Here For You
Prompt: Can I request how the bsts boys would comfort their s/o who’s lost a family member?
Gender: gn!Reader
- Kei hugs you close and rubs soothing circles on your back, asking you to let all your emotions out.
- He asks you to call him asap if you feel sad or need someone to talk to; Kei is willing to drop everything and come running to you whenever you need him.
- If you don’t leave your house for a few days, Kei will first ask you to go out with him, but if you refuse, then he will carry you out of your home. Your lover is worried that you are cooping yourself up, which may affect your mental state even more.
- Kei stays at your home whenever he can and has arranged for his maids and butler to stay with you so that you can focus on yourself rather than worry about housework.
- Sometimes, when you wake up, you can feel his arms tightly wrapped around you. Kei doesn’t want you to have nightmares and hopes that his presence can keep the bad dreams at bay.
- Sotetsu is prepared for the worst when he hears what happened. He knows you will be overwhelmed, and your emotions will not be under control, but what he’s worried about the most is your well-being.
- He offers you supportive words and hugs, lends you an ear, and makes sure you’re taking care of yourself. He even makes arrangements for you to take days out of college or work.
- If he notices that you have lost weight, aren’t sleeping properly, or always look exhausted, he will move in with you whether you want him to or not.
- Even after moving in, Sotetsu will give you all the space you want. He will do whatever makes you comfortable, but he won’t stop teasing you lightly and reminding you that he loves you and is there for you.
- Ginsei is concerned about you and wants to offer words of comfort, but at the same time, he is worried that he may say something to hurt you even more. So, he offers his condolences and draws you in his arms, reminding you that he is there for you.
- As a way of diverting your mind, he asks you to join him whenever he makes accessories or practices for performances. If your boyfriend is busy and can’t come to see you, his sisters visit you instead.
- Each night Ginsei video calls you and keeps the call running all night; he wants to make sure you’re sleeping and wants to be able to comfort you if you have a nightmare.
- Gui isn’t sure what to do but somewhat understands the pain of losing someone close to you.
- He wishes he could take away your pain and tears but knows it will be difficult.
- Since he isn’t sure what to say or do, Gui stays by your side and waits for you to tell him what to do/how he can help you.
- He tries his best to cheer you up, takes you to the park to show you his parkour skills, bringing your favorite foods, giving you random gifts, giving you a flower, calling you at random times just to say he is thinking about you.
- Yoshino is devastated to learn about your loss and says if you need to cry or talk, call him right away.
- He sends you a message every morning, calls to check on you in the afternoon, and tries to talk to you when he can to take your mind off your pain.
- When Yoshino is with you, and you start crying or seem upset, he will sing soothing songs for you while holding onto your hands.
- He brings over his board games and sometimes spends the entire day playing games with you.
- When Yakou learns what happened, he immediately hugs you and asks what he can do to help.
- He tries his best to make time for you every day, no matter how busy his day is. Yakou doesn’t want you to suffer alone and reminds you constantly that he is there for you.
- Each day, he brings you a thoughtful gift in the hope that you will smile.
- Yakou brings you to baseball games with him and his friends, if you like sports. If not, then he invites you to hang out with him and his friends. If you want to stay home, then he brings all his games over and spends most of the day playing games with you.
- Kokuyou isn’t good with words and doesn’t want to say something that may upset you, so he hugs you close and lets you cry or talk out your feelings.
- He calls you daily to check on you in the morning and at night if he’s not staying with you.
- If Kokuyou learns that you locked yourself in your home/room, he shows up and drags you out for a long ride on his motorcycle, even if you protest. It’s his way of saying he’s worried about you.
- If you have any pets, Kokuyou takes all the responsibility for watching over your animal companions.
- Sometimes, he sleeps over at your place just to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. He even prepares breakfast for you in the morning.
- Akira asks if he can stay with you. If you say no, he reminds you that you are dating him, so he will not take no for an answer. He tells you that he is worried about you and doesn’t want you to stay alone.
- He gives you the space you need, but at the same time, Akira makes sure to distract you by hugging you, kissing your cheek, or taking you out on dates.
- He tries his best to make you smile by saying silly things, telling jokes, and sharing funny stories from Starless.
- Whenever Akira feels that you’re not doing well, he sings all your favorite songs in hopes that his voice can help you destress.
- Sin asks you to move into his home for the time being or let him stay with you. He doesn’t want you to stay alone and start feeling lonely.
- He refrains from speaking Singo around you as he doesn’t want you to feel more frustrated trying to decipher his words.
