Cat-like MC
Prompt: All x fem! mc who acts like a cat? (licks the back of her hand, meows randomly, sleeps in their position, when someone bothers her, she jumps that person and starts to scratch their face, likes to wear cat themed things, cat paws thigh high etc.)
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Platonic. This turned into a bit of comedy, but I couldn’t help it since you mentioned the “jumps and scratches part”. 😂
- Diavolo is fascinated with your cat-like behavior and initially thinks it’s normal for humans to behave this way. When he learns humans don’t work that way, he asks you why you choose to act like a cat. After hearing you hiss and scratch him, Diavolo never asks you again.
- Though after you injure Diav, Barbatos never lets you have alone time with the prince. He will always be present whenever the two of you meet, or you are within a 50 feet distance of Diavolo.
- He is a huge fan of your outfits and always looks forward to seeing your daily fashion statements. His favorites are A-line cat-themed dresses and hoodies with cat ears.
- Barbatos finds it a bit odd for a human to act like a cat, but he doesn’t really care. If it makes you unique, and you like it, who is he to judge you. He is fond of you in general but doesn’t approve of you getting close to his lord and potentially scratching him again.
- Seeing some of your cat-like actions, the butler became curious one day and wanted to see if you would also eat foods that cats usually like. Devil behold, you surprised him by cleaning every plate he put in front of you. On top of that, you purred and nuzzled his arm.
- Now, he is even more curious about you, and when he finds free time, Barbatos plans to check your past to see what happened in your life to make you act like a cat.
- He thinks your cat-themed clothes are cute, but Luke is scared of you and refuses to approach you or talk to you. Luke is convinced that a feline demon has possessed you, and no one can convince him otherwise.
- Whenever you come over to Purgatory Hall, he locks himself in his room and refuses to come out until you are gone. It is NOT normal for a human to act like a cat. Humans should not act like an animal!
- Despite all this, Luke still bakes treats for you – treats that are cat-themed and colorful. He usually asks Simeon to deliver them to you.
- Simeon is used to seeing a lot of unusual things, but a human turning into a cat by choice? Now that’s something he has never seen before. In heaven, the rules say this behavior should be frowned upon, but…the angel has interacted many times with you and thinks you are a likable person, so bending the rules is okay once in a while, right?
- He doesn’t like that Luke is afraid of you, so Simeon tries his best to keep you away from the Hall of Purgatory. Just the thought of a cat and chihuahua getting into a fight gives him a headache.
- The older angel really likes your cat ears, especially the bright colored ones, and your cat collar with a golden bell.
- Well, isn’t this new. Solomon has lived for God knows how long, but he has never once seen a feline in the form of a human. Is this some form of cosplay? Do you genuinely see yourself as a cat? Can you relate more with cats than humans? Seems like a research-worthy topic.
- Solomon truly enjoys spending time with you, why you ask? He gets to see all sorts of hilarious events, from you ruining Lucifer’s day to scaring Diavolo, Mammon, Luke to using Simeon’s long coat as a toy to climbing up on top of high places, including but not limited to the kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, and the tops of the dorms, Diavolo’s castle, and trees.
- He wonders what would happen if one day he accidentally released a spell in Devildom that would turn everyone into cats/cat-like creatures. Would you be happy? He is not sure, but Solomon definitely knows which demons would get mad.
- He LOVES your cat-themed fashion, especially the thigh highs with cat ears. Asmo knows who he will cosplay as on Halloween, and he plans to bring you along with him. Cat twins!
- He likes taking pictures of you and posting them on Devilgram. Eventually, he ends up making an account for you, which he operates.
- Asmo may adore you, but he fears that you might get mad at him and scratch his perfect skin; so whenever he sees you upset or enjoying a nap, he never disturbs you.
- The first time he sees you acting like a cat, Mammon panics and runs around the House of Lamentation, yelling that a feline demon possessed you.
