Teen MC 4: Depressed MC

Prompt: Can you do an obey me HC with a teenage MC who suffers from insomnia, depression and sh(old scars and new cuts). I saw in the last post you said Simeon was well with teenagers so I was wondering if you could do all the boys but if not then the brothers and Simeon? 

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

Warning: Mentions of depression, harm, scars, and insomnia.

A/N: Platonic. Anyone who is depressed and/or self-harms…life is difficult and there are times where it’s too much to handle, but please reach out for help. PLEASE reach out to someone if you can or at least try. You can also find creative outlets to help distract yourself. My outlets are writing and art. 


He noticed that there was something wrong but didn’t give it much thought. Humans are different than demons and angels, so he brushed it off as a human thing. He realized that he may have to look into the issue when he saw you wandering aimlessly at night. Multiple times.

He asked you if something was wrong, but you said everything was fine. He noticed that your mood would change often, and that you weren’t eating properly and weren’t talking much. He once again asked you if something was wrong, but your answer remained the same. 

This went on for a while, until he reached his patience limit. “Will you tell me what’s wrong? I don’t want to hear ‘everything is fine’.”

But you still gave the same answer, much to his annoyance. Then, he grabbed your hand, accidentally pushing your sleeve up. Red, purple, blue, brown, and cream stained your wrist and forearm. You managed to pull away your hand, but he got the answers he was looking for.  

Luci Banner HC

  • His pride is hurt because he wasn’t able to stop you from hurting yourself; moreover, that it took him so long to figure it out.
  • Luci takes you to his study and asks why you are doing this to yourself but doesn’t push you to answer. 
  • If he sees that you’re hesitating, he assures you that he only wants to help you.
  • The Avatar of Pride sets aside his seemingly aloof personality and opens up a new, softer side to you. A side that not even his brothers have seen.
  • He tells you that you are not alone, and he’s here for you.
  • Luci asks you to promise that if you feel like hurting yourself or if you’re sad, you will come talk to him. He even says to come to his room if you can’t sleep or can’t get your mind to calm down.
  • Lucifer realizes that this is not something he can help you with overnight and is fully prepared to stay by your side as long as you need him to.
  • Before he sends you to your room, he pulls you into a firm hug and whispers, “I care for you more than you think and seeing you hurt yourself pains me.” 

  • He is speechless. As the first demon to make a contract with you, he thought he knew you better than anyone else.
  • It hurt him that you didn’t think of talking to him or even consider coming to him. 
  • Mammon ends up crying…a lot. 
  • “Mammon?” 
  • He wipes his tears and nose with the sleeve of his jacket, “Y-you thought I wou-wouldn’t care, right? Do I have to spell it out that I c-care about you more than anyone e-else.” 
  • He cups your cheeks in his hands and presses his forehead against yours, “(Y/N), why are you hurting yourself? Are you in that much pain? You know you can talk to me and share your pain with me, right?”
  • Mammon pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms tightly around you, “Cry if you need to. Hit me if you need to. Yell if you need to. But don’t hurt yourself.” 
  • He insists on staying in your room, and even if you say no, he’s not going to take no for an answer. The Avatar of Greed has made up his mind that he’s going to help you through this no matter what.

Levi HC Banner

  • He freezes and starts to feel lightheaded.  
  • Levi knows what it feels like to be depressed and to have a low self-esteem. He knows what it feels like to be looked down upon. He knows what it feels like for life to be constantly unfair. He knows… 
  • He knew there were others out there who felt like him, but never once did it crossed his mind that you, the only normie he dearly cares about, would be like him.
  • Levi takes hold of your hand and takes you to his room. He sits you in his gaming chair and pulls a spare chair next to yours before handing you a controller. 
  • While the two of you play, he mumbles, “Who knew my normie was just like me? Now, we can be sad together…but normie, know that I will not let you hurt yourself.” 
  • He glances at you with a small smile, “If something happens to my norm-friend, I don’t know what I would do.”   

