Teen MC 9: Relief
Prompt: How about the Demon Brothers with a Teen! MC who was abused in the human world? Like, when they get there, and realize they’re there the whole year, it’s like they deflate from how much tension and anxiety leaves their body.
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
Warning: Mention of abuse and slight hint of forced religious belief.
A/N: Platonic. I tried something new with these HCs; the demon brothers hcs tie together, Barb/Diavs tie together, and Solomon/angels tie together. The hcs are in chronological order, so be sure to read the scenario parts.
* I feel the need to add that this is not intended to hurt anyone or target the religion!

- Mammon was handed the responsibility of showing you around, and when he opened the door to your room, you froze in shock.
- “Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?” The Avatar of Greed asked, resting his hands on his hips.
- “I get to sleep here?” You asked in shock.
- “Yeah…why ya don’t like it?” He asked, frowning slightly.
- “I get this big bed to myself?” You covered your mouth and mumbled under your hands, “What do I have to do to keep this?”
- “W-What?” Mammon asked in shock, “The hell does that mean? You don’t have to do anything.”
- “R-Really? You…won’t ask me for anything in return?”
- The silver-haired demon stared at you, flabbergasted by your question. He wasn’t sure what to say but seeing your watery eyes, Mammon rubbed the back of his head and sighed, “No, we won’t ask ya for anything. This is your room, and you can do whatever ya want with it. If ya need anything, then just ask.”
- “What did I do to deserve this?” You muttered under your breath.
- Mammon’s ears perked up when he heard you, and only one thought occupied his mind, ‘Did something happen with this human in their world?’

- The first time you joined the brothers for dinner, you could only stare in awe at the amount of food on the table. Beel was sitting next to you and asked, “Are you not hungry?”
- You glanced at him and tilted your head, “You mean I can eat whatever I want?”
- Beel smiled and nodded, “You can! Oh, I recommend this and this and that.” By the time Beel was done, your plate was covered in a mountain of food.
- “I…can eat all this?” You asked in disbelief, “This is mine?”
- The Avatar of Gluttony tilted his head and furrowed his brows not understanding why you would ask such a question. “You can eat anything you want. If you ever get hungry, then you to the kitchen, okay? I will make something for you. I get hungry a lot, so I am usually in the kitchen.”
- Seeing Beel’s gentle smile, you felt an unfamiliar warmth surround your heart.

- A few days after you entered Devildom, Asmo approached you after school. “Sweetie, I am heading to the shopping district, why don’t you join me? I can show you around.”
- You smiled and gave a nod, “That is very nice of you. Thank you.”
- “Of course!” Asmo suddenly took hold of your hand, causing you to yelp and jump back a bit. “Oh dear, I am sorry for startling you.”
- You shook your head and mutter, “It’s alright”.
- Though Asmo didn’t say anything, he found your reaction unusual. ‘Does (y/n) not like being touched? But why would they yelp? Unless…’
- He glanced at your out of the corner of his eyes but decided against prying into your life for the time being.
- “Oh, sweetie, this way,” Asmo motioned you towards a grand store, “this is one of my favorite boutiques.”
- You quietly followed him inside and watched him picking out various items. He handed you a few hangers and smiled, “Sweetie, I think those outfits would look great on you. Why don’t you try them out?”
- “A-Asmo…I can’t…a-afford them,” you whispered in a shaky voice and averted your eyes.
- “Oh, don’t worry about that,” he smiled softly and cautiously placed a hand on your shoulder, “think of them as a gift from me.”
- Your eyes snapped back to him, “You…you’re spending money…on me…? Why?”
- Asmo froze for a moment but quickly gather himself and chuckled, “Why wouldn’t I?”
- You blinked away the tears clouding your vision as the corners of your lips tugged up, “T-Thank you…”

