Unei's #1 Fan ButOnlyOnAprilsFools

Prompt: Can I ask for a MC that acts like an average fan and is generally nothing more than politely supportive of the teams, but becomes worlds #1 fan, supporter, admirer, etc every April Fools for Unei. She is willingly to die for-support, but just for that one day. Then, afterwards, it’s like it never happened.

Gender: gn!Reader

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  • You are his fan? HIS FAN? Out of all the cast members, you chose him – seriously?
  • He’s dreaming. He has to be dreaming – there is no other explanation.
  • W-Wait, what do you mean you are willing to die for support? You really like him that much?
  • Unei feels dizzy thinking that you, his favorite person ever, wants to support him. Every time he sees you cheering him on, his heart jumps with joy. Is this what the cast members feel like when they are performing on stage? He could get used to it.
  • Every April Fools, Unei prepares a handwritten thank you letter and a thoughtful gift for you. Your support honestly means the world to him.
  • But when you revert back to not supporting him anymore, he is stunned and sad. Why only for one day? Should he intervene or fight the cast members, so that he can perform more?
  • Your support makes him happy for one day, but his heart feels crushed after that. Is there any way for him to control time? If so, he wants it to be April Fool’s every day!


  • Hiding from Haseyama so that they can make it onto Unei’s team: Akira, Taiga, Mizuki, Rico, Ran, Yoshino, Heath
  • Purposely wants to be on Haseyama’s team to crush Unei: Sotetsu, Kokuyou, Menou, Nekome, Mokuren, Zakuro
  • Prefer to stay away from the drama: Kei, Yakou, Ginsei, Gui, Rindou, Sinju, Maica, Takami, Sin, Qu, Hari, Kasumi, Kongou
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