Sharing is Caring

Prompt: Can I request HC with BSTS boys and Unei being in a relationship with a fem. They don’t live together, but they observe that she starts buying clothes in their sizes. So, they ask her about it and she’s like “Now you can steal my clothes as I do with yours, and they will actually fit you”.

Gender: fem!Reader

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  • “Princess, you look adorable, but is there a reason why you are wearing such oversized clothes?” Kei said as he watched you struggling to keep your shirt close to your body.
  • “I got the clothes in your size so I can share my clothes with you…,” you responded with a smile.
  • Kei was stunned by your reply. “But you look uncomfortable, my love.” 
  • “Kei, you always look out for me, no matter how inconvenient it may be for you. Let me do the same for you.” 
  • He smiled softly and pecked your lips, “Thank you for thinking about me.” 


  • “Is there a reason why you are wearing clothes that seem to be my size?” He chuckled. 
  • “Huh? You can tell it’s your size?” You questioned in shock.
  • “I’ve seen you wearing enough of my clothes to judge by one look,” he responded and laughed at your reaction. 
  • “Well, aren’t you smart,” you teased, “feel free to borrow my clothes when you need them. I got them in your size for a good reason.” 
  • “Is that so?” he asked, watching the t-shirt slide off your shoulder. He leaned down and kissed your shoulder, earning a gasp from you. “Well, you made my life easier.” 
  • “How?” You asked, blinking.
  • Sotetsu smirked devilishly, “I wonder…” 


  • Ginsei blushed every time he saw you wearing clothes too large for you as he found it overly cute. 
  • “Um…can I ask why you suddenly started to wear clothes that are…n-not your size?” He stuttered, not knowing whether it was appropriate to ask or not.
  • “I decided to wear clothes in your size, so if you borrow them, I will be happy.” 
  • Ginsei’s cheeks turned red as he looked away, “T-Thanks, I will borrow them.” 


  • You noticed Gui staring at you intensely and asked, “Do you find my clothes odd?”
  •  He nodded and tilted his head, “They’re different from the ones you usually wear.”
  • You sat down next to him and giggled, “These clothes are in your size so feel free to borrow them” 
  • Though Gui didn’t understand why you would do that, it made him happy, “Okay…”


  • “Um…I have been meaning to ask you something,” Yoshino nervously muttered, “your clothes…um…t-they…”
  • “Don’t look like my usual style?” You finished his sentence and giggled. 
  • “Y-Yeah,” he said, looking at you surprised.  
  • “They’re your style and size, so don’t hesitate to borrow them, okay?” 
  • “My…size and style…?” Yoshino shyly averted his eyes and nodded, “That…makes me happy.”


  • “You…look cute,” Yakou mumbled under his breath, hoping you would hear his words.
  • “Oh, t-thanks. Aren’t you going to ask why I’m wearing clothes that are not my size?” 
  • A look of confusion flashed in his eyes, but he asked, “Why are you?” 
  • “They’re your size, so you can borrow and actually fit into them,” you playfully giggled. 
  • Yakou’s eyes widened momentarily but a smile danced on his lips soon after. “That’s…really sweet of you.” 

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  • Kokuyou watched you struggle with the sleeves of the top you were wearing. They were too long for you as was the shirt itself. “Why the hell would you wear something that doesn’t fit you?”
  • “So, you finally noticed,” you giggled, “you know how I always borrow your clothes?” 
  • “Yeah, what about it?” He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.
  • “I started buying clothes in your size, so now you can wear my clothes.” 
  • Kokuyou raised one eyebrow and stayed quiet, not knowing how to react to that. On one side, he found it cute, but at the same time, he liked seeing you in fitted clothes.
  • “I guess I don’t have to worry about bringing my clothes when I sleepover at your home,” he chuckled. 


  • Akira found you cute in oversized clothes, but he was confused why you suddenly choose to wear clothes there were clearly too big for you. 
  • “Um, cutie, why are you wearing clothes that are not your size?” He asked but raised his hands in front of him, “Not that I’m complaining”
  • “Since I always borrow your clothes, I thought I would get clothes in your size, so you can borrow mine,” you giggled. 
  • Akira suddenly found you to be a million times cuter. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and peppered your face with kisses. “You are too cute for your own good.” 