- Belphie noticed that you were struggling to sleep; your dark circles, sickly complexion, and lack of energy didn’t sit well with him.
- The Avatar of Sloth confronted you, “Is there is a reason you are not sleeping properly?”
- Though you were stunned by his question, you made a quick excuse, “Since I’m in a new place, it’s difficult to sleep.”
- His eyes carefully scanned your expression. “Has anyone told you that you’re bad at lying? So what’s the real reason?”
- “Uh…,” your eyes shifted away from him, but after a while, you told him the truth, “I…am scared to sleep.”
- “Scared?” Belphie sighed and twirled his long bang in his finger, “We might be demons, but we won’t hurt you. You’re safe here. Follow me.”
- Belphie led you to your room and asked you to lie in your bed. “You need to rest properly, otherwise you will get sick. Since you can’t sleep, I will put a sleeping spell on you.”
- “Please, don’t!” You immediately yelled, your eyes growing wide.
- The Avatar of Sloth was startled, but he managed to give a smile, “Relax. As I said, no one is going to hurt you here. If someone attempts to hurt you, all of us will protect you. Now, rest.”

- Satan got into an argument with a lesser demon and was quite angry. When you saw his flushed face and shaking fists, you backed away from him.
- The Avatar of Wrath noticed your movement from his peripheral vision but chose to stay silent. Right then, the lesser fiend appeared and started taunting Satan, forcing him to unleash his rage.
- Upon seeing his wrath, you spun around and ran as far as your feet carried you. The blond man caught sight of you running and came in search of you.
- “P-Please don’t hurt me!” You screamed, pulling your knees to your chest and closing your eyes tightly.
- He was shocked by your reactions and felt bad for frightening you. “I won’t hurt you. I…have an anger problem since I’m the Avatar of Wrath, but why do you assume I would hurt you?”
- Though you muttered a sorry and shook your head, Satan was sharp enough to know you were hiding something. ‘Maybe someone or some people in their realm yelled at them…or hurt them?’
- “Let’s return home. I heard Barbatos sent over baked goods for us. You haven’t tried his cooking, have you?” Satan smiled, “He’s an amazing chef, and I’m sure you will love his cooking.”

- When you saw Levi in the hallways, you approached him with a question regarding classes in RAD.
- “Why are you talking to me, normie? I have no interest in talking to you.”
- You were taken aback by his words but agreed with him, “I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t talk to me either. S-Sorry to bother you.”
- The Avatar of Envy tried to ignore that incident, but he couldn’t get the broken look in your eyes out of his mind. Not being able to cope with his guilt, he walked to your door and knocked.
- “I…need h-help with one of my games,” he stuttered, “I would ask o-one of my brothers, but they won’t help me, so I have no choice but to ask you.”
- As the two of you played games, Levi gathered enough courage to ask, “Why…d-did you say those words earlier?”
- “I am not worth it…that’s why.”
- He was troubled by your reply, considering he never thought he would meet someone with similar thoughts as his. “I am s-sorry…”
- You nearly jumped from your chair when you heard him apologize. “No one…has said sorry to me before.”

