Are You My Dad?
Prompt: How would they react when they’re out doing whatever and suddenly a random small kid comes up to them and mistakes them for their dad? The kid ran off from their other parent because they thought they saw dad and just wanted to say hi to papa?
Gender: gn!Reader
- Kei looks down at the boy and chuckles, “I am not your father.”
- “But you are! I saw a photo of papa, and you look like him.” The child grins and hugs Kei’s legs.
- Normally such an innocent action would bring a smile to Kei’s face, but this time around the situation was a little different.
- “Kei, why is that boy calling you his father?” A voice came in through his phone.
- “He thinks I look like his father. Hold on.” Kei glances at the child, “Who did you come here with? I’m sure they’re looking for you.”
- “I don’t know where they are, but I wanted to say hi to my papa, so I came here.”
- “Papa? Kei…are you hiding something?” The voice once again spoke.
- “No, love. Let me get this kid to his parent…”
- After a little while of searching, Kei finally finds the boy’s parent.
- “I am so sorry for the trouble my kid caused. Thank you so much for bringing him to me!” The parent bows and takes a firm hold of the boy’s hand.
- “Bye, papa!”
- “He’s not your papa,” the parent scans Kei and smiles, “wouldn’t it be nice if he was your papa.”
- “What did you just say!?” The voice on his phone asked in a loud voice.
- If only the cartoon world antics could happen in real life, then a fist would’ve come flying out of the phone and landed on the parent’s face.

- Sotetsu raises an eyebrow as he stares at the child. “Did you just call me papa?”
- The boy nods and smiles, “I want to say hi to papa.”
- “Kid, I am not your father, but isn’t this interesting.” Sotetsu kneels and ruffles the boy’s head, “So, did anyone tell you where you papa went?”
- “Papa is in front of me!”
- Sotetsu decides to play the child’s game and laughs, “Sorry, did anyone tell you where I went?”
- The child nods and says, “Grandpa say papa went to the sky.”
- Sotetsu is taken aback by the child’s answer, and his eyes softened a little, “To…the sky?”
- “Grandma say papa in better place, but I wait for papa to return.”
- He places a hand on the child’s head, his chest feeling heavy. Sotetsu usually doesn’t care about emotional stuff, but the child waiting for his never-to-return father got to him.
- “Let’s go find your parent.” He takes a hold of the boy’s hand and looks around the area.
- By the time the child returns to his parent, the boy’s hands are filled with confectionary and toys. Most of all, the child’s face is glowing with happiness.
- Looks at the kid with a “dafuq, you call me” expression.
- Thinks the child is crazy and walks away without a care in the world.
- When the child follows him, Kokuyou says, “Go away, kid. I am not your dad.”
- “But…you luk like papa.”
- “No, I don’t. Go away before I hang you upside down.”
- Gets very annoyed when the kid doesn’t go away, but instead of getting mad at the kid, Kokuyou power walks away.
- The poor child doesn’t stand a chance and ends up finding a corner to cry in.
- When the child opens his eyes, he sees an irritated Kokuyou kneeling in front of him. “Shut up, kid. Like I said, I’m not your dad.”
- “B-but…”
- “Who did you come here with? Let’s go find your guardian.” Kokuyou picks up the kid with one arm and walks in the direction the child is pointing in.

- When the kid calls him dad, Sin’s expressions got so intimidating, it makes the kid cry.
- Doesn’t mean to make the child cry and feels kinda bad.
- He looks around to see if he can spot any adults frantically looking around for their lost child but doesn’t see anyone.
- Kneels down in front of the kid and asks, “Who did you come here with?”
- Hearing Sin’s deep monotone voice scares the kid even more, and he cries harder while backing away from Sin.
- “W-wait…”
- Not listening to Sin’s plea to stop, the frightened child runs back in the direction he came from.
- Sin sighs and hopes that boy is able to find his guardian.

- Kongou is stunned when he hears the child call him dad.
- Countless thoughts fill his mind. Wait, is he my kid? I haven’t gotten close to anyone for a long time. The kid looks like he’s around four years old. Did something happen four years ago that I can’t remember?
- Snaps out his trauma thoughts when the boy tugs on his t-shirt, “I just came to say hi, papa.”
- “P-pa-papa?” Kongou asks nervously as he kneels, sweat beads forming on his forehead. “I am not your father…right?”
- The kid grins and nods, “Granny show photo of papa, and papa look like you.”
- Loses his balance and falls on his behind.
- “Papa?”
- “When did I have a kid?” Kongou sighs and touches his head.
- Suddenly the boy’s frantic parent comes running and drops next to him, “My dear, don’t run away like that!”
- “I find papa.” The child points to Kongou.
- His parent chuckles ruffles the boy’s hair, “He’s not your father.”
- Kongou has never felt more relieved in his life.
- “Sorry about that,” the parent says, picking the boy up, “I hope he didn’t cause too much trouble.”
- If only Kongou could’ve told the parent that the child nearly gave him a heart attack.