Naturally Genius
Prompt: How would the obey me characters react to an MC that’s extremely smart but rarely shows it? Like, they have not studied once in the almost year they’ve spent in the Devildom, but they’re at the top of their class. But the second someone expects something from them they play hella dumb… in other words they’re smart but they would rather be reckless and stupid and enjoy life to the fullest- because when did a smart decision lead to a funny story?
Gender: gn!Reader
- Lucifer considers your ability to be a talking encyclopedia a privilege most people don’t have and thinks you should cherish it.
- He doesn’t like that you’re reckless, and get into trouble as a result of them, despite being smart enough to know right from wrong.
- In the end, the Avatar of Pride shakes his head and says, “You’re truly one of a kind…”
- Though he doesn’t like you getting into trouble, Luci still admires your desire to live life to the fullest.
- He thinks of you as his best friend and partner in crime, especially when it comes to pulling pranks. Thanks to your intelligence, you can get him out of trouble just as quickly as he gets himself into trouble.
- The best part for him is that you enjoying being reckless with him.
- What Mammon likes the most is unlike some of the geniuses in Devildom, you don’t look down on him; instead, you understand where he comes from and always support him.
- Levi was genuinely surprised when you suggested an unusual tactic for one of the boss fights. He ended up winning without putting in much effort.
- Since that day, he wishes he could see your genius side more, but at the same time, he likes your “normal” self.
- He thinks you may stop talking to him if he can’t match your intelligence level, and even worse, Levi thinks you’ll judge him.
- Satan admires your intelligence, even more since the day you solved the mystery in his favorite crime novel within a few seconds.
- He finds your reckless, “dumb” side to be entertaining as well.
- Whenever you’re around him, Satan likes to study your body language and mind to find out how your brain truly works.
- He likes being around you, but he wishes that you would join him in intellectual conversations and show him more of your encyclopedia side.
- Asmo doesn’t really care that you switch between being a genius and acting clueless, though it does confuse him every so often.
- He likes you for who you are – a fun-loving, sweet person who brightens his world.
- The Avatar of Lust does find it hilarious that you purposely act stupid to get rid of your boredom. He didn’t know people did that until he met you.
- Like Asmo, Beel cares about you as a person, not your intelligence level. You’re nice and share your food, and that’s all that matters to him.
- He likes your reckless side though, especially since the day you helped him build a 100 layer sandwich and watched him eat it, all while cheering for him.
- Beel wishes he didn’t like to study like you, but he knows that Lucifer will be mad at him if he gets bad grades.
- Belphie likes having intelligent conversations with you when the two of you are in the planetarium. Other than that, he doesn’t really mind you being reckless or a genius.
- He even suggests you take a nap when you’re bored. Not only will you wake up more energized, but you won’t have to think for a while.
- Like Beel, he also wishes he had your naturally genius mind so that he can sleep more and skip classes.
- He was the most confused when you acted as an adviser to him and the next second he asked you for advice, you ran into a wall and shrugged your shoulders.
- Diavolo knows how to get around this side of your, though. Whenever he wants your advice, he calls you to his office, says the question, and brainstorms out loud, knowing that you will help him.
- Even more than your genius side, Diav likes your reckless side. He likes that you are willing to show him how to live life to the fullest because even a prince needs a break time-to-time.
- Barb was the first to notice the way you switched between being a genius and acting dumb. He found it to be rather interesting.
- Unfortunately for you, Barbatos knows your “weakness”, so he never asks you questions straight out as he knows you will turn on your clueless switch; instead, he talks to you in such a way that you always show him your genius side.
- By the time you realize this, the conversation is over, and the day has almost come to an end.
- Simeon likes seeing your smart side, but he also admires your playful side. He thinks you great as you are and even gives your constant reminders to never change.
- Like Luke, he worries about you being too reckless, but the older angel knows if you get into trouble, you’re smart enough to get yourself out.
- What he worries about the most is people wanting to use you for your abilities. For this reason, he keeps an eye on the people around you.
- Luke doesn’t care for your encyclopedic side. The young angel likes you for your personality more than your intelligence level.
- He does worry when you get too reckless and even gives you a lecture, but then quickly adds that he doesn’t want you to get into trouble.
- Though, Luke likes it when you help him bake desserts. Some of your ideas and suggests blow the angel’s mind.
- Solomon wishes you would show him more of your smart side. It’s difficult for him to find people who are on his intelligence level, and he hates that you shy away from showing him what you are capable of.
- Like some of the demons, Solomon knows how to manipulate his words to get you to show him your genius side, but he doesn’t use it too often.
- After all, if you catch on and stop talking to him, then he won’t be able to learn more about you. Who knows maybe someday your knowledge could help him in some way.