Teen MC 7: Accidental Summon
Prompt: MC jokes around with a demon summoning website.
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
Prologue: You were browsing the web and accidentally came across a post titled ‘How to Summon a Demon’. You laughed and rolled your eyes, but since you had nothing better to do, you decided to give it a try. Opening the post, you carefully read and followed the instructions. At the end of the post, there was a long list of demons you could summon.
- You felt as though you had heard Barbatos’s name somewhere, so you called his name. “Come forth, Barbatos.”
- He appeared in your room, leaving you paralyzed and speechless.
- Barbatos was surprised as not many people had the power to summon him. “What would you like me to do?”
- You stared at his horns and mumbled, “D-demon…you are a demon…”
- “Were you hoping for someone else?” He asked in a calm voice.
- You didn’t know how to react, so you ran out of your room and returned with a bulb of garlic.
- “Take this!” You yelled, holding the garlic in front of him.
- “You are giving me…garlic? Would you like me to cook for you?” He asked, amused.
- “Huh? Garlic doesn’t repel demons?”
- “Repel? I do believe you’re thinking of vampires,” Barb replied with a smile.
- “Then how do I get rid of you?”
- “Rid of me? Then pray tell why you summoned me in the first place.” He asked, resting his hand on his chest.
- “That stupid post said you could summon demons, but I didn’t think it would work!” You said, pointing to your laptop screen.
- “You summoned me by following instructions on a post?” He touched his chin and smiled, “How interesting.”
- Barbatos thought for a little with his eyes fixed on your face.
- “Do I have something on my face?”
- “No, your face is quite beautiful.”
- Your cheeks turned red, hearing the compliment. He ignored your crimson dusted face and spoke, “My lord is looking for an exchange student from the human world, and I believe you would be a fitting choice. Would you be interested in coming to Devildom?”
- Seeing you hesitate, he added, “I shall give you time to think, and when you have made your decision, do call my name again. I shall present myself.”
- With those words, Barbatos disappeared, heading straight to Diavolo’s throne room. He had to inform his lord immediately that a human managed to conjure him.
- Lucifer? Do they mean THAT Lucifer? You started laughing once again, like THE Lucifer is going to show up if I call his name. “Okay, well…just for chuckles, come forth, Lucifer.”
- Out of thin air, he appeared and glared down at you. You froze for a few seconds but screamed when you noticed his horns and wings. You ran to a corner in your room and hid.
- Lucifer was confused and shocked at being summoned. No one usually dares to conjure him, and those that want to, have yet to succeed. So, what was he doing here?
- The tall demon shifted his eyes back to you and spoke in a deep voice, “For what purpose have you summoned me?”
- You couldn’t answer, so you pointed at him and screamed, “D-De-Demon!”
- Lucifer was even more baffled. You summoned him, and now you’re scared of him? What in hell’s name was going on?
- Deciding to cut you some slack and not wanting to hear you scream again, he reverted to his humanoid form and asked once more, “For what purpose have you summoned me?”
- Then, it finally hits you that your spell worked. “Wait…are you THAT Lucifer?”
- “Yes.”
- The demon raised an eyebrow at your unexpected question. “What do you mean?”
- Though you were still scared of him, you gathered yourself enough to explain the details on the post.
- “So, you found a post online and summoned me, believing the ritual was a hoax?” He massaged his temples and sighed.
- Lucifer was not going to have any of this. No one summons HIM as a joke.
- He approached you slowly. “Regardless of your purpose for summoning me, you will have to pay the price.”
- His words frightened you, but his follow-up statement left you puzzled. “You would be perfect for the human exchange student program.”
- Before you could ask what he meant, Lucifer threw you over his shoulder and brought you back to Devildom.
- You read Mammon’s name and wondered what he looked like, so you took in a deep breath and called out, “Come forth, Mammon.”
- In a blink of an eye, he appeared in his demon form and asked, “Huh? What am I…what business do you have with Mammon the Great?”
- You screamed and backed away, scaring him in the process. He looked around the room, trying to find the source of your fear. “Why are ya screamin’?”
- “D-demon,” you yelled.
- “Ya, I’m a demon. You summoned me, didn’t ya?”
- “This cannot be happening!” You ran to your laptop and scrolled through the post again. “There’s no way to undo the spell!?”
- Mammon was getting so confused that his head started to spin. “What the hell do you mean by ‘undo the spell’?”
- You held your head in your hands and whispered, “The post was supposed to be a joke! I didn’t actually want to summon a demon.”
- Mammon got closer to your laptop, causing you to back away from him. He read the post and asked, “So you were just goofin’ around? Well, I’m not goin’ to leave without payment. Gimme your money and your valuables.”
