Side Character Ideas - Friend Edition
Best Friend Ideas:
- The Childhood Friend – knows everything about the protagonist, even their deepest, darkest secrets
- The Sword & Shield – protective and refuses to let anything happen to protag
- The Hopelessly in Love – has always been in love but can never confess and continues to secretly support and admire protag
- The Parent – acts like a mother or father figure and gives lectures but means well
- The Healer – knows how to calm protag and offer them the perfect support to rise back from their fall (literal and emotional)
- The Comedian – can cheer protag up no matter what or will die trying
- The Delinquent – similar to the sword and shield but will physically attack or chew out anyone who tries to hurt protag
- The Misunderstood – only protag understands them, and that’s how they like it
- The Partner in Crime – ready to do anything with protag, even if it results in doom
- The Introvert – only spends time with protag and refuses to leave their room until protag drags them out
- The Hero – always gets protag out of trouble and somehow appears at the perfect time
- The Mentor – guides protag in the right direction
- The New Girl/Guy – there’s something mysterious about them, but no one can put a finger on it
- The Bookworm – no matter where they go, their first instinct is to find a corner and open a book
- The Unpredictable One – are they a friend or enemy? What will their next move be? Not even they know.
- The Zen One – they’re always calm no matter what. Protag swears they’re a reincarnation of Buddha.
- The Trouble Starter – the friend who loves drama so much that they might light a fire or two and grab popcorn to watch the drama unfold
- The Needy One – always needs someone to talk to and cry about one thing or another
- The Prince/Princess – they might not be royalty, but they sure act like one
- The Secret Keeper – the friend who knows so many secrets that they could destroy anyone at any given moment
- The Goody Two Shoes – no, protag, we’re not doing anything that will get us into trouble! I will tell on you if you do
- The Other Ex – used to date the same person as protag in the past but now is protag’s ally. What better way to bond than talking about a mutual ex?
- The Lazy One – they never want to do anything and expect everyone else to do things for them
- The Genius – always knows everything about everything. They can get protag out of any situation but are not always available.Â
- The Sweetest Angel – they’re too good for the cruel world and can sometimes be a doormat