Asmo HC Banner

  • He gasps and covers his mouth, “What did you do to your beautiful skin?” 
  • It takes Asmo a second to realize that his question may have been insensitive. No, that was not his intention, but beauty is very important to him.
  • He apologizes for his question before taking you to his room. “My dear, what’s wrong? Why are you doing this to yourself? You may not want to talk about such a delicate subject, but I really want to know. Please, tell me.” 
  • If you choose to tell him, Asmo will lend you an ear, but if you don’t talk, he gently nudges you until you talk. If you cry, he lends you a shoulder and rubs circles on your back.
  • “No matter what you need, I am here for you. I will gladly listen to you and help you in any way I can. I promise.” He places a hand on top of yours, “Let me take care of you and your health.” 
  • Asmo places a friendly kiss on the top of your head. “You may not feel like it, but please allow me to pamper you for the day. We can go shopping, get our hair and nails done, and go to the spa. How does that sound?”

Satan HC Banner

  • He has read so many books that he’s familiar with the ways of humans. It doesn’t take him long to know how and why those scars and cuts got there. 
  • Satan sighs. He knows he can be scary when he’s angry, being the Avatar of Wrath and all, but is he really that scary? To the point where you wouldn’t be comfortable talking to him about your pain?
  • He wanted to ask you if you were scared of him, but he knew this was neither the right time nor the right place; instead, Satan places a hand on your shoulder and asks one question, “Would you trust me enough to share your feelings with me?”
  • Whether you say yes or no, he assures you that he will not judge you in any way. 
  • He takes you to his room and tells you to wait for him. In a few minutes, he returns with an unusual colored concoction. 
  • “Drink this. I know you have not been sleeping properly. Let’s worry about everything else tomorrow, but for tonight, drink this and rest.”
  • He sits in his reading chair and watches you sleep. “I am sorry for not realizing that you were in pain. Starting from tomorrow, I promise to stay by your side.”  

Beel HC Banner

  • He is extremely confused seeing the scars, new and old alike. 
  • Beel thinks that one of the lesser demons hurts you and is more than ready to destroy the one responsible.
  • When he asks you who caused these injures, you reply no one. He pushes you a little to tell him how you got those injures. 
  • Not answering his question, you walk away, leaving Beel even more puzzled. He decides to ask one of his brothers but leaves your name out. 
  • After Beel learns the reason, he comes barging into your room, and without thinking one, he bear hugs you. 
  • “W-why would you hurt yourself?” He asks, tears filling his eyes. “Please don’t…if you’re sad, then tell me what I can do to make you happy.”
  • Beel looks you in the eyes and says innocently, “I will give you all my food if it makes you happy. You can even use me as a punching bag if you need to get your emotions out. Don’t worry, your punches won’t hurt me.” 
  • The Avatar of Glutton draws you into another embrace and pleads that you stay in his and Belphie’s room. “We will have fun and eat a lot of good food!” 

Belphie HC Banner

  • The usual sleepiness and fatigue that surrounds him quickly disappears. He has never felt so awake or alert in his life. 
  • “(Y/N), what’s bothering you to the point where you would go this far?” He waits for you to answer but continues talking when you remain silent, “I know you haven’t known me as long as my brothers and may not trust me fully, but I care for you.” 
  • Belphie takes a firm hold of your hand and studies your face. “I can tell you haven’t not been sleeping. What do you say we take a nap? Naps always make me feel better, so it may help you too.” 
  • While taking you to his room, he looks at you, “We can talk about this when you’re ready…but don’t hurt yourself, okay?”
  • Belphie’s hug and warmth lull you to sleep in no time. 

Diav HC Banner

  • Various expressions dance across the Demon King’s face – anger, sadness, confusion, and pain.
  • Anger because he failed to notice earlier, sadness and pain because he dislikes seeing you suffering, and confusion because he can’t understand why you would harm yourself.
  • In many conversations related to the human world, he has heard that the world of humans can be ruthless. Humans say that demons only dwell in hell, but from what Diavolo has heard, he believes demons also exist in the human world.
  • “I am not sure what to do as I have never faced such a situation, but please allow me to share my feelings with you.” He places a hand on the top of your head, “Having you hear in Devildom makes me happy. You are far different than what I imagined humans to be like.” 
  • He studies your expressions before speaking once more, “Many demons in Devildom disagreed with my decision to invite a human to RAD, but despite their protests, I stood firm. Now, I can say I made the right choice by inviting you here.” 
  • Diavolo gently touches your cheek, “I have found a friend in you, and I hope you have found a friend in me. If you have, then please share your feelings with me, be it happiness, sadness, pain, or confusion. I promise to listen to you and will do anything for you. Even if you ask me for the most difficult thing you can think of, I will bring it for you.” 

