
Prompt: Can I get HCs for s/o saving him? Like the s/o just saw a man with a gun trying to shoot their lover then they block it for them? I don’t want to make it sad, so maybe he sends them to the hospital? 

Gender: gn!Reader


“Let’s take a break.” He says and heads towards the nearest bench. 

“Finally.” You smile and happily plop next to him, “Who knew shopping could be so tiring.” 

He chuckles and takes out his phone. While your boyfriend is busy checking notifications, you scan the surrounding area and notice a couple sitting a short distance away. The woman seems to be telling a story, and from her smile, you deduce that it must be a happy one. Her lover is stroking her hair with a soft smile. Seeing their cute bonding brings a grin to your face. 

Looking around a little more, you notice an elder man feeding pigeons. A group of kids playing hide and seek, and a middle-aged woman with a young Golden Retriever. You can’t help but smile at the cute dog who is too busy barking at a tree. His owner tries to calm him down by giving him a treat, but he ignores the woman and continues barking. 

You slowly trace the Retriever’s gaze and stare at the tree but don’t see anything out of the usual. Suddenly, you feel a chill run down your spine. Narrowing your eyes, you notice something that resembles a gun. 

‘Is that…? Why is it pointed towards…?’ 

Not thinking once, you jump out of your seat and step in front of your boyfriend. Bang. A sharp pain runs through your chest as you hear the screams of the people around you. 

Rin Banner
  • Rindou panicked but somehow managed to get you to the hospital. 
  • He didn’t understand why someone would want to shoot you; moreover, he had no idea what to do. 
  • So, he decided to turn to the one person he knew would help him. 
  • “Kei?” He sighed and told him what happened. “I don’t know what to do…” 
  • After a short silence, Kei spoke, “Rindou, take the next few days off and stay with her.” 
  • “T-thanks, Kei.” 
  • After hanging up, Rindou tried his best to stay strong for you, but his mind refused to cooperate with him. 
  • What if you end up in a coma, like his sister? What if the doctor can’t help you? What if…he loses you? 
  • He held onto his head as tears spill onto his legs, staining his pants. 
  • Ding. Ding. Ding.
  • Rindou sighed heavily and checked his phone to find text messages from Kei. 

Kei: Rindou, stay at the hospital for the time being. Do not leave under any circumstance. 
Rindou: Alright, but why?
Kei: That bullet was meant for you. Someone wants to kill you. 
Rindou: Me? Why though?
Kei: That I don’t know yet. Someone will be monitoring the hospital for suspicious activity so you should be safe there. Take care.
Rindou: I will. Thanks again, Kei.

