Reader Good with Kids
Prompt: How would the guys react to just finding out that their s/o is great with kids? Could be her own siblings or just seeing her soothe a random crying child?
Gender: fem!Reader
How cute: Kei, Gui, Sin, Takami, Menou, Qu, Aogiri
Doesn’t care one bit. Just get the kid to stop crying: Sotetsu, Kokuyou, Taiga, Mokuren, Hinata
Secretly takes photos because the moment is too sweet to pass up: Yakou, Yoshino, Rindou, Rico, Kasumi
Instantly hears wedding bells: Ginsei, Kongou, Sinju, Hari, Heath, Unei
Teases about how one day you will make a great mom for his kids: Akira, Nekome, Zakuro
GRR. How dare the child take your attention away from him: Maica, Mizuki, Ran
Prompt: Starless cast react to a y/n who have a 2-year-old little brother with Asperger’s syndrome (an autism condition) very calm, educated but really shy. Extra: how would they react to being called Aniki.
Gender: gn!Reader
Reaction to meeting the brother:
Bends down to his height and introduces himself, holds out a hand, and asks if the child would like his friend: Yakou, Takami, Rindou, Qu, Kasumi, Hari, Kongou, Heath, Unei
What a cute child: Ginsei, Yoshino, Sin, Aogiri
Doesn’t know how to deal with children and acts awkwardly: Gui, Kokuyou, Taiga, Mokuren, Mizuki, Rico
Impressed that the child is calm and smart for his age: Kei, Sotetsu, Maica, Menou
Thinks the child is adorable and wants to hug him but doesn’t want to scare him: Akira, Sinju, Nekome, Ran
Really wants to scare him but holds back because he doesn’t want to make you mad: Zakuro, Hinata
Reaction to being called Aniki:
AWWWWWWWWWWWW: Ginsei, Akira, Sinju, Qu, Kongou, Unei
“You already think of me as a brother-in-law? That makes my job easier”: Sotetsu, Kasumi, Zakuro
Smiles: Kei, Yoshino, Takami, Maica, Heath, Aogiri
Ruffles/Pats the child’s hair: Yakou, Kokuyou, Sin, Rindou, Menou, Hari
Still feels awkward around him: Gui, Taiga, Mokuren, Mizuki, Rico, Hinata
“Reminds of Taiga when he was child”: Nekome