Sister 2

Prompt: Older sister figure headcanons for Ran. I wanted to ask how Ran and Mizuki would get along with each other as well.

Gender: fem!Reader

Ran Banner

  • First and foremost, Ran will introduce you to Sabu and let him know you are family. If you are a dog person, he sometimes leaves Sabu with you.
  • Loves getting head pats from you, but if you are shorter than him, he will pat your head as a thank you for patting his head.
  • Likes to randomly slip gifts into your handbag or pocket just to see your smile.
  • Doesn’t like it when men come near you but doesn’t do anything to them, but if Ran notices you looking uncomfortable, he will roll up his sleeves and change and lunge at the man. Yay fights! Though, he doesn’t get too violent in front of you since he doesn’t want you to see blood or gore.
  • Likes to pinch your cheeks and will get upset if you tell him not to.
  • Loves LOVES getting hugs from you. Your hugs make Ran feel happy and loved.


Ran & Mizuki

  • Ran and Mizuki are happy that you think of them as brothers. Team B is already a family, so by that logic, Ran and Mizuki are family, and you are an addition to their family; the three of you are one small happy family.
  • Whenever Ran sees Mizuki taking money from your pocket, he secretly puts his money to replace what Mizuki took. Sometimes he stops Mizuki from taking the money and says to go to Kongou for food.
  • The two have come up with a list of rules for you, which you have to follow no matter what. Rules written by~ Ran ⭐️ and Mizuki 👽:

Rule #1: No picking a favorite brother.⭐️👽
Rule #2: If you cook for Mizuki, you cook for me too. If you bring food for Mizuki, you have to bring food for me. ⭐️
Rule #3 2.5: If ya cook for Ran, you’ve to cook for me. 👽

R: “But Mizuki…that’s the same as rule 2…” M: “Ya, so? I don’t want (y/n) to forget to gimme food.” R: “Let’s call it rule 2.5 then.”

Rule #3: If ya like anyone, ya have to tell us. 👽
Rule #4: No dating until we approve. ⭐️👽
Rule #5: If any man is bothering you and we get violent, you won’t stop us. We promise to not go overboard unless the guy deserves it. ⭐️

M: “Wait…so I can’t crack his skull open?” R: “You can, but not in front of big sis. Find the man later and do whatever ya want.” M: “Hell ya!”

Rule #6: Hugs every day! ⭐️
Rule #7: If you hug Ran, Mizuki gets one too. 👽

R: “Mizuki, that’s the same as rule 6.” M: “So? I ain’t gonna let ya change it to rule 6.5.” R: “Okay…”

M: “Hell ya!”

Rule #8: Support us when we perform on stage. Say, “Go Ran, Mizuki”.⭐️ 
Rule #9:
Then switch it up to “Go Mizuki, Ran”. 👽

R: “Mizuki, that’s the same as rule 6.” M: “So? I ain’t gonna let ya change it to rule 6.5.” R: “Okay…”

R: “Now you’re doing it on purpose.” M: “Nuh-uh! Why do ya get to be first? I wanna be first too.” R: “Uh, fine. No more rules then! You’ll end up changing one part of my rule and make it into a new one.” M: “Whatever…”

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