Just a Normal Friday

Prompt: What is a normal Friday in Starless? I’m glad you asked.

A/N: Some of these are taken from the prompts I wrote for Starless Nov Writing Practice.

  • It’s the end of the weekdays, and Unei has signed hundreds of papers, including thank you cards, in response to the fan mail. Most cast members are busy, so Unei writes the thank you cards. That explains why Mizuki’s writing sounded so mature and composed in the card you received, right? Now, Unei has one of the worst hand cramps in history.
  • What in the world just happened? Even Sin’s head is spinning. Gui just interpreted Sin’s words correctly but can’t understand why everyone is so surprised.

Everyone was confused when Aogiri asked a random question:

Aogiri: “Why can’t leopards play hide and seek?”
Akira: “Why would leopards want to play hide and seek?”
Sotetsu: “Where did this come from?”
Hari: “Um…leopards are fairly large. They can reach up to 80 cm in height.”
Yakou: “Yes, they can weigh up to 90 kg.”
Kokuyou: “No one asked you two.”
Qu: “I don’t think Aogiri’s asking for facts.”
Ran: “Why, Aogiri?”
Aogiri: “Because they are always spotted. Get it?”
Taiga: “Was that a dad joke?”
Aogiri: “I’ve another one. What kind of music do elves refer to?”
Kokuyou: “Who cares.”
Aogiri: “Wrap music.”

Laughs/chuckles at Aogiri’s jokes: Sotetsu, Takami, Akira, Nekome, Kasumi, Zakuro, Mizuki, Ran

Just wants him to shut up: Kokuyou, Menou, Maica, Rico

Thinks he’s possessed or sick: Gui, Sinju, Hari, Heath, Hinata

Puts on headphones to not hear him: Kei, Taiga, Mokuren

Finds his behavior unsettling: Ginsei, Yoshino, Yoshino, Sin, Rindou, Qu, Kongou, Unei

Nekome sneaks into the locker room and leaves five gift boxes on one of the benches. The names on each box read Yoshino, Maica, Zakuro, Rico, and Takami. Inside the boxes are cursed dolls resembling Annabelle, Mandy, Harold, Okiku, and Chucky. But the dolls are actually haunted.

Yoshino doesn’t understand why someone would gift him a rag doll until Ginsei comes in and freaks out because he knows about Annabelle. Yoshino’s body can’t stop trembling for the rest of the day. He’s not cursed, right? Mizuki is making fun of him for thinking curses exist, but why does he feel like he’s being watched? Even Mizuki looks paranoid and constantly keeps looking behind his back. What is going on?

Maica opens the box and immediately shuts it, not bothering to look at the doll. Why would anyone gift him—a man—a doll? He heard a rumor that Nekome likes dolls and decided to give the box to him.

Zakuro sees a doll that looks like a baby girl and shivers. Why did the room suddenly get chilly? Why does the doll look so innocent yet scares the living life out of him? Wait, who gave him the doll? Zakuro nervously laughs and shuts the box before taking it to the back alley and tossing it in the dumpster. That would be a big NOPE from him.

Takami raises an eyebrow when he sees a doll that resembles a baby boy, but why are his eyes hollowed out? He thinks it’s a prank and tosses the doll in the trash, but when he goes to the rehearsal room, the doll is sitting there. A chill runs down his spine, but he’s a grown man, and there’s no such thing as ghosts. Takami runs into Kasumi in the hallway, and Kasumi casually remarks about the doll resembling Harold, the cursed doll. It only makes Takami powerwalk to the dumpster in the alley to throw the doll away. But when the two men walk to Unei’s office, they find the doll sitting on the desk, staring at them with a smile. Both men pretend they don’t see anything and quietly walk out of there. Ghosts don’t exist. They’re just tired…yeah, that’s it, or they’re dreaming.

Rico frowns at the doll with the torn-up face and tosses it at Hinata, thinking he will like the creepy toy. But Hinata’s face drains when he sees the Chucky doll. He throws the doll back to Rico and runs out of there, leaving the redhead speechless. The more he looks at Chucky’s face, the harder it is for him to breathe. Rico walks out of the room and nearly trips over a sleeping Menou. Ding. Ding. A lightbulb goes off in his head, and Rico puts the doll in Menou’s hands with a smirk before walking away. That’s what he gets for sleeping in random places.

  • Heath finds a small plant growing from a crack in the concrete in the back alley. He smiles and talks to the plant like a person. Mokuren watches him with a raised eyebrow. What is going on with Team B? C’s leader first sees Mizuki turning his head every few seconds in the Starless hallways as if someone is following him. They saw Ran chasing Sinju around with an odd-looking doll. Sinju looked like he was on the verge of tears. Then, they saw Hinata run out of the locker room, trip over Menou, and get up and run away like a serial killer was chasing after him. Finally, they saw Rico placing a disturbing doll in Menou’s hand and walking away. Is Kongou the only normal member of Team B? Also, what is with the dolls?
  • Kei walks into Unei’s office and sees Sinju bawling his eyes out while Rindou tries to calm him down. On the opposite side of the room, he sees Kongou lecturing Ran, who looks like a wet, lost puppy. Sighing, Kei closes the door and walks out of the room, down the hallway, into the reception area, and straight out of Starless. He doesn’t care anymore.
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