He's a Man

Prompt: Can I request a scenario where someone mistakes him for a girl and catcalls him and the mc stands up for him?

Warning: Language, harassment 

Gender: gn!Reader (Maica) & fem!Reader (Qu)

Mai Banner

You and Maica were heading to your favorite coffee shop to try their newest series of drinks. 

“Do you know what you’re going to get?” You asked him as you scrolled through the menu on your phone. 

“Maybe one of the cold drinks. I am not in the mood for anything hot,” he replied, taking a peek over your shoulder at the menu. 

“But I am in the mood for something hot…something hot like you, girl,” a man’s voice interrupted your conversation, prompting the two of you to look at him in confusion. 

The sleazy man scanned Maica’s body and whistled, “Aren’t you sexy.” 

The pink-haired man curled his hands into fists and bared his fangs, ready to defend himself. To his shock, you stepped in front of him and stretch your arm out as if telling him to stay put. 

“What is wrong with you? First of all, catcalling and making vulgar comments is beyond unacceptable. Learn some manners, and then learn how to respect women,” you gritted your teeth and tried your best to suppress yourself from yelling at him.

“Also, go visit an optometrist while you’re at it,” you frowned and glared at him, “since you clearly can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman.” 

The shady man’s eyes widened as he shifted his gaze to Maica. He once again looked the singer up and down before turning his attention back to you. “He…is a guy?” 

“Yes, he is MY man, so buzz off,” you shouted with your eyebrows raised. You turned around and took a firm hold of Maica’s hand, dragging him in the direction of the coffee shop. 

The singer stared at the back of your head with a gentle smile on his lips. “Thanks…” 

“Maica, there is no way I’m going to listen to some idiot passing comments on you or catcalling you,” you huffed and looked at him. 

“So, you think of me as your man, huh?” He asked teasingly, causing your cheeks to glow pink. “Then, is it okay for me to assume this is a date?”

Qu Banner

“Please, don’t worry. I am alright. Just a bit tired,” Qu forced a weak smile. That was the third time this week he lied to you. What was going on, and why was Qu not sharing his heart with you? He promised before you started dating him that he would not hide anything from you, so why did he go back on his word?

“Kasumi,” you peeked into Unei’s office to find C’s member sorting through papers. “Sorry to disturb you, but did you find out anything?”

“A-Ah, s-sorry,” he nervously said, “I looked into the situation but…Qu refuses to talk.”

“It’s alright,” you sighed. “Thank you for trying.”

“(Y/n). I can say one thing for sure. Something is going on with him…he is having a hard time concentrating on rehearsals…and Mokuren is not happy.”

“I will get to the bottom of it,” you reassured him and closed the door behind you. “Qu…I will find out even if you don’t want me to.”


The next day you patiently waited in a park near your boyfriend’s apartment. You didn’t want to stalk him to Starless, but what else were you supposed to do? When he walked past the park, you put on your sunglasses and tugged the brim of your hat closer to your face before following him. Nothing seemed unusual until you noticed Qu clutching his fists as he approached an alleyway.

“Hey, beautiful. Back again to see us?”

‘Beautiful?’ You stopped as you saw three men walking out of the alley. Qu ignored them and continued heading toward Starless, but the tallest of the three blocked his path.

“Don’t be shy. We ain’t goin’ to bite…yet,” the thinnest man laughed, sounding like a malfunctioning chainsaw.

“So, you wanna tell the truth today?” The oldest gangster questioned as he reached for Qu’s braid.

“Please don’t touch me,” your boyfriend swatted the man’s hand and sighed. “Why don’t you understand? I am a man, not a woman.”

“Sure, sure. We’ll believe ya if you undress and show us.”

‘Undress? Woman? What the…? Wait…the reason Qu had been acting weird the past few days…why he was disturbed...’

You rolled up your sleeves and removed the accessories covering your face. No way in hell were you going to let them treat your boyfriend this way. Cautiously making your way closer, you let out a mocking laugh, “You three look like typical idiots, but you seriously can’t be that dumb, right?”

Qu’s eyes widened when he heard your voice. Of all times, why did you have to come now? He spun on his heels to signal you to run away, but before he or the men could say anything, you continued, “Seems like you dumbasses haven’t gotten laid in a long time…so long that you can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman.”

“The f*ck did you call us, girl?” The thin gangster growled.

“You jealous?” The tall man laughed, “I ain’t goin’ to blame ya. You ain’t as pretty as this woman.”

“No one asked for your opinion, and I know my boyfriend is pretty. So pretty that he has three straight men on their knees begging for his attention,” you smirked.

The gangsters grew silent and exchanged looks before returning their gazes to you. “Hold up. She is a dude? Fo’real?”

“Duh. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” you rolled your eyes. “Now, if you will excuse us. We have better things to do than deal with idiots.”

With a huff, you marched towards Qu, linked your arm with his, and pulled him away from the confused gangsters. Once you reached Starless, you scanned your surroundings and smiled, “We are safe!”

“(Y/n), do you realize how dangerous th-”

“Qu,” you interrupted, “please tell me the truth. Are you okay?”

“N-No,” he whispered, lowering his eyes. “I…feel disgusted. How can men treat women in this manner? I can’t imagine what they would have done if I was a woman…”

“Qu, we are…used to this. It’s disturbing for us, but this is how many men treat us. Men like you are hard to come by, but at least respectful men exist.”

“(Y/n). Thank you for your help, but please don’t put yourself in danger again. And if you do, I will punish you,” he teased.

“Speaking of punishments,” you giggled, “didn’t you promise me you wouldn’t hide anything from me? So, shouldn’t I be the one punishing you for lying and hiding the truth?”

“I am sorry,” he chuckled. “How will you punish me?”

“Hmm,” you playfully hummed, “you have to give me a kiss and a hug every hour.”

Qu smiled softly and pressed his lips to your forehead, “As you wish, princess.”

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