Enemies to Lovers
Prompt: I want something like enemies to lovers kinda story.
Gender: gn!Reader

- You and Kei were best friends in high school and did everything together. The two of you were even planning to attend the same college, but then Kei got an offer to boost his acting career. You wanted him to accept the offer, but at the same time, you didn’t want him to leave. In the end, Kei chose his career, and the two o you went your separate ways.
- Years after, you ran into Kei on the streets, and he was now a well-known celebrity. Even before you could say hi, he walked past as if he didn’t know you. His actions hurt you, and to make him realize this, you sent him a fan mail. The mail contained pictures of you and Kei from high school, but the photos were ripped into small pieces.
- A few years later, you met him again at Starless and were surprised. What was a celebrity like him doing in a place like that? Regardless, you chose to ignore his existence as you were there to support your close friend Qu.
- Little by little, you became friends with some of the other members of Starless and got a special invitation to watch them practice. While you were backstage, you heard about and saw all the things Kei was doing for the cast members. On top of that, he had to put up with their bitterness and insults.
- Seeing everything he was going through hurt you, and you wrote him an anonymous fan letter, asking him not to be so selfless and think about himself once in a while.
- One day, you came to Starless looking exhausted, and while you waited for Team C’s show to start, Gui handed you a letter. Much to your shock, it was the same letter you wrote to Kei.
- During the entire performance, you couldn’t stop thinking about the letter. Why did Gui have the letter, and why did he give it back to you? Did he know you were the one who wrote the letter?
- After the show, you were the last one inside the restaurant area, and to your surprise, Kei sat down on the chair beside yours. “You asked me to be selfish and not make sacrifices for others, yet you are not following your own advice.”
- You stared at him with wide eyes, wondering how he knew the letter was from you, especially since you had changed your handwriting.
- Kei forced a small smile, “Did you honestly believe I forgot about you? The first time I saw you at Starless, I feared for your safety. Had someone found out that we knew each other, they would not have hesitated to target you to get to me. Due to this, I hired several professionals to watch your surroundings and inform me if they see anything of concern. (Y/n), your friend had been using you, yet you are selflessly helping them. You also have no need to take on your coworkers’ workload. They are taking advantage of your kindness.”
- When you remained silent, Kei rested his large hand on top of yours and exhaled loudly, “We may have gone our separate ways, but I never forgot you. That day, I did not ignore you due to my celebrity status. My fans and media members were nearby and had they found out about our connections, they would have come after you or may have attempted to harm you.”
- With his free hand, Kei placed a few photos on the table in front of you – the same pictures you had ripped into small pieces and mailed him. He had spent countless hours putting the tiny pieces together until the photos were whole again.
- Tears collected in your eyes as you lowered your head, “I know…my friend is using me, but I didn’t want to lose her. All my friends always leave me…and in the end, I’m all alone.”
- ”(Y/n)…forgive me…,“ his voice held guilt and pain. Kei got up from his chair and kneeled next to your chair, resting one hand on your back and the other on your knee. “Would you be able to give me another chance? I promise I shall not repeat the mistake I made.”
- Your sobs grew audible as you twisted your waist and threw your arms around Kei’s shoulders. He wrapped his arms around you and held you in a warm but tight embrace.
- “Can I be selfish and make a request?”
- “W-What?”
- “If possible, I would like to be more than a friend to you. I understand my request is sudden, but…I never told you in high school that I held feelings for you. I wanted to pursue my dreams of acting and singing, which meant parting ways with you, hence I never confessed my feelings. I thought it would be selfish to confess and then leave…”
- A smile appeared on your lips as you buried your face in his neck. “I like you too, Kei. That’s why when you ignored me, I was hurt. I would love to be more than friends, but you won’t leave again, right?”
- “I will never leave you again. I promise.”
- You were a regular at Starless, and though you like all the teams, your favorite was Team W. You wholeheartedly supported all the members of Team W, except for one, Kokuyou.
