
Prompt: Can I request HCs with Qu’s s/o who ask him if she can put drag queen makeup on him something like Trixie’s makeup and letting her remove it and then having a selfcare night together? 

Gender: fem!Reader

Qu Banner

  • You were spending the night at Qu’s home, and you finally managed to find the right time to ask him, “Qu, can you teach me how to do makeup?” 
  • He was more than happy to, but to your surprise, he suggested Trixie-style makeup. 
  • “Woah, Qu, that makeup looks so complex…I am not sure if I can copy it!” 
  • “Give it a try. You won’t learn until you attempt it,” Qu encouraged, “I will guide you.” 
  • Taking in a deep breath, you gave it a chance and tried your best to follow Qu’s directions. “S-So, how does it look?”
  • Qu examined the artistic strokes and smiled brightly, “You did quite well. Seems like you have a natural skill for applying makeup…maybe you could help me around Starless.” 
  • He chuckled and turned to you, “My dear, now for the difficult part…take off the makeup. Would you kindly help me?” 
  • “Sure!” You giggled and gently dabbed makeup remover onto a cotton pad. “How does Trixie do this every day? I can’t imagine the amount of makeup remover and cotton pads it would take.” 
  • Qu laughed a bit and nodded, “Indeed. Applying makeup is fun but having to remove everything is a pain.” 
  • Once his face was cleaned, Qu opened a large drawer in his makeup vanity to reveal a collection of nail polish. You scanned the color-coordinated glass bottles with lips curled up. “This is some collection you have.”
  • He chuckled lightly and showed you two bottles, “These arrived earlier today from overseas. Would you like to try them?” 
  • You nodded eagerly and held fanned out your fingers for him. For a while, the two of you spent time chatting and applying nail polish to each other’s hands. 
  • After the nail paint dried, Qu suggested facials. “Since we applied heavy makeup to your skins, let’s use a face mask to destress our skin.” 
  • An hour later, you rubbed your washed fingers on your cheeks, “Qu, my skin feels so soft! Feel it!” 
  • You giggled and turned your cheek towards him. He softly brushed his fingertips against your smooth skin before leaning in and pressing his lips to your cheek. 
  • Surprised by his action, you turned your head to look at him, prompting him to kiss your lips. “Your lips are soft as well.” 
  • A shade of scarlet covered your cheeks but you got up on your toes and planted a kiss on his delicate lips. Qu slid his hand up your chin and tilted your head to deepen the kiss. 
  • The tall man lifted you off the ground and carried you to bed. 
  • “You look so beautiful, my love,” Qu whispered as he stole a kiss from you, “I can never get enough of this sight. Let me love you tonight like never before.” 
  • Your head started to spin upon hearing his words, and all you remember after that is feeling nothing but bliss. 
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