Lucifer noticed your out-of-the-ordinary behavior, be it at the table where you asked if you really could eat the food on your plate or when you asked if the room was really yours and what you had to keep it. Luci even picked up on your ‘he’s really talking to me’ expression every time he spoke to you. The eldest brother was curious to know the reason behind your behavior, so he called his brothers for an emergency family meeting. “Have any of you notice anything unusual about (Y/N)?”
All the brothers nodded in unison, and each of them began to share their experiences. Mammon was the first to speak, “When I showed them their room, they were shocked, and asked what they have to do to keep the room.”
Asmo covered his mouth with his fingers and shook his head, “Oh my…when I went shopping with them, they asked me why I would spend money on them.”
Beel glanced at his oldest brother and added, “At the table, they keep asking me if they really have the permission to eat the food on their plate.”
Levi’s eyes widened upon hearing Beel’s words, and he shared his experience, “When I told them I had no interest in talking to a normie, (Y/N) said they wouldn’t talk to them either because…they’re don’t think they’re worth it.”
Satan frowned and exhaled loudly, “I lost my temper at a lesser demon, and (Y/N) ran away, so I followed to check on them…when they saw me, they yelled please don’t hurt me.”
Belphie was the last to speak, “I noticed they were not sleeping, so I asked them why. (Y/N) said they’re scared to sleep. They think one of us will hurt them while they’re sleeping.”
The youngest brother’s words disturbed all the demons, but Asmo suddenly recalled the way you reacted when he touched your hand. “I…I believe that they were abused in the human world. That’s the only explanation for their behavior.”
Lucifer scanned the room to find sad expressions on all his brothers’ faces and broke the long silence. “I want each of you to do everything in your power to make (Y/N) feel comfortable, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.”
For the past few days, you noticed the brothers putting in extra effort to be nicer to you. After dinner, when all of you were gathered in the living room, you asked Lucifer the reason, “Why…are all of you being so nice to me?”
To your shock, the raven-haired demon gently stroked your hair and said, “You deserve it.”
For the first time in years, you felt someone positively touch you and couldn’t control your emotions. Lucifer’s heart broke as he watched your wide eyes fill with tears, and his urge to hurt the humans in your realm grew stronger.
Asmo stepped next to you and enveloped you in a warm embrace. “You are now part of our family, so don’t be frightened of us, alright sweetie?”
“If you wish to get anything off your chest, speak to one of us,” Lucifer spoke in a whisper, “All of us are here for you.”
When you first met Diavolo and Barbatos in RAD, you could only stare at them in awe. Their powerful presence and the amount of respect they received amazed you.
Much to your confusion, Lucifer invited you to the castle with him. You weren’t sure why he would take you there, but you were somewhat excited. When the two of you arrived, Barbatos was waiting at the entrance. As soon as he saw you, the butler greeted you with respect, “Hello, (Y/N), it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope Devildom is treating you well.”
‘He’s talking to me?’ Your body and mind were paralyzed, and all you could was nod. Then, you got a chance to meet him – the Ruler of Devildom, the all-powerful demon that most humans feared.
“Hello, (Y/N), I am so happy to finally meet you! How are you liking your stay in Devildom? I hope the brothers are taking good care of you,” Diavolo asked with a radiant smile on his lips. Your muscles tensed hearing the prince utter your name with such kindness. Lucifer lightly nudged you and beckoned you to speak.
“He…is talking to m-me? I…I can talk to him?” You asked the raven-haired demon.
Lucifer’s visage softened as he gave you a nod, “You can.”

- There aren’t many things that generally bother Barbatos, but his interaction with you and your words to Diavolo lingered in his mind.
- He decided to question Lucifer, but as soon as he approached the Avatar of Pride, Luci asked, “You are curious about (Y/N)?”
- “Were you expecting me?” The butler asked with a smile.
- “I was expecting Diavolo before you, but yes,” Lucifer chuckled and proceeded to explain his experiences with you.
- Ever since he learned about life in the human realm, Barbatos kept a close eye on you. He even made friendly gestures to you, giving you desserts he made, inviting you to join him for tea, asking you to join him on his strolls through the castle gardens…
- “Barbatos…why are you being kind to me?” You asked one day.
- “Everyone deserves kindness,” Barbatos rested his hand on the top of your head, “especially if they possess a clean heart.”
- His words made the corners of your lips curl upwards.

- Diavolo saw you in the hallway of RAD and power walked towards you. “Hello, (Y/N). I would like to ask you something…”
- “O-Okay.” The sudden presence of the prince startled you.
- “Is there a reason why you are avoiding me?” He asked, his shoulders drooping and head tilting to one side.
- “I…you’re a prince, and as a c-commoner, I can’t talk to you…”
- “What?” Diavolo was shocked to hear you say that, “Who told you that?”
- “Well, in the human realm…no one wants to talk to a worthless person.”
- “Worthless? Who is worthless?” Diavolo asked, taking the hint that you may have seen a lot in your world. “You are in Devildom now, don’t worry about the ways of the human world. So, don’t ignore me.”
- He paused and studied your raised eyebrows and open mouth before adding, “You should refrain from being so hard on yourself, especially in this realm. Hm, how do I get you to speak to me? Oh, would you like to be my friend?”
- The prince held out one hand to you and smiled brightly, waiting for you to shake his hand. “I promise I will be a great friend!”
“Hey…Solomon, has (Y/N) talked to you yet?” Simeon asked the sorcerer sitting across from him.
“No, they don’t seem to be fond of me. I tried to talk to them on multiple occasions, but they ran away from me. Am I that terrifying?” He chuckled, resting his elbow on the glass table between them.
“They don’t talk to me either,” Luke mumbled and pouted, “they talk to demons but are scared of angels? Why?”
“Maybe (Y/N) isn’t fond of humans, but…why us?” The older angel questioned and ran his hands through his lush hair.
“Well, we have three choices: we approach (Y/N) directly and ask, we speak to one of the brothers, or we leave this topic along and accept their dislike towards us.” Solomon thoughtfully spoke, knowing that he was going to choose the first option.

