Prompt: Imagine a group of female idols performing in front of guys how would they react?
Hot g-girls? O/////////////O: Taiga, Unei
Wants to stare but feels it’s disrespectful: Ginsei, Yakou, Sinju, Hari
Stares without a shame in the world: Sotetsu, Akira, Menou, Nekome, Mizuki, Rico
Okay, they are female idols…so?: Gui, Kokuyou, Takami, Maica, Hinata
More interested in their performance than the actual girls: Kei, Sin, Rindou, Kasumi
Judges their every move: Mokuren
More interested in their vocals: Yoshino, Zakuro, Heath
More interested in their makeup and clothes: Qu, Aogiri
Prompt: What kind of reaction would they give with underage girl groups?
A/N: Reactions are platonic.
Impressed by their talent at their age – Ginsei, Gui, Akira, Taiga, Menou, Yakou, Qu, Hari, Kasumi
Did someone say, idol group?? Instant fan – Ran, Kongou
Has no opinion yet, as he needs to assess their talent before passing any comments – Kei, Mokuren, Yoshino, Maica, Zakuro
Takes them as a source of inspiration – Rindou, Heath, Sinju, Aogiri, Unei
Cool. He honestly doesn’t care – Sotestu, Kokuyou, Hinata, Mizuki
Good for them – Sin, Takami, Nekome, Rico
Prompt: Who in starless would date an idol?
Would date an idol: Zakuro, Mizuki, Ran, Kongou, Akira, Hinata
Don’t want to draw attention to them: Takami, Sin, Sotetsu, Kasumi, Taiga, Nekome, Heath, Hari
Insecurities/past reasons: Rindou, Sinju, Yakou, Yoshino, Rico, Ginsei
Prefers privacy: Maica, Qu, Gui, Kokuyou, Menou, Unei, Mokuren, Aogiri
Already has a spotlight and doesn’t want a brighter one: Kei