  • Rindou closed his eyes and rested the back of his head on the wall behind him. ‘Why does life like to give me so much pain? Everyone and everything I love is taken away from me. It’s getting harder and harder to stay positive.’ 
  • A few hours later, the doctor walked out of the operating room and smiled at Rindou, “She will be okay. The bullet barely missed her heart. We managed to get the bullet out, and her life is no longer in danger.” 
  • Rindou placed his hand on his chest and smiled, “Thank heavens.” 
  • The next day, you woke up, your entire body aching.
  • Looking around the room, your eyes landed on Rindou. He was asleep with his head resting on your bed. 
  • As you stared at him, you vaguely recalled his words. “Why did you take a bullet meant for me? What if something had happened to you? What would I have done? Please wake up soon, my love.” 
  • You smiled and stroked his hair, causing him to stir a little. 
  • “I love you, Rindou, and that’s why I didn’t want anything to happen to you.” 
  • Though your body hurts, you shifted closer to him, “I will never leave you, but I won’t hesitate to shield you from a bullet again.” 
  • Taking hold of his hand, you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
Maica Banner
  • Maica was angry and wanted to break the shooter’s face, but he wanted to get you to the hospital first. 
  • While the doctors were operating on you, he called a private detective and asked him to look into this matter. 
  • “Find the shooter ASAP,” Maica clutched his fists into a tight ball, “They will pay for what they did.” 
  • After talking to the detective, Maica called Rindou, “Hey Rindou, an…emergency has come up, and I won’t be coming to Starless for a few days.” 
  • “Is everything okay?” His team leader asked, concerned. 
  • “I’ll explain everything to you when I get back. I’ll talk to you later.” 
  • The doctor came out after a few hours and told Maica, “She will be okay, but she needs to stay in the hospital for a while.” 
  • Maica thanked the doctor and entered your room. He took in your sleeping form and sighed, “You are…stupid for stepping in front of me.” 
  • He tried to hold back, but his voice cracked as tears streamed down his cheeks. 
  • While waiting for you to wake up, Maica made a few more calls and arranged for a security guard to stand outside your room. 
  • He stayed with you for the next few days but had to return to Starless, so he asked the guard to not let anyone enter your room. 
  • When you woke up, you recalled what happened and almost panicked after not seeing Maica around. 
  • Sitting up a little, you looked around the room to see bouquets everywhere. 
  • A nurse walked in and smiled at you, “Ah, you are finally awake. If your boyfriend was here, he would be so happy. The poor boy has been waiting for you to wake up.” 
  • She placed a glass of water on the nightstand and continued, “He seems to love you very much. You are very lucky.”  
Moku Banner
  • Mokuren is shocked to see you collapse, but it doesn’t take them long to realize the gravity of the situation. 
  • At the hospital, not only were they upset, but Mokuren felt lost. They wanted to learn why you were shot and who committed such a deed, so they called their teammate. 
  • “Hari.” Without wasting any time, they told Hari everything, down to the smallest detail. 
  • “I’ll take care of finding the shooter. You just focus on helping her get better. If I find any information, I will message you right away.” 
  • “Thanks…” 
  • While waiting for the doctor to come out, Mokuren tapped their foot impatiently. They wanted to dance – dance away their stress and anger- but they couldn’t, not here. 
  • Hearing the door to the operation theater open, they jumped to their feet and asked the doctor how you were. 
  • “She’s out of danger but needs to stay at the hospital until further notice.” 
  • Mokuren thanked the doctor and entered your room. They were thankful that you were okay, but they were still worried. 
  • They waited for you to wake up for minutes, hours, days…
  • You slowly opened your eyes and stared at the ceiling, adjusting your eyes to the bright room. 
  • “(Y/n)…” 
  • ‘Moku?’ Moving your eyes towards the voice, you saw your boyfriend staring out the window. 
  • They traced their slender index finger on the window, tracing a raindrop rolling down the glass. “Even the sky is crying for you.” 
  • A small smile appeared on your lips, “And you?”
  • Mokuren shot their head in your direction and ran to your side, “(Y/n), you’re awake.” 
  • They pressed their lips to your forehead, “How are you feeling?”
  • “I’m okay…and you? You’re not hurt, right?”
  • Their eyes softened. “I’m fine, but don’t ever do anything like that again.” 
  • “Moku…”
  • Shaking their head, they pressed a finger to your lips, “Shh. You need to rest. Hurry and recover, alright?”
Qu Banner
  • When Qu heard the gunshot, he immediately stood up and grabbed your hand, but when you don’t move. 
  • “Hey, we-” He started to say but then noticed a blood staining your blouse. 
  • He grabbed you from collasping and called the ambulance. “Please love, hang on.” 
  • Qu tried his best to search for the shooter, but since people were panicking and running left and right, he couldn’t find anyone suspicious. 
  • At the hospital, he called Maica and told him everything, “Please Maica, find out who shot her.” 
  • “Wait, Qu…you said she stepped in front of you, right?” He continued after receiving a reply, “Wouldn’t that mean someone was trying to shoot you, not her?” 
  • Qu was speechless. Why would anyone try to shoot him? He has no enemies…well, at least not to the level that someone would want to kill him. 
  • Maica sighed on the other end, “Take care of yourself and her. Leave everything else to me.” 
  • He once again tried to think of who could possibly want him dead, but no name came to mind. 
  • “Excuse me?” 
  • Qu got up and faced the doctor, “How is she?”
  • “The surgery was a success. She’s going to be alright.”
  • “Thank you, doctor. Um…” Qu looked around the area once before returning his attention to the medical professional, “Doctor, please do not let anyone else visit her. I suspect that her life may be in danger.” 
  • The doctor nodded before excusing himself. 
  • Qu agreed with Maica about the bullet being for him, but he didn’t want to take any risks.
  • Days had passed and Qu waited for you to wake up. 
  • When you regained consciousness, you heard a someone singing your favorite song, but the voice stopped. 
  • Turning your head to the side, you smiled weakly at Qu, “Please continue.”
  • Qu blinked away a few tears and gently hugged you, making sure not to touch your injury or the area around it. 
  • “Qu, I’m alright. Are you okay?”
  • “How can I not be? Thank you for saving my life, but…please, don’t do anything like that again. Please…”
  • “I will if it means saving your life.” 
  • Tears rolled down his cheek as he pressed his lips on your head. 
  • “Now please continue singing.” 
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