Barb HC Banner

  • This was one of the possibilities he had seen in the many doors in his room.
  • He dearly hoped that he would never have to encounter this moment, but here it was. 
  • Barbatos had prepared himself in case it may come true, but all his preparation was for naught. Seeing the cuts had made him forget everything. 
  • He wasn’t one to take feelings into account, and he wasn’t qualified to handle these situations. In this mind, Simeon, Solomon, and even Lucifer could help you a lot more than he could. 
  • But he also couldn’t let this continue.
  • “I realize that I may not express myself nor do I seem friendly, but if you wish to talk, I shall lend you an ear.” 
  • His usual stoic expression was nowhere in sight; instead, an unexpected softness found its way on his face. 
  • “Shall we talk over a cup of tea? I have baked your favorite dessert. I hear that humans believe when one is down, they should consume sugar to brighten their mood.” 

Simeon HC Banner

  • Simeon winces. Even though you pulled your sleeve over the scars and cuts, the image stays in his mind. 
  • It pains him to learn that you have been suffering…possibly all alone. 
  • He asks you a series of questions to learn the reason behind harming yourself. Are demons hurting you? Do you not like it in Devildom? Is something bothering you? How long have you been hurting yourself?
  • Though he wants to ask more, he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. 
  • Simeon takes you to Purgatory Hall and asks you to stay there with him. 
  • While making you a cup of calming tea, he says, “You are a strong, beautiful, and kindhearted person. You don’t deserve pain…you deserve all the happiness in the world.” 
  • He hands you the cup and smiles softly, “Drink this. It will help you. I am not familiar with the human world, but my dear, as your friend, I am here for you.”
  • Simeon sits next to you and gives you a warm, heartfelt hug. “Think of me as your guardian angel and share your pain with me. In return, I promise to listen to you and always watch over you.”

Solomon HC Banner

  • His first thought is to brew a potion for you to help with your pain, but he stops himself.
  • Solomon knows that rather than thinking like a sorcerer in this situation, he should think like a human first. 
  • “If it’s not too much to ask, will you tell me what bothers you?” He asks in a tender voice, “The demons may have told you that I am not trustworthy, but do believe me when I say I care about you.” 
  • Upon further examining your face, he deduces from your dark circles that you have not been sleeping properly. He also realizes that you may be depressed which would explain sleeplessness and self-harm. 
  • Sighing quietly, he brings you back to Purgatory Hall and asks Luke to stay with Simeon for the time being. 
  • If at that time you talk, Solomon listens to you without an ounce of judgment, but if you wish to stay quiet, Solomon decides to try again later.
  • For the time being, he hands you a potion and explains, “This concoction will help calm your mind and help you sleep. If your insomnia is left unchecked, your health will further decline.” 
  • He helps you remove your shoes and pulls a blanket over your body. “I will be here for you when you wake up. Rest well and sweet dreams, (Y/N).”
  • Solomon avoids telling you that he added a special ingredient to the potion – an ingredient that will give you pleasant dreams…happy dreams.   

Luke HC Banner

  • He is shocked to see the injuries and doesn’t understand; in fact, he’s traumatized. 
  • Luke doesn’t say anything and just stands there, even after you walk away.
  • For the next few days, he has trouble sleeping at night and ends up asking Simeon a few questions. 
  • Luke gets angry at the demons for not taking proper care of you, but for your sake, he doesn’t say anything to them. 
  • He shows up at your doorstep unannounced with a basket full of baked goods. 
  • Luke doesn’t ask about your scars/cuts as he assumes it would be rude, instead he asks, “Do you think of me as your friend?” 
  • Regardless of what you answer, he says, “I am here for you whenever you need you…even if you don’t need me.” 
  • He takes a tight hold of your hand and looks at you with tears. “I want to be your guardian angel, so please let me be.” 
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