently strokes Satan’s hair and whispers, “I do hope you can forgive me… someday. I shall wait patiently until then.”

“He will. Don’t worry,” Diavolo says from behind. “Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?”

Barbatos arranges tea and snacks for almost everyone awake. As he approaches Mammon, he chuckles, “I was not expecting such dedication for you.”

“I ain’t fallin’ asleep without gettin’ my payment. ‘Sides, only three hours to go,” the Avatar of Greed says while forcing his eyelids to stay up.

“I see. Do keep up the good work,” the butler chuckles. Though the brothers are a handful, Barbatos enjoys being in their presence. There is never a dull moment when they are around.

“Barbatos, did you forget my tea and cake?” Solomon calls out as he sees the butler returning to his work.

“I do believe your hands and feet are in working condition. Prepare it yourself,” the coldness in his voice doesn’t faze the sorcerer; instead, he laughs.

Hour twenty-two. Barbatos’s tea helps them stay awake, and the remaining five get through all the letters in the sack. Just as Solomon is about to grab a blanket and pillow to nap, the butler appears behind him and drops a stack of papers on the desk beside the sorcerer. “We are not finished.”

Solomon sighs, “Of course not.”

Mammon also receives a stack of papers far smaller than the one given to the sorcerer. Barbatos returns to his place and continues his work.

Hour twenty-three. Diavolo finishes his work and asks Lucifer to join him outside the meeting hall for a walk.

“Thank you for your help,” he starts off. “The meeting was rather productive…”

“Diavolo, would you tell me what you wish to discuss?”

The prince tenses up but chuckles a moment later. “Of course. The…complain letters…I apologize for them. Had I known the content, I would not have handed them to you or your brothers.”

Lucifer stays silent, but Diavolo urges him to speak. “What is on your mind? Would you tell me?”

“I am aware our presence here has the residents of Devildom on edge. I am also aware our status as ex-angels will remain with us for as long as we live. My brother can be a handful – I know firsthand, but,” Lucifer speaks sternly, “that does not give the demons a right to use their name to target you.”

“Use them to target me?” The prince stops walking and faces him. “What do you mean?”

“As you are aware, many wish you would abdicate the throne. Some will go to any level to make this wish a reality. Considering their every attempt has failed thus far, your enemies have developed a new strategy to use my brothers against you.”

“Your brothers…against me? They will hold me liable for everything your brothers do?”

Lucifer nods, “Precisely. Your enemies would go as far as to hurt my brothers for their gain, even casting a curse to alter their personality.”

The red-headed man stays silent, carefully picking apart his words. “Lucifer. Do you mean to say the incident with Beel destroying my castle was a ploy?”

“I do. Initially, I assumed Beelzebub grew hungry and lost his temper due to the lack of food, but the majority of my brothers believe Beel is incapable of that, including Belphegor. The twins have a special connection; hence, I am inclined to believe Belphie’s words.” The Avatar of Pride pauses and meets the prince’s eyes before continuing, “I appreciate that you forgave Beel, but Diavolo, would you look into this matter?

“I will,” Diavolo smiles. “Your well-being, as well as your brothers, is in my hand. Rest assured, I shall not let anything happen to them.

“Thank you. Shall we return? Barbatos will lecture us for neglecting our responsibilities,” Lucifer chuckles while Diavolo laughs.

Hour twenty-four. Mammon, Solomon, Lucifer, and Diavolo count down each minute, while Barbatos urges them to continue working without paying mind to the clock.

As the clock ticks 6 am, the prince applauds them for staying awake and requests Barbatos to transfer the payment to their bank accounts. “Kindly also pay those who are asleep. Also, transfer half of the original payment to Simeon and Luke – their efforts cannot be left unpaid.”

After ensuring he received the payment, Mammon rests his head on top of Levi’s head and passes out from exhaustion. Solomon grabs a pillow and blanket and prepares to sleep.

“Are we all sleeping here?” Diavolo laughs. “Then we shall have a sleepover.”

Barbatos hands the prince a blanket and pillow, smiling, “I prepared beforehand in case you would say that.”

Lucifer doesn’t bother to get anything, plops into his seat beside Mammon, and closes his eyes. His heavy responsibilities and tendency to overwork have taught him to sleep anywhere, even in uncomfortable positions and places.

Barbatos scans the room with a smile before moving his eyes to Diavolo. “You are no longer lonely, my lord. My wish to see you genuinely happy has finally been fulfilled. Rest well, young master…and the rest of you.”

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