7 Kids & a 3-Headed Dog
Prompt: Can you please do the Obey Me cast reacting to walking past a high school while on Human World Business and overhearing a cranky professor exclaim, “When I was your age, I had to do TWO curriculums worth of homework WHILE taking care of seven children and a three-headed dog!”
Gender: gn!Reader
A/N: Platonic.

He was far from happy hearing your words. According to his memory, he was the one keeping you out of trouble and cleaning up after you and Mammon.
After you gave the student an earful, you sat down on your chair and massaged your aching temples. When you heard the door open, you assumed it was another student and callously said, “Office hours are over. Whatever you need can wait till tomorrow.”
“You took care of 7 kids and a three-headed dog?” He asked, putting emphasis on you. “Is that why I had to clean up the mess you created with Mammon?”
When you stared at him in shock, Lucifer chuckled, “And you used to say I was cranky. Seems like someone needs a break from work. How about we get coffee? You can explain to me how exactly you took care of me.”
Though he teased you about your works and change in personality, the soft look in his eyes was enough to tell you just how much he missed you. Lucifer was relieved to see you were alive and well…as well as a high school teacher can be anyways.

Mammon entered your classroom and shook his head, “Since when have ya turned into Lucifer part 2? Someone is cranky.”
You were happy to see your dear friend, but his words irked you. “Am not!”
“Uh-huh, keep tellin’ yourself that. Hey, since you’ve got a job now, you wanna treat me to lunch?”
“Seriously, Mammon?” You chuckled, half expecting him to say something like that.
“Then how about I takin’ me shopping? I could use some new clothes.” He pleaded with puppy eyes.
“Your clothes look fine.”
“Then can I borrow your credit card?” He asked in the sweetest voice possible.
You stared at him and displayed your best expressionless face. “How about I tell Lucifer about you asking for my credit card? And while I’m at it, why don’t I tell him all your secrets and pranks you pulled back then?”
He raised his hands in defense and took a step back, “W-Wha? I take it back..you ain’t Lucifer part 2…you’re scarier than Lucifer.”

Beel grinned widely, happy to see you after so many years. He couldn’t have agreed with your words more; you took care of him and his brothers, and he’ll be forever thankful for the love you showed to his family.
Half an hour later, Beel walked into the classroom with bags of food and greeted you. He didn’t wait for your reaction and set all the paper/plastic bags on your desk. “I wasn’t sure what you liked to eat, so I got everything!”
Though you were stunned to see the Avatar of Gluttony, you were thankful for the food he brought, considering that you hadn’t eaten all day.
“Are you students bothering you? I hear you yelling at them…”
You explain to him that some students can be hard to handle, which didn’t sit well with him. “Then can I eat them whole?”
“NO, Beel! You can’t eat my students. In fact, you can’t see any human as food!”
It took a lot of convincing to get him to cast aside the idea of devouring your troublesome students. The thought of having to face their furious parents sent chills down your spine.

Kids? Asmo chuckled to himself at the thought of all of them looking like children. Well, you weren’t half wrong about that – you did resolve their family issues most of the time.
He skipped into your empty classroom and greeted you excitedly. “Oh dear, you’ll get wrinkles if you stress this much.”
Asmo took a closer look at your face and gasped, not waiting for you to stay hi to him. “You have wrinkles! Oh no, sweetie, have you not been taking care of your skin? How could you do that to your beautiful skin?”
“Asmo, I-”
“I don’t want to hear any excuses, you are going to use your vacation days and come with me to a spa retreat! These students are too much on your skin, and you need a break.”
The Avatar of Lust didn’t take no for an answer, and even before you could register anything, you were already on a plane to your vacation destination.

Kids? Them? Belphie didn’t like hearing you call them kids, considering they were 1000s of years old. At the same time, he couldn’t deny that they caused you a lot of trouble.
He haphazardly strolled into your classroom and chuckled, “Looks like someone could use a nap.”
Initially, he was joking, but after seeing your condition, Belphie realized that you truly needed to rest.
“I hate to compare you to him, but you remind me of Lucifer. Overworked, stressed, and cranky. Now, rest your head on your desk and take a nap.”
When you protested and told him you don’t have the luxury to rest, Belphie quickly casted a sleep spell on you. Within a few minutes, you were out cold. He sat next to your desk to make sure no one disturbed you, and if anyone tried, his glare was enough to send the person running.

