Unintentional Hit

Prompt: What would Ran, Maica, Mizuki and Moku do if they accidentally hit MC when they pop up behind them when the Cast member is having an emotional moment? 

Gender: gn!Reader

Mizu Ban1
  • As Mizuki was heading to Starless, some random punks ganged up and landed a few punches on him. Luckily for Team B’s leader, Kokuyou happened to pass by that alley and came to his aid. 
  • Even after a few hours had passed, Mizuki was on edge, so when you appeared behind him intending to surprise hug him, he decked you in the stomach.  
  • The second he saw your face and you falling to the ground, his jaw dropped, and Mizuki didn’t move a muscle. 
  • “MIZUKI!” For the first time, you saw Kongou angry. Had it not been for you coughing, the muscular man would’ve gripped his team leader by the collar and yelled at him. He helped you up and took you to Unei’s office to tend to your possible injuries. You thought Mizuki would follow to check on you, but he disappeared without a sign.
  • An hour later, he appeared in front of you with a red nose and bloodshot eyes. Mizuki felt so guilty for hitting you that he couldn’t stop himself from crying. He kneeled in front of you and rested his forehead on your thighs while apologizing profusely. 
  • “I didn’ mean to hit ya. When I was headin’ to Starless, some fckn bastards started fightin’ with me. I’m sorry for hurtin’ ya.” 
Ran Ban1
  • Ran and Mizuki got into an argument about their outfits for the upcoming performance, and to settle it, the leader suggested a kicking competition. The first one to land a kick on the other wins. 
  • Unfortunately, no one warned you to stay away from the two. You appeared behind Ran, and right as you were about to say “boo,” you saw him lift his leg and turn towards you at full speed. For a split second, you saw the toothy grin on his face fall flat, but it was too late. He couldn’t stop in time, and his foot hit your torso. His kick was powerful enough to send you flying halfway down the hallway.  
  • “(Y/n)!” Ran stumbled towards you and fell to his knees with a worried expression etched onto his drained face. “I thought you were Mizuki and…I didn’t mean to kick you. Wait, I’ll be right back.” 
  • Within a few moments, he returned with Sin, Kei, Kongou, and Rindou. Though your vision and thoughts felt fuzzy, you could hear the four of them getting mad at Ran. The last thing you remembered before passing out was Kei asking Kongou to bring Mizuki and Ran to the office. 
  • When you finally regained your consciousness, you saw Ran sitting next to the couch, looking like a lost puppy walking through the rain on a cold night. 
  • “R-Ran?”
  • “(Y/n), sorry for hurting you. I promise I won’t do anything like that again. I will accept any punishment from you, but don’t hate me…or stop talking to me.” 
Moku Ban1
  • Mokuren was having a bad day. Some of their teammates were not cooperating, a few customers had stressed them out with over-the-top demands, and someone stole their dessert from the office refrigerator. They didn’t want to take their anger out on anyone, so Moku marched straight to the rehearsal room to dance their emotions away. 
  • Team C’s leader was so focused on the song that they failed to notice you standing a few feet away, watching them in awe. They jumped into the air and kicked their legs behind them, accidentally kicking you in the face. 
  • Mokuren immediately hurried to your side, helped you up, and examined your face for injuries. They used the sleeve of their jacket to wipe your face before resting their hand on your head. 
  • “I didn’t realize you were standing behind me. I apologize for not paying attention and hurting you. Next time, please watch from a safe distance.” 
  • “Mokuren, your dancing is so powerful that it hurts…literally.”  
  • They stared at you for a second, wondering if you were joking or being serious, but as soon as they heard you chuckle, the corners of their lips tugged up. “Forgive me. Today is not a good day, and it seems like I ruined your day as well. What can I do to make it up?” 
Maica Banner
  • Again, someone called him a woman, and that too, right in front of his teammates. If that wasn’t enough, that man passed a few inappropriate comments. Thankfully, Rindou and Nekome handled the situation, but that didn’t lessen Maica’s anger. 
  • He wanted to punch a wall, but damaging Starless’ property would get him and his team into trouble. So, he opted for the next best option, grab objects off Unei’s desk and throw them against the door. Little did he know that you had entered the room to ask if he was okay. 
  • Maica clutched onto one of the books and turned around to toss it at full speed. When he saw you, the singer tried to change the direction of his aim. Though he managed to avoid hitting your face, the book still slammed against your shoulder. 
  • As you held onto your shoulder and winced in pain, Maica stared with wide eyes. He couldn’t believe he hit someone – someone he cared about and loved. Gathering his scattered thoughts, he helped you to the sofa and examined your shoulder. There was only a red mark, but he knew there was going to be a nasty bruise in that spot tomorrow. 
  • “I…am s-sorry,” he stood up and bowed. “That was rather uncalled for, but I was unaware that you entered the room.” 
  • He didn’t wait for your response as Maica was too shook; instead, he walked out and asked Rindou to tend to you, making the excuse that he needed to get some fresh air. Even if you forgave him for his mistake, Maica was not going to be able to forgive himself for a long time. 
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