
Prompt: How would they be like as dads?

Kei Banner
  • Kei would spoil his child to no end, especially his daughter. She would be nothing less than a princess. 
  • Only the finest of the finest for his child. 
  • He would be protective as hell but would still give him/her space to learn on their own. Kei would teach them to fight their own battles but would watch from afar to make sure they’re okay.
  • He would be a strict dad when it comes to mannerism and discipline. 
  • NO ONE messes with his child, unless they have a death wish. 
  • Would send a bodyguard with his child unless he knows that they’re going to an absolutely safe place. 
  • Kei would let his daughter play with his and even apply makeup to his face. He would also be willing to play any sports/games with his son. Anything for her/his happiness. 
  • He would always make time for his child, no matter what. Family is and always will be the most important thing in his life.
Aki Banner
  • Akira would be the childish dad that turns into a child when he’s around his kid. 
  • He would be pretty lenient and chill, but he would still teach his child valuable life lessons/skills. 
  • Akira would sing to his kid; be it lullabies or in general. Would even teach his child to sing but wouldn’t push them into making it his/her career. Well, unless the child wants to grow up to be a singer, which would make Akira the happiest person alive. 
  • Would take his child to kid-friendly arcades. 
  • He would totally tell corny jokes just to make his child laugh. 
  • If he sees someone messing with his child, he will ask his child to cover his/her ears and eyes while Akira beats the sh*t out of that person. 
  • Though he loves smoking, Akira would try his hardest to give up smoking for his son/daughter’s health. 
  • If he had a daughter, Akira would let her do his hair and makeup. He would be the dad who would brush his daughter’s hair/do her hairstyle on a daily basis.
Sin Banner
  • Regardless of the child’s gender, Sin is a strict father, for the sake of their development and future. 
  • No excuses for skipping homework or failing tests. Granted, he won’t do anything to stress out his child or put any mental pressure on them; rather, he handles the situation smartly. They don’t understand math? That’s fine, he will find an easier way to make them understand numbers. They don’t like history? Okay, rather than reading them fairy tale bedtime stories, he will tell them stories related to history. 
  • Being a smart man himself, he wants to raise his child to be like him, so he will introduce chess and books to them at a very early age. 
  • He will not take kindly to anyone hurting his child, be it in school or outside. Considering he is involved in suspicious business; Sin is very protective of them as he fears for their safety. 
  • Sin goes out of his way to teach his child manners and respect. Most of all, he teaches them how to stay calm in all situations. You can be sure; his kid is not going to get easily angered. 
  • Even though he is strict, Sin will shower them with gifts and take them out to have fun whenever he can. 
Taka Banner
  • Takami, at first, will appear to be a chill father, but in reality, he is far from it. The reason his child will think of him as “chill” is due to Takami’s clever ways of handling situations. 
  • He uses the “good behavior gets reward” and “bad behavior gets punishment” system. His punishments will never be harsh but will be enough to teach the child to think twice before repeating the bad behavior. 
  • Due to his shady involvements in organizations and such, Takami never lets his child go anywhere alone. Even when they go to school, he hires someone to keep an eye on them, but the kid will never know someone is protectively watching them. 
  • He wants to keep them FAR away from all the shady business, and if anyone tries to hurt his kid…well, that person can kiss their life goodbye. 
  • Like Sin, Takami is big on education, so no excuses for failing or bad grades. He will actively help them do homework and explain concepts/problems to them in a simple way. 
  • Some useful things he teaches them earlier on are: be flexible, don’t stress out/remain calm, and face challenges head on. He knows at some point in their life, they are going to experience problems, and Takami wants them to be able to handle anything life throws at them.
  • He will not go out of his way to spoil them but if they have a reasonable wish, Takami grants it. But he makes sure they are comfortable and don’t feel like they are missing out on anything.
Kong Banner
  • He is the world’s chill-est dad, and more of a friend than a father. 
  • Kongou will not get angry at his child no matter what the kid does. Of course, if they did something bad, he would nicely explain to them why they should not make that mistake again. 
  • He spoils his kid enough to where they will be happy but not to the point where the child will become a spoiled brat. 
  • He is very proud of his child whenever they achieve anything, no matter how small the achievement.