- He was a good actor, could dance well, had a killer physique and a sexy face, but his attitude and anger destroyed all the good qualities. Generally, customers don’t get to see the darker side of the cast members, but you got a glimpse of Kokuyou’s real personality on accident.
- You were one of the last customers to leave after Team W’s performance and needed to use the bathroom. While washing your hand, you heard someone yelling outside and curiously peeked out to see Kokuyou yelling at Akira and Taiga.
- At first, you gave him the benefit of the doubt, but then you learned that he was angry at them for saying they wanted to be center. His behavior towards them was unacceptable, and you started to dislike Kokuyou after that incident.
- Since then, you never cheered for him, nor did you buy any items for him. That irked Kokuyou, especially since you gave all his teammates gifts – and that too in front of him. You also enjoyed taunting him, but what irritated W’s leader the most was the look you gave him while complimenting his teammates – the look that screamed, “Are you watching, Kokuyou? Everyone on your team is amazing, except for you. Ha. Take that.”
- Then one day, while at Starless, you heard some women talking about him, dissing his appearance, performance skills, and scar. Their words rubbed you in the wrong way, so you marched straight up to them and began monologuing.
- “As viewers, you have the right to form opinions on the performance and looks of the cast members. Not everyone is going to like everyone, and that’s fine. But, who the hell do you think you are to call his scar ugly and make fun of it? That scar is a reminder of a battle he fought, a time of hardship he had to go through. Judging by the size and the location, he could’ve died from the injury. You think that’s funny? I’m sure you women get a papercut and cry a river, but this man had his neck cut open and survived it. Also, Kokuyou can act and dance well, and if you don’t believe me, look at his popularity ranking. On top of that, he is sexy as hell. I think you ladies need to get your eyes checked. Now, get lost before I break both of your noses.”
- Unbeknownst to you, Kokuyou was watching and listening to the whole conversation. As soon as the women left, he walked up behind you and leaned closer to your ear, “Did I just hear you say I am sexy as hell?”
- Your heart nearly fell out of your chest as you jumped away from him. “Holy God, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
- For the first time, Kokuyou lowered his guard and laughed. “You’re a unique one, aren’t you?” To add to your shock, he gave you a gentle smile, “No one has called it a battle scar. Thanks for standing up for my injury.”
- Your heart started racing out of control after seeing his smile, but you still managed to say, “It was the right thing to do.”
- “You like my performance and looks, so why don’t you support me?”
- Taking a deep breath, you told him about the incident with Akira and Taiga and how you didn’t like him yelling at them. Kokuyou chuckled at the misunderstanding, “In Starless, the cast members fight for their position. I’m at the top of Team W and don’t plan on giving away my spot easily. If they want to take my place, they’ll have to fight me for it. Also, I’m an angry man in general, so I yell more than you think.”
- His words made you realize that you didn’t know him and falsely judged him. On top of that, you found Kokuyou interesting and wanted to know more about him. “Kokuyou, I promise to support you but only on one condition. You have to give me a special treatment – a type of treatment you don’t give to other fans.”
- Though he wasn’t sure what exactly you were hinting at, Kokuyou raised his eyebrows and smirked, “Deal.”
- You were an intriguing individual, and he was not going to pass this opportunity to get to know you.

- You and Sin used to attend the same high school. He was the tallest boy in class, skinny and with bangs covering one eye. Due to this, the students saw him as emo, and on top of that, he didn’t interact with others, would sit in a random corner, and read.
- You didn’t bully him, but you enjoyed playfully picking on him. No matter how much you picked on him, teased him, or spouted nonsense, he would never get up and walk away, nor would he stop you.
- You were always curious about how he could read properly with his bangs covering his eye and why he doesn’t move them out of the way. He never answered your question and would not let you move his hair aside. If you tried, he would stand up so that you couldn’t reach him.
- After the two of you graduated, you went your separate ways. But one day, you saw a tall, skinny high schooler that reminded you of Sin. You still had his email address and wondered if it was still active, but taking a chance, you decided to send him a “Hi, it’s been so long. What have you been up to?”
