All Nighter

Prompt: Kei with fem!mc who pulled an all nighter playing Animal Crossing.

Gender: fem!Reader

Word Count: 658

Kei Banner

Kei slowly opened his eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the morning light filtering in through his window. He stretched his arms and legs, feeling the stiffness from his night’s sleep, and turned his head to your side of the bed to glimpse your angelic sleeping face.

“Hm? (Y/n)?”

He sat up and looked around the bedroom but noticed no movement. How odd, he thought. Kei always woke up before you as you were not an early riser, but what miracle happened today to make you wake up before him? Pushing aside the thin blanket, he stood up and adjusted his pajama pants, wondering where you were. No sounds came from the bathroom, so you were not there. Then, were you in the kitchen, making or eating breakfast? But Kei’s nose didn’t pick up the scent of food. What in the world was going on?

Feeling a sense of uneasiness, he rushed out of the bedroom but stopped when he heard soft sounds coming from the entertainment room. Your boyfriend quietly came closer and peeked into the room to find you sinking into your pile of plushies. Your tired eyes were staring at the TV as your fingers absentmindedly pressed the buttons on your console controller. Did you stay up all night playing Animal Crossing?

Kei sighed quietly and ran his fingers through his slightly messy hair. He didn’t mind you playing video games, but to stay up all night and stress your body? That was unacceptable. When he took another step closer, Kei froze again, and his piercing blue eyes widened at the sight of ten different coffee mugs chaotically arranged on the center table. Your boyfriend massaged his temples and stared at the TV screen, trying to figure out what to do. But the moment he saw you save the game, he knew it was now or never and hurried to you.

Before you could process what was happening or protest, Kei scooped you in his arms and lifted you from the pile of plushies, cushioning your tired body. He immediately but carefully rushed to the bedroom as you stared at him blankly.


“Not a word. You require rest. Your game can wait, ” he said quietly, his voice expressing irritation and anger.

“But I don’t wanna go back to sleep,” you weakly protested, not having the strength to fight back due to the fatigue consuming your body and mind. “I wanna play Animal Crossing!”

Kei frowned, annoyed at your stubbornness, but maintained his mature composure. “You can play all you want after you’ve had a proper rest.”

Though you pouted, you didn’t say anything else as Kei gently tucked you into bed, pulling the covers over your shoulders. Before he could leave, you gently grabbed his arm and met his gaze. “Are you angry?”

“Yes, I am.” Your boyfriend replied with a hint of softness. “But not for the reason you believe. (Y/n), you are free to play video games as you please, but not at the cost of your well-being. Pulling an all-nighter, drinking excessive coffee…would you like to see how your face looks at the moment? It pains me to see you in such a state…”

Averting your eyes from Kei’s intense gaze, you feel embarrassed. “I guess I got kinda carried away…”

You were the best at self-control when it came to video games, especially Animal Crossing. Even though you tried to limit your playtime, it was hard to stop once you started playing, especially when your favorite villager was doing something fun.

Kei couldn’t help but smile at your sheepish expression. Gently brushing a few strands of hair away from your face, he took in your features and dull eyes.

“I know you just want to have fun,” he whispered, “But you should not forget to take care of yourself, alright?”

When you nodded, Kei warmly smiled and leaned down to gently kiss your forehead. “Now rest, my love.”

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