- “Money and valuables? I’m a teen…the most valuable things I have are my phone and laptop, and I won’t let you take them from me!”
- “Too bad, I’m takin’ your laptop and phone.”
- “No, you’re not!”
- The two of you started arguing, but Mammon ended up throwing you over his shoulder. “H-Hey, don’t hit my back! It hurts…stop it, will ya?”
- He growled and returned to Devildom with you, heading straight to Lucifer’s room.
- You called out Leviathan’s name, thinking it sounded cool. “Come forth, Leviathan.”
- When Levi appeared, he glanced at you, startled. The otaku couldn’t fathom why anyone would summon him and not one of his brothers.
- “D-Demon!” You screamed and hid under your bed, frightening Levi as well.
- He wasn’t sure what to do, so he started looking around your room. When he saw anime-related items, Levi couldn’t contain his excitement. “You like anime too?”
- You peeked out from under the bed and asked, “You like anime? Demons…like anime? Wait, hell has anime?”
- Levi nodded and started telling you about his favorite animes and games, causing you to come out from under your bed.
- “What a crazy day,” you mumbled to yourself, “the summon post worked, there’s a demon in front of me, and he likes anime. What’s next? He’s going to take me to hell?”
- “Do you want to come to Devildom? Lucifer is looking for an exchange student, and I can show you my anime, game, and TSL collection.”
- You weren’t sure what he was talking about, but hearing Lucifer’s name scared you. Despite all that, you found Levi to be cute, so you decided to accept his proposal.
- You laughed when you saw Satan’s name and loudly called out to him. “Come forth, Satan. Yeah…like THE Satan is going to show up.”
- “I am right here.” A voice replied, scaring the life out of you.
- You shrieked, seeing his demonic form, and quickly grabbed your desk lamp. “I’m not afraid to use this! Who are you, and why do you have…a tail and horns?”
- “Did you hit your head? Might I remind you, you’re the one who summoned me,” he spoke with a tint of irritation.
- “Wait…you are Satan? THE Satan?”
- “Yes. Now, for what reason did you summon me?”
- “Ugh…funny story,” you laughed nervously and told him about the post.
- “You…summoned a demon…for fun? Are all humans like this?” He asked curiously, touching his chin with one hand.
- “Hey, what do you mean ‘like this’? Look, I didn’t think it was going to work, okay? I mean who would think that joke posts like ‘How to Summon a Demon’ actually work?”
- “The same people who summon demons for fun.” He replied, smirking.
- “You’re so mean! But you know…I wasn’t expecting Satan to look…um…handsome. I was expecting someone far scarier.”
- He chuckled and crossed his arms, “Would you like me to show you my scary side?”
- “No thanks, I’m good.” You shook your head and set the lamp back on your desk.
- “In any case, you may have summoned me for fun, but you will still have to pay the price.”
- “P-Price?” You asked, reaching again for the lamp, much to his amusement.
- “You see, Devildom is hosting an exchange program,” he began and explained the details, “I don’t want Lucifer to pick the student, so as payment for summoning me, I want you to be the new exchange student.”
- “Demons…go to school? Um…no way, I am not going to school with demons.”
- “That wasn’t a question,” he chortled and threw you over his shoulder before returning home. Your protests and yells only made him laugh.
- You called out Asmodeus’s name since you read about him in your classes.
- The summoned circle started glowing and revealed a demon. “Hi, my name is Asmodeus, but you can call me Asmo.”
- You backed away but stopped when you got a good look at his face. “Wow, you’re pretty…but you are…a real demon? The post worked? What in the world…”
- “Thank you, sweetie,” He smiled brightly, “but what post are you talking about?”
- You explained everything to him, earning a laugh. “Did you believe demons were only a myth?”
- “Yes,” you mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed.
- Asmo chuckled while scanning you up and down. “My dear, why do you look so tired?”
- His question took you by surprise, but you averted your eyes and blinked away tears. “Life is being difficult.”
- “Is that so? Then let me help you relax.” Asmo smiled and summoned his ‘de-stressor kit’. “Take a seat, sweetie, and just relax.”
- He started with a shoulder massage, followed by a facial massage, then your hair and nails. Asmo spent hours talking to you and helping you to destress.
- “Why…are you doing this?” You asked, still in shock.
- “I can’t see anyone in stress. Everyone deserves to relax!”
- “So, what do you want in return?”
- “Well, since you summoned me, even if it was on accident, I have to ask for a payment. You can say it’s part of summoning rules. Sweetie, start packing,” he said, helping you to your feet, “you are coming to Devildom with me. Don’t worry about the detail. We’re going to have a lot of fun together!”
- Beelzebub’s name stood out to you, so you called out to him. “Come forth, Beelzebub!”
