Teen MC 3: Sports Injury
Prompt: Can you do a teenage mc with all the boys who does sports (like multiple and rougher ones like I do rugby wrestling and football as the only girl on all teams) and maybe they get hurt during a game/match like broke something or hurt a nerve and the whole limb is hurt?
Gender: fem!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
- Proud that you can hold your own in an all-boys team but still worries about you getting injured.
- When you get injured, he lectures you for not taking care of yourself. While the medics carry you on a stretcher, Luci is walking next to you, giving you a lecture.
- During your recovery phase, he makes sure you don’t move a muscle.
- He takes it on himself to do everything for you, and when he’s busy, he bribes asks one of his brothers to take care of you.
- Is very strict with your diet, no junk food allowed. If he catches Beel trying to sneak in food for you, both of you will be in trouble.
- Though if you pout or pretend to get upset, he’ll make exceptions.
- Shows up to all your games and cheers for you the loudest when you’re playing.
- Mammon gets extremely worried when he sees you get injured. He has tears in his eyes.
- When the doctor permits him to see you, he runs into your room and throws his arms around you. You may or may not have to remind him that you’re injured.
- Moves into your room and doesn’t let you do anything on your own.
- Keeps telling you that he’s going to charge you for everything.
- Sometimes when you wake up, you can see him sleeping on the chair next to your bed with his head resting on your bed.
- Mammon literally doesn’t leave your side. He even forgets that he has classes. You’ll most likely need to save the poor boy from Luci’s wrath.
- Coming to watching your game is the only time he likes leaving his room.
- Levi supports you and your choices, but he gets jealous of seeing you on all-boys teams.
- When he sees you get injured, Levi does the @_@ face.
- He’s upset that you got injured and that you’re in pain, but he’s happy that he gets to spend more time with you.
- Let’s you stay in his room but tells you not to get used to it. After all, normies are not allowed in his room.
- Get ready to binge-watch animes.
- Levi will also teach you to play video games assuming you don’t have a hand or arm injury. In that case, you’ll be watching him play games.
- By the time you recover, you’ll most likely be a pro video gamer.
- Worries when he sees you playing. He doesn’t want to see your beautiful skin get scars.
- When his worst fear comes true, Asmo lectures you about not taking care of yourself and your skin.
- Moves you into his room while you’re recovering.
- Will spend all the time he can taking care of you. Sometimes when he needs to leave, he will tell you to call him ASAP in case you need him.
- He likes to do your hair, nails, and makeup.
- If you don’t like that, he’ll tell you to give it a try or to please just let him try out different makeup styles on you.
- Plays dress up with you or for you, depending on where your injury is.
- Worries that you’ll injure yourself while you play but supports your passion.
- When he sees you get injured, he nearly flies into a fit of rage. Would’ve killed the person who caused your injury but remembers that attending to you is far more important.
- Starts reading books about “How To Care For Your Injured Human”.
- He also does a lot of research on how to lessen your pain.
- Spends time reading books to you.
- Brings back your classwork and homework because he doesn’t want you to miss anything.
- Will not let you miss your schoolwork as he doesn’t want you to fall behind. Good luck coming up with excuses.
- Loves to come to your games and finishes ALL the food in the concession stands.
- Beel nearly has heart failure when he sees you injured. Bulldozes his way (using this body) through the crowds so he can reach you and check on you.
- If you have a leg injury, he carries you around everywhere. If you have a hand injury, he doesn’t let you lift a finger.
- He prepares/buys your favorite food. After all, eating good food has the power to make everyone happy.
- Beel’s logic: good food = happy = makes you smile = helps you recover faster.
- Takes care of all your duties.
- Gives you a ton of hugs.
- Throws a huge food party the day you recover.
- Asks how you can play so many sports and says he’s too lazy to move a muscle.
- Belphie isn’t fond of the fact that you’re around so many males. He’s ready to attack any guy that tries to get your attention or flirt with you.
- Is very concerned when you get injured.
- He checks in on you and/or messages you every 30 mins to make sure you’re okay.
- Helps you during your recovery phase and stay in your room. Gets into a habit of cuddling with you and sometimes gets lectured by Lucifer for always staying in your room.
- You’ll heal in no time considering that all you’ll be doing is sleeping.
- Comes to visit you before every game and asks you to be careful.
- He hugs you for good luck before you go out on the field.
- When you get injured, he is very worried. He knows you’re tough, but he also knows that human bodies can’t tolerate a lot of pain.
- Ends up asking you to move to Purgatory Hall so he can take care of you. Gets permission from Luci beforehand.
- Tends to your every need.
- He takes this time to get to know you even better.
- Tells you stories about the Celestial Realm and asks you to tell stories about the human world (specifically about your life).
- Doesn’t like that you are reckless, says this is a bad habit of humans.
- Gets VERY worried when he sees you injured. Luke gets mad at the person who is the main reason for your injury.
- To Luke, it seems like he’s giving a piece of his mind to that person, but to everyone else, it looks like a chihuahua growling.
- While you’re healing, Luke comes to visit you every day, even if he gets into trouble for it.
- He wants to make sure that you’re okay, BUT the main reason is he doesn’t trust demons to take care of you.
- If he sees you in any sort of discomfort, he makes sure to give an earful to the seven brothers.
- He knows he’ll get teased by the brothers, but he doesn’t care because Luke cares for you that much.
- Makes sure to finish all his work so that he can come to watch your game.
- The day Diavolo learned that you play sports, he asked Barbatos to prepare medicines in advance.
- When you get injured, Diav makes his way to the field and personally carries you out of there.
- Wants you to stay with him at the castle, no exceptions.
- Asks Barb to attend to all your needs.
- Tries his best to make time for you. When he does spend time with you, he asks you to tell him stories about the human world.
- Asks a TON of questions like a curious manchild.
- Unknown to you, the person who caused your injury has “mysteriously” disappeared.
- Has already seen you get injured in many of the timelines.
- He has prepared the medicines in advance and has already asked Diavolo for permission to let you stay in the castle during your healing period.
- Can’t attend all your games since he can’t leave Diav’s side. Luckily for him, Diav sometimes comes to your game just so Barb gets a chance to see you play.
- When you get injured, he immediately shifts all your luggage to the castle. After attending to you, of course.
- Barb takes care of you while taking care of Diavolo, like the SuperButler he is.
- Can’t give you undivided attention but makes sure you get everything you need.
- When he does have free time, he spends it with you.
- Supports you playing sports, especially on all-boys teams.
- Will be standing in the background “smiling” at any teammate who attempts to flirt with you.
- When you get injured, he’s prepared.
- He carries you to a private place, away from all the people, and examines your injury.
- Ends up asking you to drink a potion that completely heals your injury.
- When you question him, he says he figured you might get injured, so he prepared a potion in advance.
- That way you don’t have to stop playing.