Satan furrowed his brows and frowned. Kids? Is that what you thought of him?
He quietly walked into the classroom and rested his hands on his hips. “As I recall, I helped you with your TWO sets of homework. Sometimes you would run away with Mammon and leave the work to me. Should I tell your students that?”
“Satan? What are you doing here?” You weren’t expecting to see a resident of Devildom in the human realm. “Wait, what? No! Don’t tell them that.”
A sly smile appeared on his lips, making you sigh heavily. “Alright, what’s it going to take to get you to stay quiet about you doing my homework for me?”
“A vacation with me,” he chuckled. “Looks like you could seriously use one.”

When you turned to look out the window, you saw Levi standing outside frozen in place. As soon as you went to say hi to him, he backed away in fear and booked it.
“Levi, why are you running away?” You yelled out of the window and sighed when he was out of sight.
After school was over, you tried to search for him everywhere, and eventually found him in a deserted playground.
“Levi, there you are. Why did you run away?” You looked at him for a moment and frowned, “Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?”
“Y-You a-are scar-scarier than L-Lucifer and S-Satan combined…” He said, barely managing to get his words out as he clung onto the railings of the monkey bar.
You tried your best to explain how painful dealing with students can be, but even then, Levi was afraid of you. It’s going to take a lot of convince him that you aren’t scary.

Upon hearing your words, Barbatos had a “welcome to my world” look on his face. First the brothers, now students? Talk about a stressed life.
The butler entered your classroom and politely greeted you, but before you could question him about being in the human realm, he asked, “You have your hands quite full. Would you like to return to Devildom with me? Seems like you could use a break.”
Even though he only had to take care of Diavolo, Barbatos could still understand your mental state. The last thing he wanted was for you to reach your breaking point – human minds are too fragile for their own good.
Besides, Barbatos had a feeling that Diavolo might ask you to stay in RAD after he learns that you’re a teacher. What better than for you to return to Devildom and stay with them once again?

Simeon chuckled, and though he wouldn’t go as far as to call all the brothers kids, he knew some of them were hard to deal with or too demanding. Even Michael had his hands full when they were in the Celestial Realm.
Thinking about his time in Devildom, Simeon felt a bit sad. Sometimes he wished he could return to those days – the days where he had fun with the brothers, Solomon, Luke, and you.
The angel quietly entered the classroom and handed you a bag of chocolates, “Hello, (y/n). I know this is sudden but would you like to visit Devildom with me?”
You were surprised by his presence and offer, but the idea seemed appealing.
“I’m certain the children- I mean brothers would be happy to see you,” he laughed softly. “Also, taking you back to Devildom will give me an excuse to spend more time with you and take care of you.”

Solomon had a good laugh when he heard you refer to the brothers are children. He knew they were a handful but hadn’t realized to what extent until now.
“Why would you want to teach high school children? Even their parents have a hard time dealing with them, so why put yourself through this torture?” He asked, curiously.
“Oh, Solomon…hi. I love teaching so…”
“Even so. You look like you could use a long break. Hm, I’m working on a new potion for stress relief, would you like to try it?”
You nearly said yes but knew better than to be his test subject. Who knows what kind of effect it would have? What if you grow a tail or an extra pair of arms?
Solomon easily read your mind and teased, “Don’t worry the side effects are trivial…dizziness, sleepiness, and you may or may not grow a tail or cat ear.”
As you laughed at his words, Solomon watched with a content smile. “That expression suits you much better than the cranky one.”

Diavolo laughed wholeheartedly in the middle of the street, scaring the people around him. If Lucifer had been with him, he wouldn’t have been happy to hear you call him a child.
Hearing his laughter, you recognized him right away and went to greet him. “Diav, what are you doing here? Wait, is it okay for the devil to be here in the broad daylight?”
Your question made him laugh even more, “I enjoy visiting the human world. Say…(y/n), are you a teacher?”
When you gave him a rundown of your job, Diavolo seemed pleased. “Would you like to teach at RAD? I can assure you that you will be less stressed there, and I’ll see to it that you get paid handsomely.”
You were shocked by his offer and asked for some time to think about it. Though he granted you the time, Diavolo hoped you would take him up on his offer. He was sure the brothers would be happy to have your back.

Luke was startled by your crankiness to the point where he seemed a bit fearful. It took a lot of courage for him to walk into your school.
Unfortunately for him, all the high schoolers found him to be beyond adorable and wouldn’t let him reach your classroom. That is until you came to his rescue and took him back to your class.
“Luke, what are you doing here?”
He didn’t answer your question and thoughtfully stared at you. After a moment, he walked up to you and gave you a big hug. “Did that make you feel better?”
When he saw your confused expression, the young angel smiled cutely, “Simeon said that hugs can make people feel better. Did my hug make you feel better?”