- If he sees you trying to push yourself to act okay or pretends that you’re okay, he’ll remind you that it’s alright not to be okay. Sin tells you to take your time and not force yourself.
- If you are up for it, he asks you to share memories of your family member and patiently listen to everything you say.
- Whenever he has time off from work, Sin asks you to lie down and rest your head on his lap as he reads a book to you.
- Takami is very concerned and will keep a close eye on your words and mental state. If he sees any red flags, then he will ask you permission to stay at your place for the time being.
- If you are still neglecting yourself, he will take care of you and help out with your daily routine.
- Takami pushes you to go out more and do activities that you like. He tells you to take your time to heal but reminds you that your health is important.
- If you like birds, he brings his beloved lovebird with him. It doesn’t take his bird long to become friendly with you. When you wake up from your nap, you sometimes find the lovebird perched near you, watching over you.
- Taiga doesn’t know what to say to make you feel better but asks you to take care of yourself and says to call him whenever you need him.
- If you start crying around him, he freezes at first but then pulls you into his arms in a panic. Taiga doesn’t let go until you stop crying and completely calm down.
- He visits you every day and spends all his off days with you, mostly playing video games or teaching you how to code.
- Taiga distracts you with video games, and if it makes you happy, he reloads funds in all of your gatcha games. He will even program games for you with your favorite character if it gets you to smile.
- Rindou lends you an ear and listens to everything you say without any sort of judgment, all while holding your hand.
- He reminds you that he is there for you and is only a phone call away. If needed, he will work with the cast members to rearrange his work schedule so he can spend more time with you.
- If you like sweets, then Rindou will be sure to bring something sweet of you every day. If not, then he will bring all your favorite food in hopes of helping you feel a little better.
- He always carries a pack of tissues with him in case you start crying, and if you do, then he pulls you to a quiet place and hugs you tightly for as long as you need.
- Menou is aware that his words can be sharp, so he shows his support through actions, be it hugs, taking naps with you, or watching over you while you sleep.
- He invites you to the hot springs with him every day to help you relax your body and mind. If you don’t feel like going out, he draws a bubble bath for you and even offers to give you a massage.
- Being an actor, he is good at figuring out when you’re pretending to be okay versus when you really are okay. If Menou sees that you’re not okay, he will refuse to leave your side. He’ll even drag you to Starless with him if needed.
- Maica doesn’t like seeing you upset, so he gets worried when you tell him about your family member. He remains quiet, hugs you close to his chest, and strokes your hair.
- He hires a maid for you so that you don’t have to worry about cleaning or cooking. Maica even asks the lady to keep an eye on you and tell him asap if she notices anything worrisome.
- Your boyfriend visits you every day and takes you out to calm, quiet places when you’re up for going out. If you don’t have the energy to leave your home, then he spends time with you indoors, watching movies, singing for you/teaching you how to sing, and doing any activity that you like.
- Sinju doesn’t say anything when you give the heartbreaking news to him; instead, he pulls you in his arms and gently holds onto you. He can’t stop himself from getting a little teary.
- On workdays, he makes it a habit to visit you before going to work and brings you home-cooked meals especially made for you by his family. His family also sends messages and gifts for you.
- During his days off, he brings you to animal shelters, amusement parks, and any place that he knows you like.
- If you are comfortable, Sinju invites you to visit his family. Maybe being in a family atmosphere may help you feel better.
- Mokuren asks if you want them to stay with you or if you want to stay with them. No matter your answer, they respect your decision.
- Moku takes/drags you out with them every day to eat at different places. They don’t want you to be alone and think some fresh air might help you. Also, Mokuren strongly believes that good food can help anyone feel a little better.
- They also bring you to the park with them to feed the birds and invite you to Starless to watch their team rehearse.
- Like some other guys, Qu prefers moving in with you temporarily to keep an eye on you.
- Whether you say yes or no, Qu is going to have a lot of sleepovers. He will talk to you, have a movie night, hair/makeup night, games, and anything else you want to do.
- He likes to take you out for evening walks to enjoy the pleasant weather and lively atmosphere. Your evening walks usually end at a dessert store.
- Qu tries to make sure you don’t stay alone or coop yourself up in your home. He takes you out shopping and even gets permission from Moku/Kei to let you come to Starless daily. He knows Starless has enough drama to keep your mind distracted.
- Zakuro does his best not to Ara Ara or Oya Oya and stays quiet while holding you in his embrace.
- He continues teasing you, but the teasing is much lighter, just enough to make you smile but not get you riled up or annoy you in any way – no sarcasm.
- If he sees that you’re sad, he hugs you from behind, rests his chin on your shoulder or head, and sings to you.