  • Kongou cooks anything and everything for them. 
  • If he has a daughter, the girl will be his little princess. He will do anything and everything she asks him – from letting her put makeup on his face to pretending to be a fairy with her. 
  • He will be a little stricter with a son but still fulfill most of his wishes. You can expect his son to be a true gentleman, even at a young age. 
  • Kongou never pressures his child with always being number one, being at the top of the class, making sport teams, or anything of that sort. He wants his kid to enjoy their childhood and take one step at a time in life. So, what if they don’t get perfect grades or aren’t the number one track and field star – all that matters is they are happy. 
Heat Banner
  • Heath would be a chill father that rarely gets mad at his child.  
  • VERY patient.
  • Would teach his child to take care of plants.
  • He would be a good listener and would be willing to help his child with any matter – from school to dealing with bullies to general life lessons. 
  • Since his health is far from good, Heath would make sure that his child does not suffer the same fate. Hence, he would pay special attention to the kid’s diet and would take the child to a doctor regularly. 
  • He would try his best not to let his sickness hinder his relationship with his child. Heath would make sure that his child doesn’t learn of his sickness. The last thing he would want is for his son/daughter to be worried about him.
  • Would write rap songs for the child whenever he can. If he sees the kid taking interest in his songs, Hisu would teach his child how to write/rap. 
  • He wants to be with his child as long as he can, so Heath would do everything to try and subdue his illness.
Rico Banner
  • Rico spoils his child but will not take any sass from his kid. 
  • He LOVES to dress his child up in all sorts of clothes and takes his child shopping all the time. 
  • Rico tries his hardest to get out of debt so that he can save up money for his child’s future.
  • He showers his kid with love and praises as not to let them suffer the way he has. 
  • Rico provides the child with an apt education to make sure his kid can pay for all their needs/any debt that may build up.
  • He lets the kid play with his hair and lets them apply makeup on him. In fact, Rico is the one who taught the child how to do hairstyles and makeup. 
Sinju Banner
  • Sinju would be a SUPER proud dad, from praising his child for accomplishes the smallest achievements to telling everyone how amazing his child is. 
  • Would give piggyback rides, play horse, hide-and-seek and any game his child likes.
  • For his daughter, he would even go as far as to dress up like a princess just to see her smile. 
  • Would do ANYTHING for the child’s happiness.
  • He would ask his child to join him when he’s practicing singing or dancing.
  • Sinju would teach his child to appreciate little things and find happiness out of them.
  • He would love his child so much that he wishes he could say by his/her side 24/7.
  • Sinju would make sure that his child gets everything he/she wants. He wouldn’t want his son/daughter to experience living in poverty and would be willing to take on multiple jobs.
Moku Banner
  • They are a mixture of strict and chill. 
  • At first, they have a hard time with being patient with their child, but Moku learns quickly. Though, there are still times where they get irritated with the kid, well, acting like a kid. 
  • Mokuren teaches their child the ways of dancing from an early age. If their kid doesn’t want to be dancer, they will be upset but will not force them to like it. They will be a VERY strict dance teacher though. 
  • If their child is a foodie, they will be very happy! The kid can expect Mokuren to spoil them with food. Their son/daughter is the only person in the world Moku will sacrifice their food for. If the child wants something they are eating, Team C’s leader will gladly hand it to them. That’s how much they love their kid. 
  • If they have a daughter, Mokuren will dress her up, do her makeup, and take her shopping. 
  • Moku takes them to Starless now and then so the child can watch them dance and learn or to spend time with his teammates. The kid is especially fond of Qu and Hari and refers to them as uncle. Whenever Moku needs a babysitter, they can count on Qu.
Kas Banner
  • Kasumi is the nervous and worrisome kind of dad.
  • He worries about his child all the time and is only at ease when he sees his kid.
  • He uses his ninja skills to check on his kid now and then.
  • Kasumi tries his hardest to get his child the best education so that the kid doesn’t have to work multiple jobs like him.
  • He’d be more than willing to take on more jobs if it means getting the best things for his young one.
  • Despite working multiple jobs, he stills finds time to spend with his child, even if it means cutting down on his sleep.
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