- Beel appeared in his demon form and tilted his head to one side, surprised to be conjured.
- When you squealed and backed away, he felt bad for frightening you. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
- Suddenly a loud grumbling sound echoed in your bedroom. Beel touched his stomach and pouted, “Is there anything to eat here? I’m hungry.”
- He seemed like a friendly demon, and though you found the situation to be odd, you motioned him to follow you to the kitchen.
- “H-help yourself,” you mumbled, maintaining your distance.
- Beel flashed an ear-to-ear grin as he looked at the food in your refrigerator and pantry. Without wasting a moment, he started eating.
- As you stood in shock and stared at him, Beel finished everything in your kitchen.
- “Is there more? I am still hungry.” He mumbled and once again touched his growling stomach.
- You looked around and realized that he had devoured everything. “You…finished everything? Oh no, oh no…my parents are going to be furious! Now, what do I do?”
- Beel felt bad and lowered his head. “S-Sorry…”
- You looked at him, surprised that he apologized to you again. The longer you stared at him, the cuter you found him to be. ‘What am I thinking? He’s a demon…’
- “What do I do? My parents are not going to forgive me for this.”
- Beel’s head snapped up, and his eyes lit up. “I have an idea.”
- Without another word, he picked you up in his arms and returned to Devildom. “Your parents will never find you here.”
- Beel set you down and smiled sweetly, “You were nice enough to feed me, so I am going to protect you from now on.”
- You randomly selected a name and said, “Come forth, Belphegor!”
- An energy less figure emerged from within the circle. He looked around the room sleepily and mumbled, “Where…is this?”
- He glanced at you and frowned, “You summoned me in the middle of my nap.”
- Belphie’s gaze shifted to your bed, and a smile appeared on his lips. Wordlessly, he crawled into your bed and instantly fell asleep.
- For a while, you stared at him in shock, taking in his horns and tail. His tail looked so fluffy that you wanted to go and touch it, but you reminded yourself he was a demon.
- When Belphie woke up from his nap, he saw you huddled in one corner. “So, why did you summon me? Also, your bed is very comfortable.”
- You weren’t sure how to respond as tears filled your eyes. “It was supposed to be a joke…a real demon wasn’t supposed to appear.”
- Interested, Belphie sat up a little and asked, “What do you mean?”
- Once you explained to him, Belphie scowled, not taking your joke summoning well. “You’ve summoned me, so now, you’re mine.”
- Without any explanations, he carried you back to Devildom. But seeing your petrified face, he chuckled, “I am not going to kill you. You will just have to stay with me in the House of Lamentation.”
- You saw his name and thought the author misspelled Diablo. Nothing happened after you called out Diablo a few times, so you gave the other name a try. “Come forth, Diavolo.”
- He appeared in front of you in his demon form, looking quite perplexed.
- “Demon,” you screeched and ran into your closet, startling him.
- Diavolo looked around the room and wondered why you summoned him; moreover, HOW in the world did you conjure him? It’s not normal for an average human to be able to call forth the Ruler of Devildom.
- He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard you saying something. Stepping closer to the closet, he heard you talking to yourself.
- “This cannot be happening. I am only daydreaming…this is not real. I am sleeping, yeah, that’s it…I fell asleep. There is no way a real demon appeared…demons aren’t real.”
- Diavolo found your words to be amusing yet confusing. He opened the door and said, “I’m right here, and demons are real.”
- You screamed again and hid your face in your hands.
- “Please calm down.” He whispered and studied your reactions. “If you think demons aren’t real, then why did you summon me?”
- Despite being afraid, you manage to stutter an explanation. “I d-didn’t th-think a r-real de-mon would a-appear.”
- Quickly raising your hands in front of you, you yelled, “I am sorry! Please, don’t kill me!”
- You could feel the blood rushing to your head, and your vision slowly started blacking out. The last thing you remembered is hearing Diavolo ask if you were okay.
- When you woke up, you were in an unknown room. Diavolo appeared out of thin air and asked, “Are you alright?”
- Your expression distorted. The demon raised in hands in front of him, sensing your fear. “I am not going to hurt you, so please relax. It’s nice to meet a human.”
- After you calmed down a little, he started to talk about the exchange program. “Since you are already here, you will be the new human exchange student. Lucifer spoke to your school, and they agreed to host a Devildom student. So, I hope you enjoy your stay in Devildom. Someone will come in shortly and help you settle in. Now, I will take your leave.”
- He grinned before walking towards the door, only to stop at the entrance. Diavolo turned around and looked at you, “By the way, are you a normal human?”
- “N-normal human? What do you mean?”
- He shook his head and mumbled never mind before walking out. His face turned serious as soon as he closed the door behind him. ‘A normal human managed to summon me?’