
Prompt: You learn Sin’s secret, and it upsets you.

Gender: gn!Reader

Word Count: 821

Sin Banner

The room was quiet, save for the sound of the rain tapping against the windowpane. You stood by the window with heavy thoughts, weighed down by the secret your boyfriend had kept from you. How could he not be honest with you after one year of being together? As you watched stray raindrops cascade down the glass, you couldn’t help but think of the good times you shared with him. The first time you met him, the butterflies in your stomach, the laughter, and even the love you shared. Now, it all seemed like a lie. Was he keeping any other secrets from you?

A thunderclap rattled the window, making you jump. You turned around to look at Sin sitting on the couch, guilt and sadness coating his visage. He looked at you with a bit of concern but remained silent. Neither one of you spoke. It had been like this for a while now. 

‘Theater Starless.’ You repeated the name of the restaurant theater he worked at in your mind. Though you had never heard of it, you looked it up and saw where the establishment was located – in a district where families and kids should be kept far away from. You weren’t able to save your thoughts from going haywire. What if he was seeing his customers? What if he was cheating on her? What if he was doing inappropriate things on stage? Was that the reason he didn’t tell her the truth before? Why did it take him so long to tell her what he did?

You did your best to rein her mind from wandering deeper, but your unstable mental state would not allow it. Closing your eyes, you attempted to focus your ears on the sound of the soothing rain; instead, your thoughts wandered to a forbidden place. An attractive customer closing the distance between her and Sin, and her hand reaching for his exposed well-built chest. Her sultry eyes scanning his handsome features as she pressed her chest closer to his torso. She whispered to him in a honey-dripped voice, asking if he desired her just as much as she desired him. 

Another thunderclap rattled the window, knocking your thought off the forbidden track. You slowly opened your eyes and dug your nails into the skin of your palms to prevent your mind from visualizing or thinking anything more while making sure that Sin didn’t see what you were doing. 

Meanwhile, he quietly sat on the sofa, his eyes glued to the carpeted floor. Sin was hurt. He had never given you any reason to doubt him and felt you didn’t trust him. He had tried to explain his job to you before, but you didn’t seem to understand.

As they sat in silence, Sin couldn’t help but wonder if their relationship was on the verge of cracking. He didn’t want to be with someone who didn’t trust him. But at the same time, he didn’t want to lose you.

Finally, you broke the silence with a shaky voice. “Sin, will you honestly tell me what you do at work? Is it…a type of host club…?” 

Sin looked up at you and quietly sighed, his eyes slightly widening as he knew what you were implying, “No. I do have to cater to the customer’s needs, but all within limits. I dance on stage, and at times, I have to wear outfits that reveal my physique, but nothing more than that. Our moves might have an alluring appeal, but that is meant as fan service. We stay within our limits…I stay within my limits.” 

The room went silent again, and you refocused your mind on the pitter-patter of the raindrops and the crackling from the fireplace on the other side of the room. Your mind wasn’t at peace for long as Sin cut through the silence with his deep voice, “(Y/n), I had no intention of hiding the nature of my job from you, but considering the location…most tend to misinterpret it. I now understand that I was in the wrong for doing so. Would you please forgive me? I…don’t want to lose you.” 

His words pierced your heart, and you slowly nodded, your eyes filled with remorse. He rarely sounded sad, and you heard his voice crack for the first time. What you had done had hurt Sin, but in your defense, you were only safeguarding yourself. “Sin, I’m sorry for doubting you. I am…willing to continue to put my trust in you.”

Sin felt a weight lift off his shoulders, and the tight grip around his heart loosened. He walked behind you without wasting time and wrapped his arms firmly around your body. In a gentle voice, he whispered, “Thank you.” 

Sin found it fascinating how the rain seemed to make the atmosphere gloomy in one moment, but in the next moment, the rain felt as though it helped wash his worries away. 

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