  • Sin quietly watched you fixing the t-shirt sliding off your shoulders over and over again. You felt his gaze on your and glanced at him. 
  • “Are you wondering why I’m wearing sometimes that is too big for me?” You asked only to see him smile. 
  • “From now on, I’m going to wear clothes that are your size. That way I can borrow your clothes and you can borrow mine!” You grinned widely, earning a chuckle from your boyfriend. 
  • He walked up to you and planted a kiss on your forehead. “Cute.” 


  • “Hey, is there a reason you’ve been wearing clothes that…um…are too big for you?” Taiga asked but stepped back and looked at you with wide eyes, “I hope it’s okay to ask you that.” 
  • You laughed, “It’s okay, Taiga. I was hoping you would ask.” 
  • “You did? Why?” The gamer asked baffled.
  • “These clothes are your size…you know if you ever want to borrow my clothes,” you blushed and fidgeted with the sleeve of your t-shirt. 
  • “I-I can?” He asked in a voice louder than he meant to, “um…I t-think I w-will. Thanks.” 


  • “Takami, why are you staring at me?” 
  • He stepped back and scanned you head to toe, “Something doesn’t feel right.”
  • You frowned at his teasing tone, “You can never say anything straight, can you? Just say ‘your clothes look too big for you’.” 
  • Very well, your clothes are too big for you,” he mimicked your words and tone. 
  • “I’m wearing your clothes in your size, so you can borrow my clothes.” 
  • “Then will you be okay with me borrowing your pink, lace tops?” He teased.

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  • “You…what?” Rindou asked making sure he heard you correctly. 
  • “I got clothes in your size so that you can borrow them when you need to,” you repeated, suppressing your urge to laugh at his shocked expression.
  • “I see, thank you for thinking about me,” he smiled and touched your cheek, “but if you feel uncomfortable, then please return to wearing your usual clothes. I would rather not have you face any difficulties.” 


  • Sinju blinked rapidly and tilted his head, “I can borrow your clothes? But they won’t fit me.” 
  • “Sinju, you can’t walk around with the stain on your shirt, and these clothes are in your size!” You excitedly said, showing him your brightest smile.
  • “T-They are?” 
  • “Yeah, I wear clothes in your size, so you can borrow them when you need to,” you nodded.
  • Sinju’s cheeks glowed red as he flashed a radiant smile, “You’re the best!” 


  • “Maica, you have been staring at me all day long,” you pouted and folded your arms close to your chest, “can you at least tell me why?” 
  • “Your clothes…,” he whispered but choose not to finish his sentence.
  • “They’re your size and style. You know, in case if you need to borrow them,” you mumbled and bit the corner of your bottom lip, hoping he doesn’t find it odd. 
  • Maica smiled playfully, “Have I told you how cute you are?” 


  • Menou sleepily watched you helping Unei, and when you passed the sofa, he grabbed your hand. 
  • “Your clothes…why do they look like mine?” 
  • “Oh, since I steal your clothes, I thought it would only be fair that you can steal mine…and actually fit in them,” you giggled, giving his hand a firm squeeze.
  • “Then do you have a pair of pajamas with you? I could really use something comfy to nap in.“ 

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  • Mokuren didn’t notice the size change until a thread from your sleeve got caught in his ring. 
  • While C’s leader helped you remove it, they took note of how long your sleeves were and scanned your sweater. “That seems a bit big on you.” 
  • “I know! It’s your size after all.” 
  • Mokuren was startled by your reply but waited for you to explain why you were wearing clothes in their size. 
  • “Please borrow my clothes when you like…I got so you can take them from me…,” you mumbled shyly while playing with your sleeve.
  • “I see. Thank you,” Mokuren whispered and pecks your lips. 


  • When Hari finished his floor shift, you noticed a stain on his shirt and smiled, “Would you like to borrow my shirt?” 
  • “Your…shirt?” He asked puzzled. 
  • “Yes, I now wear clothes in your size, so you can borrow them whenever you like,” you replied with a sweet smile.  
  • Hari was stunned at your cute reply as a smile formed on his lips. “Thank you, I would like to borrow your shirt if you have a spare that is.”


