You're Pretty

Prompt: MC telling them “You’re really pretty”? Like maybe it’s their eyes or the way they smile?

Gender: gn!Reader

Kei Banner

“Kei, your eyes are really pretty.”

That one sentence completely changed his mood and turned his day around. As usual, he had a lot on his plate; Kei had to break up a few fights in Starless, had to listen to the bitter words of some of the cast members, and most of all, had to deal with Haseyama. He honestly felt like walking out of the front door and taking the rest of the day off until you came along.

“And what is it that you like about my eyes?” He asked, a soft smile tugging on his lips.

“Everything! The color, the intensity, the way you glare, the way your eyes light up when you’re happy, but my favorite is…that look,” you whispered shyly. “The soft look you give me…it makes my heart melt.”

Kei didn’t have words to describe how happy he felt hearing you say those words, so he drew you into a gentle embrace and kissed the top of your head. “That look is reserved only for you…”

Yak Banner

“Your blush is pretty.”

Your compliment only made his cheeks redder. It was bad enough that Yakou had accidentally tripped over a flat surface as he was tired. But to hear you compliment his embarrassed expression made him want to stick his face into the ground.

Seeing your words embarrassed him, you stepped forward and pretended to trip next to him. Yakou was surprised for a moment but began to laugh. You joined him, and the two of you sat on the floor laughing together. But you looked at Yakou and playfully grinned.

“Your blush is still pretty, though.”

This only made him laugh harder.

Koku Banner

“Kokuyou, you are so pretty.”

His jaw slightly dropped, giving way for his lit cigarette to nearly fall on his pants. He cursed under his breath and put out the cigarette with the bottom of his combat boots before turning to you.

“The hell you say about me? I am pretty? Do you need to get your eyes checked, or are you pulling my leg?” He was irritated, and the longer you took to reply to his question, the more annoyed he got. “Stop staring at me and answer already!”

“Sorry, I was just admiring…,” as you spoke, you backed away from him, “…how pretty you look!”

Kokuyou watched you run inside the building and sighed heavily. He was many things – handsome, sexy, manly, delinquent-like, intimidating, straightforward – but he was NOT pretty. He was going to make you pay one of these days for using that adjective to describe him.

Sin Banner

“Your eyes are pretty.”

Sin shifted his eyes from his book to you and studied your expressions for a moment. You didn’t seem like you made any mistakes, nor did you look like you were lying. So, out curiously, he asked, “Do you mean eye?”

Shifting closer to him, you moved his bangs out of the way and shook your head, “I meant eyes.”

He was surprised by your unexpected compliment. Most people were scared of his glass eye, some even unnecessary comments, some insulted him, and some gasped or yelped when they realized it was fake. That’s why he decided to hide his eye under his bangs.

But you, you complimented it? Sin smiled and brushed his fingertips on your cheek. You were rather strange, and he was thankful to have you in his life.

Rin Banner

“Your smile is so pretty.”

Rindou’s eyes widen at your sudden statement. He appreciated your kind words, but all smiles are pretty, right? So why point his smile out?

“Why do you say that?” He inquired, curious to see if you have any specific reason.

“Your smile is so gentle and warm. It gives me fuzzy feelings inside my heart.”

Rindou chuckled and ruffled your hair, “Is that so? Then, I will remember to smile whenever I am around you.”

Though you understood his words, you shook your head and took hold of his hand, “Smile only when you are happy. You have a bad habit of smiling even if you are not okay. Rindou, it’s okay to not be okay. And remember, if you need a hug, I am always here.”

The corners of his lips tugged up as he pressed the back of your hand to his lips, “I will remember that. Thank you.”

Menou Banner

“Your expressions are pretty.”

Menou shifted his gaze from his face in the mirror to you. The orange-haired man slightly tilted his head, curious to know why you chose ‘pretty’ to describe his expressions when he was acting.

“Pretty…and expressions?”

“Well, you know how when you see something pretty, it makes you happy or speechless? Well, your acting does just that. So, Menou, your acting is pretty.” You grinned.

He chuckled and faced you, finding your explanation cute. Tussling your hair gently, Menou thanked you.

Moku Banner

“Your movements are so pretty.”

As Mokuren turned around, a cocky smile found its way to their lips. Of course, their moments are pretty; they are the dancing god of Starless, after all. Nevertheless, they appreciated your compliment.

“Thank you. Dancing is my life, and I will perfect my every move to my last breath.” They spoke with confidence and passion.

You blinked rapidly for a moment before tilting your head, “That’s great, Mokuren.”

“What’s wrong?” They asked, a bit startled by our seemingly cold response.

“Oh, I was talking to Hari. His moves are fluid and pretty.” You sympathetically smiled and excused yourself from the rehearsal room.

Mokuren narrowed their eyes as they watched you happily skip out of the room. You seemed a little too happy. Wait, you were teasing them for eating your donut, weren’t you?

Qu Banner

“You are pretty.”

Qu had received that compliment many times, but hearing it from you made his heart race. He looked into your eyes and smiled softly. Before he could thank you, you sighed dreamily, taking in every detail of his features.

“Your eyes are so pretty. Your smile is pretty. Your skin is flawless. Your nose is perfect. Your lips are so kissable…”

Realizing what you just said, you quickly covered your mouth with your hand and froze. In response, Qu chuckled softly and gently lowered your hand over your mouth. He leaned closer to your face with his eyes locked with yours.

“Would you kindly repeat the last part?” He whispered.

Kasu Banner

“Your smile is pretty.”

His lips immediately flattened, not expecting you to compliment his smile. But the next moment, he smiled at you and said, “Ah, this is the first time someone has complimented my smile. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome! Whenever I see you smile, it makes me smile.”

Under his bangs, Kasumi’s eyes softened. He stepped closer to you and brought his face to your level. Before you could say anything, he gently pressed his lips on your forehead.

“And you always make me smile.”

Mizu Banner

“Your hair is so pretty.”

Mizuki stopped munching on his snack and looked at you, confused. That was a very odd thing to say. Out of all the things you could compliment about him, why his hair?

“Why are you looking at me like that?” You questioned him when he remained silent.

“You like…my hair?”

A giggle escaped your lips as you nodded, “Yeah, I love the mango-colored streak in your hair. It looks like it’s rebelling against the rest of your hair. I don’t know how to put this, but your hair is so you.”

Upon hearing your explanation, his cheeks turned crimson. No one has described his hair that way before, and Mizuki never thought he would be proud to have unique hair. Your compliment made him so happy that for the rest of the day, he walked around Starless with a wide grin.

Ran Banner

“Your eyes are pretty.”

Ran stopped cutting the vegetables in the Starless kitchen and looked at you in surprise. Where did the sudden compliment come from? Regardless, he grinned brightly, “Really?”

“Really! They remind me of gemstones and always sparkle so brightly.”

Ran set aside the knife and threw his arms around you, hugging you tightly. Unknown to you, he had been having a bad day. Everything and everyone was making him angry, and hearing your compliment made his day.

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