- He doesn’t talk to you for a while, but when he finally gathers enough courage to talk to you…not that he was scared in the first place…the Avatar of Greed regrets his decision. Mammon found you curled on the couch and started a conversation without realizing you were sleeping. He poked you awake, asking if you were listening, and much to his shock, you jumped on him and scratched him. Who knew you took being a cat so seriously? Mammon sure didn’t.
- Now, every time he tries to talk to you, the second brother maintains a distance. Though when you’re in a playful mood, Mammon enjoys holding out feather cat toys in front of you and seeing your reaction to them. His favorite, though, is using a laser light on the wall and watching you jump around.
- Beel is very confused by your actions, but he doesn’t care, especially after you gave him half of your paw-shaped cookie. Only nice people share food with others, so in his eyes, you are a very kind human…cat…human-cat? Nevermind, he is confused again.
- One day, he was sleeping and felt an unexplained weight on his chest and stomach but was too sleepy to check. In the morning, Beel saw you curled up on his chest and peacefully sleeping. Seeing your cute resting face, he didn’t have the hearts to wake you up. Since then, the Avatar of Gluttony let you use his chest as a mattress.
- Did you know one of the most-watched videos on Devilgram (captured by Asmo) is of you, Beel, and Mammon? The Avatar of Greed managed to upset you for the 100th time, and as soon as you went to jump on him, Beel grabbed you by your waist from behind. You were hissing and flailing, but Beel effortlessly managed to hold you in mid-air with his arms stretched out in front of him. He put you down only after you calmed down, and Mammon ran away.
- Belphie is happy to meet a human who doesn’t act like a human, as dealing with an actual human seems like too much trouble. He thinks your behavior is a mixture of cute, unusual, and entertaining.
- The Avatar of Sloth loves to take naps with you, but he finds your sleeping positions odd and hilarious. The standard curled-up position looks uncomfortable as you are literally touching your face to your knees…how do you manage to sleep so soundly? The worst ones are where he finds you sleeping in weird angles – are you trying to show off your flexibility skill even while sleeping?
- At least you don’t sleep in a box. Wait, would you fall asleep in a box? He wants to try, but at the same time, Belphie doesn’t want to know the answer.
- Levi thinks you look like an anime character and wants to get to know you better. He is also impressed with how well you act like a cat, even down to your sleeping style; you must have practiced a lot.
- He thinks your outfits are amazing and loves your cat paws the most. How are you able to function with those gloves on, though? You must truly love being a feline.
- The Avatar of Envy enjoys designing and making outfits for you. Most of his designs are original, but sometimes, he takes the outfits of his favorite Neko anime characters and turns them into apparel for you.
- The best part is that you can spend time in Levi’s room without bothering him in any way. He doesn’t feel lonely, and you can peacefully take your nap or watch Henry swimming in his aquarium.
- Lucifer is speechless when he first sees you acting like a cat. He can’t detect any curses, you can communicate, so your soul is not switched with a feline’s, and there should not be any cosplaying in the house. What exactly is going on?
- He tries not to think about it, and after hearing about your ‘attack’ on Diavolo, the Avatar of Pride doesn’t want to ask you why. All to their own.
- The eldest brother doesn’t mind you living in the House of Lamentation, but he has two complaints. One, you are going to spoil Satan and feed his cat crazy way too much. Two, stop going into his office and scattering all his papers on his desk and floor; it’s a lot of work to clean up and adds unnecessary stress.
- Satan wants to be your friend the second he sees you in cat-themed clothes. A fellow cat lover with who he can talk about cat topics. When he realizes that you are not just a cat lover but like to act like a feline, he is shocked.
- He thinks your meowing is adorable but can’t get enough of you looking at him with large eyes, especially when you want something from him.
- He can’t have cats in the house, but the Avatar of Pride can’t kick you out, so ha, take that, Lucifer.
- Satan is the biggest fan of yours/Asmo’s Devilgram page. So many cute and funny videos, but he sometimes gets upset that he isn’t able to see these moments live.