  • “Princess, your outfits seem a bit…” He started but trailed off not wanting to possibly insult you.
  • “Off? Don’t fit well? Kinda big?” You finished his sentence for him and chuckled, “I know! I got these clothes in your size?”
  • “You…did? Why is that?” Zakuro asked with his eyebrows raised.
  • “So you can borrow my clothes when you need to…like when I borrow your clothes.”
  • One corner of his lips tugged up as he teased, “Ara Ara, are you planning to live together with me someday?” 


  • Kasumi appeared in front of you without warning, making you squeal and jump. 
  • “S-Sorry, I did it again,” he laughed nervously. “Can I ask you something?” 
  • “Is it about my clothes?” You asked, gently patting your chest in an attempt to calm down your racing heart. 
  • “Were you waiting for me to ask?” He chuckled.
  • You nodded in response, “Yes, the clothes are in your size…in case, you ever feel like wearing my clothes.” 
  • “I can?” He asked and smiled widely, “Then I will be sure to borrow them when I need to.” 


  • Qu noticed immediately when you started to wear clothes that looked too long for you. He knew something was going on when you started to mimic some of his outfit styles. 
  • “My dear, your fashion statement has changed so suddenly,” he stated casually. 
  • Picking up on his hint, you smiled, “Since I always borrow your clothes, I wanted you to be able to borrow mine.” 
  • Qu stared at you in admiration for a bit before saying, “I am lucky to have you in my life.” 

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  • Whenever you wore oversized clothes in front of Mizuki, he laughed but never told you it was due to your garments looking too baggy. 
  • “Okay, Mizuki, why are you laughing?” You sighed and crossed your arms, “It’s because of my clothes, isn’t it?” 
  • “They are too fcking big for ya, it’s funny,” he said trying to hold back his laughter. 
  • “Guess it was a mistake to buy clothes in your size. And here I thought you would be happy to know I wear your size so we can share each other’s clothes.” 
  • Mizuki looked at you in shock for a bit before flashing a toothy grin, “Then I wanna raid your closet.” 


  • Kongou couldn’t resist the sight of you wearing clothes that were far too large for you. 
  • “Kongou, you are not going to ask about my clothes?” You questioned him, wondering why he hadn’t asked you yet. 
  • “Yeah, I have been wondering…,” he started by grew silent.
  • “Why I wear clothes in your size?” You took the liberty of finishing the sentence, much to his confusion.
  • “They’re my size?” 
  • “Yes, I love borrowing your clothes, so I thought it’s only fair for you to be able to borrow mine,” you beamed. 
  • Kongou leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Don’t make me fall for you even more.” 


  • Ran didn’t hesitate to confront you the first time he saw you wearing clothes that looked baggy. “Why are you not wearing those clothes?” 
  • “I like wearing clothes in your size, especially since you can borrow them,” you giggled. 
  • “Really?” He asked with wide eyes, “I can fit in them? Cool!”
  • “You like the idea? Really?“ 
  • “Yes! Now we can be a real couple,” he grinned and pulled you in a tight hug.


  • “I can’t take this anymore,” Rico frowned and scanned you head to toe, “why are you wearing such ill-fitted clothes?” 
  • “That’s because these clothes are in your size,” you laughed.
  • “Why…would you wear clothes in my size?” He asked, averting his eyes
  • “So that you can borrow my clothes since I always borrow yours.” 
  • Rico chuckled, loving your idea, and ruffled your hair, “My little bird is so silly…” 


  • “Do you like my clothing style?” Heath asked with a small smile. 
  • “Oh, you noticed?” You smiled and nodded, “I got these clothes so you can borrow them.” 
  • “Borrow…your clothes?” 
  • “It’s fair, right? I can borrow your clothes, and you can borrow mine!” You beamed, clapping your hands together.
  • “I love you,” he whispered under his breath.
  • “What?” You asked not hearing his words properly.
  • “N-Nothing. Thank you,” Heath smiled softly.

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  • “You..w-what?” Unei asked, not expecting to hear such words.
  • “From now on, I will be wearing clothes your size so that you can borrow them,” you repeated your words and giggled. 
  • Unei stood quietly in shock, not knowing what to say. 
  • “Unei? You…don’t like the idea?” You asked a bit disappointed. 
  • “NO!” He shouted and covered his mouth, “I m-mean…no, I like the idea…it makes me feel special to know you’re thinking about me.” 
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