- He invites you out almost daily, not wanting you to stay home and think about your pain over and over again. If you’re up for going out, then he’ll take you to dinner or a place you like. If you seem exhausted or not in the mood, then he will keep the outing short, walk in the park, going out to get ice cream in a nearby shop, or grab a quick drink.
- He respectfully gives his condolence and says he isn’t sure what to say but promises to be there for you whenever you need him, even if you don’t need him.
- Hari wishes he had the freedom of staying with you and apologizes for not being able to stay by your side more. Like some of the others on the list, he hires help to assist you with chores and daily routine.
- Whenever he has off days, he plans short trips and takes you with him. If you refuse, he doesn’t stop trying to convince you until you say yes.
- Sometimes, you randomly get video calls from Team C when they rehearse. They keep the phone on so you can watch them. Hari says all of Team C wants to help you, and this is their way of showing they care.
- Since he loves going out on long rides on his motorcycle, he invites you along and purposely takes the long, scenic route.
- Kasumi hugs you and says if you’re in pain, then to rely on him. He says he is there for you and always will be.
- He does your grocery shopping and makes sure to spend time with you every single day. Sometimes, Kasumi surprises you with home-cooked meals.
- Every now and then, he shows up with donuts and jokingly says sugar is the best medicine, well, second best, with him being the first.
- Kasumi occasionally stays at your place, and when he does, your boyfriend makes sure to hold you close and not let go, so expect a lot of cuddling.
- Mizuki is upset when he hears what happened. He isn’t good with words, so he hugs you close and continues holding you close to him, even if you ask him to let go.
- Whenever he can, he will tail you around, and when you ask why he’s following you, he will say he wants to make sure you’re okay. Most of the days, he ends up staying at your home.
- If he sees that you’re too exhausted to cook, he will try his best to cook for you without burning your kitchen down. Mizuki will even call Kongou and ask him for help.
- Sometimes, when you wake up in the middle of the night, you see Mizuki sleeping next to you, holding onto your hand firmly as if saying to you that he’s there for you.
- Kongou is very worried when he hears about your loss. He wants to ask if he can stay with you but hesitates and ends up telling you to please trust him enough to tell him if you’re not well or feel lonely.
- He somehow ends up moving into your home temporarily and cooks for you daily. He asks you to take it easy for the time being and even clean your place.
- Kongou keeps you physically close to him whenever the two of you are alone, hoping his touch may help you a little. He is ready to take you into his arms and comfort you when needed.
- Your lover doesn’t sleep at night until after you fall asleep. He wants to make sure you rest properly, and only then can he rest.
- He wants to ask what happened but decides to avoid asking. Ran reminds you that he’s your boyfriend, so you can lean on him when you need to. He adds that he will be upset if you cry by yourself.
- Ran takes you to all the places you like as a means to help you smile. If you want to stay home instead, he will spend the day sitting next to you and randomly hugging you every few minutes.
- If you’re a dog person, he will bring Sabu with him so that his buddy can help you smile. Ran will even go as far as to dress up in silly outfits to get you to smile.
- Heath is concerned and makes you promise not to bottle up your emotions. He knows it’s cliche, but the rapper promises that he will be there for you when you need him.
- He checks in on you every few hours and rearranges his work schedule so that he can make time for you.
- When he’s with you, he asks you to help him write his songs, teaches you how to garden, tells you about different plants/flowers, or just enjoys a nap snuggled up to you.
- Heath occasionally takes you to his favorite shrine and hopes that the peaceful environment can help you relax.
- Rico doesn’t say anything, knowing that his tongue can get bitter, and he might say something to upset you even more; instead, he hugs you close to him and tells you he’s there for you and loves you.
- He brings you with him whenever he can, especially to Starless. Rico knows that his teammates will also comfort you, and their shenanigans will keep your mind distracted.
- Your boyfriend also invites you out shopping with him, be it shopping for Team B’s costumes or store-hopping to find something you like.
- He occasionally flirts with you to distract your mind from sad thoughts but doesn’t say anything too seductive – his words are more on the sweeter side.
- When he learns what happened, Unei panics a bit and is worried about you. He nervously hugs you and tells you not to take on everything by yourself.
- He isn’t sure what to do and ends up browsing the web for some ideas on how to support you and cheer you up. Eventually, Unei concludes that the best thing for him to do is stay by your side.
- He cooks for you every day and leaves supportive messages on his blog for you, hoping that you will see them.
- Unei always sends you a “Good morning. Take care of yourself” and a “Good night. Rest well” message daily.