- To your surprise, he replied the next day with a “hello” and gave his phone number. You texted him only to find out that he was in the same city as you, but unfortunately, your work schedules clashed, so you couldn’t meet him.
- Then he sent you an invitation to visit him at his workplace, and though you were surprised, you accepted his invitation.
- When you got to the entrance of Theater Starless, you realized you had heard of this place from your coworkers. They had quite a few compliments for the food, service, performances, and cast members. Apparently, all the members in Starless were either cute, hot, or sexy. You had a little laugh at Sin being called hot or sexy – after all, you could only imagine him as the tall, skinny boy from high school.
- You entered to find a handsome blue-haired man and a cute purple-haired man talking to some of the customers. After the handsome one disappeared behind two wooden doors with the customers, the cute man greeted you. When you told him you were looking for Sin and knew him personally, he asked you to wait and vanished behind a door with the sign, “Employees Only”.
- While waiting, you curiously watched the TV displaying pictures of the handsome cast members. The words “Team C” kept appearing on the screen, and you could only assume the cast members were divided into different teams. You were so lost in your thoughts that you failed to see Sin standing next to you in his rehearsal outfit. “(Y/n)?”
- “Hm?” You turned your head towards Sin, and for a good minute, you blankly stared at him. He was still tall and had the same emo haircut but skinny? Your eyes wandered to his bare biceps, then his pecs, and back to his face. The only words in your head were, ‘Omg omg omg omg omg OMFG.’
- You could’ve sworn you saw the corners of his lips twitch as he saw you practically checking him out. Gathering yourself, you smirked playfully and folded your arms across your chest, “Wow, Sin, if it wasn’t for your hairstyle, I wouldn’t have recognized you. Lookin’ good.”
- He smiled and asked you to wait for a moment before walking through the “Employees Only” door. Sin didn’t return, but a handsome man, who introduced himself as Ginsei, escorted you to a table.
- “Sin said you’re a special guest and to give you an explanation of how things work here.” Ginsei went on to explain how the theater restaurant worked and added that there is a little surprise at the end of Team C’s performance.
- Your coworkers were right; the food was delicious, Team C’s performance was incredible, and Ginsei’s service was on point. At the end of C’s act, Sin and the rest of Team W entered the stage and performed one of their songs. The entire time, you couldn’t take your eyes off Sin – his presence on stage was powerful and alluring.
- All of this was getting too much to handle, making your head spin. To add to it, you saw Sin surrounded by fans, each fan trying their best to get his attention. Never once did you think in high school that Sin could turn into the man standing in front of you. But you couldn’t understand one thing – what was that weird feeling in your heart?
- Since that day, you returned to Starless often, sometimes just to say hi to Sin. You could’ve called or texted him, but for some reason, you wanted to see him in person.
- One day, the two of you were taking a walk through a picturesque park while you talked about random subjects. “You know, Sin, your appearance might have changed, but you are still the same boy from high school. You rarely talk, and…you listen to all my nonsense. Why? I teased you a lot, would talk about the worst possible topics, but you never once got up and left. Why, Sin?”
- “You were my only friend.”
- Your feet froze in place as that was not the answer you were expecting. Friend? Even though you weren’t nice to him, he considered you a friend? Sin stepped in front of you, facing you, “Other students were frightened by my appearance, and though your words were not kind, they held no malice. Thanks to you, I did not feel lonely, and for that, I was and will forever be grateful.”
- “Sin…I…am sorry for not being nice to you. I never found you scary, but I did think it was odd that you always sat in a corner and read books. But…that was probably because no one invited you to play with them…I wish I had realized this.” A small smile appeared on your lips but was quickly replaced by a pout. “Hey, wait a second, if you thought of me as a friend, why didn’t you let me see what you were hiding behind your bangs?”
- “I did not wish to frighten you.”
- His answer shocked you, but before you could react, he lowered his face to your height. Taking his hint, you hesitantly moved his hair out of the way. Heterochromia. Sin was right. A rare trait that is not seen often would have scared the students senseless, some would have bullied him for it, and had he shown you, you probably would have teased him.
