Daughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell
Prompt: MC is raised by the brothers. Headcanons on the brothers’ reactions on MC dating deuce, and what they would think of Deuce after meeting him. Deuce reaction to finding out MC is adopted by the 7 rules of hell, and what he thinks of them after meeting all of them.
Gender: fem!Reader (Deuce x Reader)
A/N: Brothers platonic.

- At first, he thinks you’re joking when you say you are adopted by the Seven Rulers of Hell and takes it as your family members are devilish and overprotective of you.
- The moment Deuce realizes that your family members are actual demons and THE rulers of hell, his mind freezes. He has seen many odd things in the Twisted world, but meeting demons from hell takes the cake.
- Deuce is not afraid of the brothers and meets them confidentially. After all, meeting your family members is nothing less than a challenge for him – a challenge he is willing to face head-on.
- He thinks highly of Lucifer and knows right away not to mess with him in any way. Deuce has a feeling it’s going to take a long time to convince Luci that he is the right man for you.
- Mammon reminds him of Ace and thinks he will get along with the second brother. Deuce thinks of Levi as a lighter version of Idia and hopes that the third brother will give him a chance at friendship.
- Deuce admires Satan’s intelligence and mannerisms. He thinks Asmo is very friendly…who knew demons could be so cheerful? Cater would get along well with him.
- He thinks Beel looks intimidating at first but is very surprised to learn how friendly the sixth brother is. But the moment he sees the Avatar of Gluttony eating, Deuce is shocked. How can anyone eat so much…and still maintain a physique?
- He gets unfriendly vibes from Belphie, especially considering the 7th brother keeps glaring at him. Does he not like him? Your boyfriend has a feeling that he is going to have to work hard to gain Belphie’s trust.
- Initially, Luci is not happy to hear you started dating. He wants you to focus more on school than romance, but he doesn’t have the heart to destroy your happiness. So, he asks to meet Deuce and then decide whether you should date or not.
- Lucifer is surprised by Deuce’s confidence. Usually, when humans meet demons, they’re a shaking and stuttering mess. That’s one green checkmark for your boyfriend.
- He also approves of Deuce being respectful towards all the other brothers. Despite liking his behavior, the Avatar of Pride plans to put Deuce through a few tests to see if Deuce is truly worth your time.
- Mammon isn’t sure how to feel when he hears you’re dating someone. Part of him is happy for you, but the other part doesn’t want you to get hurt. Though from what you have told him, your boyfriend seems like a nice guy.
- After meeting Deuce, Mammon feels a bit relieved. Your boyfriend doesn’t come off as a bad guy and is respectful towards him. Now that’s something Mammon is not used to…most people don’t treat him well, so getting respect makes him happy.
- The Avatar of Greed plans to pull a few pranks on him just to see what type of person he is.
- Asmo is happy to know you’re dating and asks for details about Deuce. He is by far the most excited to meet your boyfriend.
- The 5th brother thinks Deuce is handsomely cute. Oh, he also has manners and is respectful. Not to mention, he is not shaking in his boots after meeting the Seven Rulers of Hell.
- Unlike most of the other brothers, Asmo approves of Deuce dating you after the first meeting.
- Aside from Asmo, Beel is the only other brother who doesn’t mind you dating. He wants to meet Deuce though just to make sure he isn’t a bad guy.
- Your boyfriend is brave, seems like he could beat someone up if needed, is confident, and most of all, he is nice to your family. Beel likes Deuce already.
- Beel asks you if you’re happy being with Deuce, and your “yes” is all he needs to accept Deuce as part of the family.
- Satan frowns upon hearing you are dating someone. He wants to think you’re sensible enough to choose a good man, but being part of your family, he can’t help worry. Satan refuses to approve of you dating until he gets to meet your boyfriend and spends time with him.
- The moment he sees Deuce, Satan puts on his detective hat. Respectful towards everyone, but most people would have the sense to act that way during the first meeting. Confident and brave, that’s admirable.
- The Avatar of Wrath remembers you telling him about Deuce being hard-working, honest, and compassionate, so the next step is to put your boyfriend through a few tests. Maybe, just maybe, after that, Satan will give you the green signal to date.
- Levi doesn’t want you to have a boyfriend, especially someone he has not met. What if he is not the right one for you? What if he takes you away from your family? What if he isn’t showing you your true self? Most of all, what if he breaks your heart and makes you cry? No.No.No!
- The Avatar of Envy is not keen on meeting Deuce, and despite seeing how brave he and kind he is, Levi refuses to believe that’s his real personality. Even when Deuce tries to talk to him, Levi doesn’t reply.
- It will take a long time for the 3rd brother to accept Deuce for who he is. All Deuce has to do is keep trying.
- Belphie.does.not.approve. NO DATING. You went to the Twisted world to study, not find yourself a boyfriend. He doesn’t care even if you invite him over to meet him…Belphie refuses to approve of your dating.
- Though he is not interested in meeting Deuce, Belphie is surprised by his confident attitude. Maybe the human isn’t as bad as he initially thought, but the fact that he is dating you…
- To get Belphie’s approval, Deuce will have to work hard – possibly even harder than getting Lucifer’s approval.