- You strolled around the RAD campus, enjoying the peaceful night sky. Out of the corner of your eyes, you caught a glimpse of a man with silver-hair and assumed it was Mammon. “Hey-”
- “Hello, (Y/N). Please, don’t run…,” the magician gave a small smile, “I only need you to answer one question: why do you avoid me? I would prefer an honest answer.”
- “I…,” you took a few steps back, putting distance between the two of you, “hate humans…every human I have met has always tried to hurt me, so please stay away.”
- Solomon thanked you for being honest, but before he left, he added, “I can understand your dislike towards the human race, but I can assure you I am nothing like the people you have met. I hope you give me a chance to prove it.”
- Even after receiving your straightforward reply, Solomon did not stop trying to speak to you. He knew one day you would come through and stop comparing him to the vile beings you met in your world.

- Simeon opted for asking one of the demon brothers since he knew you would run away if he tried to talk to you.
- “Asmo, (Y/N) has been avoiding me quite a bit…they seem afraid of me. Would you know why?”
- The Avatar of Lust was stunned to hear this and had no answer, so not wanting to choose the third option, the angel decided to ask you.
- When you returned to your room, you saw an ivory-colored envelope on your bed, and to your dismay, the letter was from Simeon: I am sorry for disturbing you, but why do you run away from me? Have I done something to hurt you? If so, I truly apologize. I have no intention to hurt you, nor do I have any ill-will towards you. Would you please speak to me once?
- You hesitated, but Asmo urged you to talk to the angel, adding that Simeon is a good man and will not hurt you.
- Trusting the words of the Avatar of Lust, you made your way to the castle gardens to speak to Simeon.
- “Thank you for coming,” the angel spoke softly and waited for your answer.
- “I am afraid of you.”
- He was completely taken aback by your response but remained silent as you continued talking, “I…have had bad experiences with C-Christians*, so…”
- When you grew quiet, Simeon sighed and glanced at you, “I can understand, but my dear, I have no intention of forcing any beliefs upon you. My job as an angel is to act as a guardian and give people my blessings. If you would give me a chance to be your friend, it would make me happy.”
- “If your job is to act as a guardian, then where were you when the people around me were hurting me? Where were you when I was in pain? Why didn’t you help me?”
- Your unexpected questions and tears shocked Simeon; he averted his eyes and bit down on his lower lip, “I…am s-sorry. I wish I could help everyone who requires my aid, but the rules of my realm don’t work that way.”
- Simeon glanced at you and carefully got closer to you to wipe your tears away. “My dear, I can’t imagine what you have been through, but I promise that I will be your guardian angel from today. I promise to protect you from harm, and most of all, protect your smile.”

- Luke wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, but he had made up his mind to get on your good side and become your friend.
- Instead of approaching you with words, Luke decided to take a different route. ‘Everyone likes sweets, right? So what if I bake them dessert? That will make them happy, right?’
- The young angel left various desserts on your RAD desk every day. He hid close by and watched you examining the sweets with a smile.
- Until one day, he gathered enough courage to talk to you, “Do you like the dessert?”
- As soon as you saw Luke, you wanted to run away, but your curiosity prevented you, “Why do you ask?”
- “I…made them for you,” he blushed and averted his eyes momentarily.
- “You…did? Why?”
- An innocent smile founds its way on his lips, “I want to be your friend. I…thought since you didn’t like me, giving you dessert would make you happy…and you would stop avoiding me.”
- You zipped your lips and stared at the cupcakes in front of you.
- “Why don’t you like me?” Luke pouted and tugged on your jacket sleeve, “I am a good angel, so I won’t hurt you. So, will you please be my friend?”