Adult MC: Cringing at Their Teen Photo

Prompt: Imagine if years later, after the exchange program, the brothers and teens!MC found the album with the pictures they took during that year. Like, MC’s now a grown adult (like 20/30s), and they cringe at seeing their younger self while the others are all cooing in nostalgia.”OMG ASMO STAWPH-” “but MC ~~! You were so cute back then! Not cuter than me, of course, but still!!”Overall, I can see them being proud brothers/fathers (but those titles are reserved for Lucifer only).

Gender: gn!Reader

A/N: Platonic.


  • Is proud of you for growing into a fine adult. 
  • He can’t and won’t tell you how much he missed you, but Lucifer is thankful to have you back in one piece. 
  • Sheds a tear but wipes it away before anyone sees it just because he is that proud of you.


  • Makes fun of what you used to look like, even though he thinks you looked great and look even better now.
  • Is happy to have you back in Devildom and can’t tell you just how much he missed you. If he could, he would ban you from leaving Devildom, him, and the brothers.


  • You think you looked cringy as a teen? You should see his teen photos – that he will never ever ever EVER show you or anyone else.
  • He is happy to have you back but doesn’t interact with you much because he knows you will go away again, and he will have to deal with the pain of not seeing you (for a long time or maybe ever).


  • Doesn’t see why you don’t like seeing your younger self. He can’t tell you how many demons liked you back then…and how many demons he beat up and threatened them to stay away from you.
  • Really wants to sit down and talk about all your life achievements and future goals. He has missed such a large part of your life, so he hopes you can share about your past and future to make up for the missed time. 


  • No, he won’t stop saying awwww at your old photos. You looked cute, and he’s not going to listen to you talking down about your younger self.
  • Also, NO, he is not going to destroy those photos. He made multiple copies of them, so if you decide to rip those pictures, guess what~ he has a 100 more copies.


  • Why are you looking at your younger photo like you saw Solomon waiting for you with a plate of food he cooked? You looked good as a teenager, but he has to say you looked great now.
  • Can’t get over how much you have matured and grown. Beel is happy to have you back and can’t wait to go out onto the streets of Devildom to try every piece of food in sight.


  • Why are you cringing at your teen photo? You were really popular with the demons back then, except you didn’t know this because he and his brothers stopped them from getting close to you and asking you out.
  • Belphie can’t tell you how proud he is of you for returning to the human world and working hard to get to the place you are. Though, he wishes you chose to stay with them. He and his brothers missed you dearly, and they thought of you each and every day.
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