Teen MC 2: MC Hates Studying

Prompt: A teen MC who hates studying, featuring Lucifer, Mammon, Satan.

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

Luci Banner HC
  • When Lucifer saw your report card, he was speechless. He knew that you were smart, so he couldn’t understand why your grades were suffering. 
  • You soon received a text from him. 

Lucifer: Come to my office ASAP. We need to talk. 

  • This text was enough to send you (or anyone else) into a state of panic. 
  • Though you expected the worse, Lucifer calmly asked one question, “Are you having difficulty in your classes?” 
  • “No, I just…hate studying.” 
  • “Then let me help you study.” 
  • You reluctantly agreed; part of you didn’t want him to worry, while the other part of you was afraid to say no. 
  • To your surprise, Lucifer not only took an active interest in teaching you, but he also made the lessons enjoyable. 
  • Instead of long boring talks, he showed you images and relatable examples. Instead of theory, he showed you experiments. His explanations were also straightforward and concise. 
  • Your grades skyrocket, but the best part was the bond you formed with the eldest demon. 
  • Mammon was raiding your room for sellable valuables but accidentally ended up with your report card in his hand. 
  • He wasn’t sure how to react after seeing all the failing grades. Mammon feared that Lucifer and Diavolo would send you back to the human realm. ‘I’ve to do somethin’.’ 
  • You returned to your room in the evening to see your belonging scattered on the floor. “MAMMOOOON!”
  • Storming to his room, you swung open the door, “What were you doing-” 
  • You looked around the room and saw stacks of books everywhere. If that wasn’t enough, you saw Mammon hunched over his desk, face buried in a heavy book. 
  • “Mammon? You are…studying? It’s the end of the world, isn’t it?”
  • He nearly fell out of his chair after hearing your voice, “What are ya doin’ here?” 
  •  “Why are you studying?” 
  • “Uh, I…”
  • Seeing Mammon blush, you started laughing, “Oh, are you one of those demons that is studious but doesn’t like people knowing?” 
  • “Wha? No!” The avatar of greed sighed and mumbled something inaudible under his breath. 
  • “What?”
  • “I don’t want Lucifer and Diavolo to send ya back to the human world.” 
  • “Why would they do that?” 
  • “Cause you’re failin’ your classes.” He glanced at you, “So, I thought if I study, I can help ya study, y’know.” 
  • His heartfelt words made you smile. From then on, the two of you studied together, and you put effort into your classes. 
Satan HC Banner
  • You dragged yourself into the House of Lamentation, your mind still heavy after seeing your report card. ‘Why do I need to go to school?’ 
  • “Is something the matter? You don’t look well.” 
  • The all too familiar voice startled you, “Satan! Don’t scare me like that.” 
  • He chuckled after seeing your cute reaction, “Sorry, but what’s wrong?” 
  • You sighed loudly and handed him your report card, “I HATE studying. I try, but just it’s still not enough.” 
  • Satan frowned upon seeing your grades. They were just as bad as Mammon’s grades, and Satan knew if Lucifer found out, you would be in trouble. 
  • “Would you like to study with me?” 
  • “But…is that okay with you?” 
  • “Of course.” 
  • At first, you thought the study sessions wouldn’t go well because you knew Satan was smart, and you were afraid that he would be a know it all. 
  • But, to your astoundment, the avatar of wrath was incredibly patient. If you didn’t understand a concept or equation, he explained it to you until you felt confident. 
  • He even went out of his way to adjust his teaching style to fit your learning style, like a true teacher should. 
  • By the end of the semester, you were passing your classes with flying colors. 
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