- “I don’t really know what I would have said or done back then, but Sin, your eyes look breathtaking,” you flashed a gentle smile. “I think it only adds to your already good looks. Sin, seriously, stop…just when I think you can’t look hotter, you find a way to prove me wrong.”
- For the first time, you heard him chuckle, and seeing him happy, only made you happier. He was slowly opening up to you, and maybe, just maybe, this was the start to your friendship taking a step towards “more than friends”.

- You and Takami worked in the same organization, and since day one, the two of you would compete and attempt to upstage each other.
- When you found out that Takami had a new assignment that required him to work undercover as an actor, you immediately started to ask your coworkers about his workplace. Just the thought of Takami on stage acting/dancing made you want to laugh, but why would you laugh by yourself when you could laugh at his face?
- He was surprised to see you standing in the entrance area of Starless, but not wanting to blow his cover, you quietly walked out of the building. Taking the hint, Takami followed you to a quieter place.
- “This is your new job? What are you, an underground idol?” You chuckled, “Wait, do you even know how to dance or act? Well, I can see you acting, but dancing?”
- For a while, he watched you laughing with a calm smile. “Why not find out for yourself? My team, Team W, is performing later today. I will be sure to reserve a VIP seat for you.”
- “Yeah, I want to see you on stage. Know that I will be judging HARD.”
- That evening, you walked into Starless with low expectations, but when you saw Takami dancing, your jaw dropped. At one point, you had to cover your mouth to hold back your urge to scream like a fan. What was happening to you?
- After the performance was over, you didn’t wait for him and headed straight home. Why were you not able to think straight? What was this bittersweet feeling in your heart?
- Unfortunately, the next day, you receive a message from one of the organization members, saying that you had to help Takami with a new case. This required you to visit him in Starless, and though it was not required, you stuck around to watch his performance. But each time, you made sure to run straight out of the building after each show as the last thing you wanted was for Takami to know you were watching him.
- One unfortunate day, he caught you after a show and told you he needed to discuss something with you. As you waited, you watched him interacting with his fans, and for some reason, you felt uneasy seeing a large group of girls surrounding him.
- After what felt like an eternity, Takami and you left Starless together. “So. what did you need to talk about?”
- “Is there a reason you ran away after coming to every Team W performance? Did you think I would not see you in the audience?”
- “Why do you ask? Did you want me to wait around for you? Don’t get your hopes up, Takami…I didn’t come to see your performance. Your…teammates are hot…and the plays are good.”
- “I see,” he replied with a hint of amusement, “but that is not what I wished to ask you. There is a fan of mine who I…adore. Would it be alright with you if I went on a date with them?”
- Hearing him say this stirred something inside, and you snapped at him, “Why the hell are you asking me this? It’s your life, so do whatever you want.”
- Despite your rude reply, Takami remained calm and smiled, “Very well. Then I shall take them on a date. Besides, there is a new cafe a few blocks from here that I want to visit, so the timing of the date is perfect. Not to mention, the afternoon weather is supposed to be pleasant. Have a good night.”
- With those words, he walked away, leaving you standing frozen in place. Somehow you dragged yourself back to your home, but you couldn’t stop thinking about the earlier events. The entire night you tossed and turned.
- The next day, in the afternoon, you found yourself in front of the new cafe and saw Takami sitting on one of the outside tables by himself. ”(Y/n), what might you be doing here?“
- “I…I’m not okay with you dating your fan!” You sat down across him and frowned, “Don’t worry, I will personally talk to the fan and let them know the date is canceled.”
- “There is no need for that,” Takami laughed. “The fan I wanted to go on a date with is sitting in front of me.”
- “W-What?”
- “I assume you didn’t realize that I gave you the date time and location on purpose? We may work in the same organization, but you still have a long ways to go.”
- Your face began to turn red, “You played a game with me…unbelievable!”
- “I did, as that was the only way to get you to go on a date with me.”
- You didn’t know whether to laugh or get mad at him, but you were happy nevertheless. “You know I’m still not going to stop competing with you, right?”
- “I know,” Takami smiled, “and I would not have it any other way.”