We are Here for You
Prompt: OM headcanons for an MC who was SA by a family member just a few hours before being summoned to devildom? Maybe Mc is quiet and shaken for the next couple months?
Gender: gn!Reader
Warning: Implied trauma from past abuse.
- Lucifer knew immediately that something had happened to you before you came to Devildom. At first, he thought to give you space, but when he noticed you hadn’t said anything for months and avoided others, he decided to reach out to you.
- Even when he asked if you were okay, you remained silent. Nothing he said reached you until he stepped closer, and you backed away quickly.
- Lucifer noticed your breath growing heavy, your body shaking, and your eyes as wide as possible. That was all he needed to know what exactly had happened to you.
- He took a few steps back, putting more distance between you and him. Lucifer said in a soft voice he rarely used, “I have no intention to harm you. If anyone attempts to harm you, I will be your shield. Know that you are not alone, (y/n).”
- His words were enough to bring tears to your eyes, and as you sobbed your heart out, Lucifer quietly watched you with a gentle gaze.
- If you permit him, he will embrace you gently and protectively.

- Mammon thought you were shaken because you were taken from your world and forced to come to Devildom; moreover, you were face-to-face with demons.
- But then, he noticed that you were quiet and still shaken. His mind told him you were still scared of being in Devildom, while his heart said something was wrong.
- In an attempt to be friendly with you, he slung an arm around your shoulders, but before he could say anything, you screamed, pushed his arm off, and backed away. Your back was pressed firmly against the wall as you trembled and stared at him with teary, wide eyes.
- Initially, Mammon was speechless, but your tears tugged at his heartstrings. He raised his hands in defense and whispered an apology, “I ain’t tryin’ to hurt ya. S-Sorry…I…um…are ya okay? Did somethin’ happen to ya? Did someone try to hurt ya in Devildom?”
- In response, you lowered your head and stayed quiet.
- “I ain’t gonna hurt ya. Since you came to Devildom, you ain’t been talkin’ to no one. You also look sad…and I just wanna be there for ya, y’know? I wanna see you smile.” His voice held sincerity and kindness. “Will ya lemme make ya smile? And if I can’t make ya smile…you can hang me upside down from the ceiling.”
- Every day after that, Mammon will try to make you smile while maintaining a respectful distance from you. Even if you tell him to leave, he won’t stop, as he truly wants to be your friend and see you happy.

- Initially, Levi assumed you were like him – an introvert put in a very uncomfortable position by being dragged out of their room to an unknown place filled with demons. On top of that, you were forced to communicate with them.
- Levi wasn’t sure what he could do or say to get you to talk to him, but he took a chance to approach you when you were sitting alone in the planetarium. Unlike his brothers, he kept his distance from you.
- The two of you sat in silence for a while until Levi began to talk about his past in a quiet, shaky voice. He wasn’t sure why he was sharing his past with you and was uncomfortable doing so, but something in his heart told him to. He told you about his struggles in the Celestial Realm, during their fall, and his time in Devildom.
- “I don’t normally share this with anyone…especially normies. If you want to share anything with me, I will listen. Don’t worry, I won’t judge you…and if you don’t want to say anything, that’s okay too.” Levi softly said. “When I am sad…there’s one thing I always want to hear, but no one says it to me. So, today, I’ll say it to you: I’m here for you.”
- If you open up to Levi, he will listen to every word without judging, but he will be angry at the person responsible for hurting you. If you choose to stay silent, Levi will be a little hurt but will respect your decision. He will give you the passwords to his room’s door so you can visit him if you feel like it.

- One look is enough for Satan to tell you something happened to you before you came to Devildom. He didn’t care to know at first as you were nothing more than a stranger to him.
- But the more he saw you struggling, the more Satan wanted to ask you what was wrong. He knew better than to walk up to you and ask you directly.
- Satan slowly approached you when you were sitting on the steps outside of the House of Lamentation and put two kittens close to your feet. As you watched the kittens play with your shoes, Satan sat down beside you with a decent distance between your bodies.
- “When I am sad or angry, kittens and cats help me calm down. I hope they have the same calming effect on you.” His tone was normal, but his voice had a hidden softness. “You have the right to be upset with us, rather with Diavolo and Lucifer for bringing you to Devildom without consent. We may be demons, but we aren’t that demonic. We can understand emotions, suffering, and pain…and I can tell you have been in immense pain since the day you came to Devildom. I won’t ask you to tell me what happened, but if you want to share anything with me, I will listen and believe every word you say. I will not judge or jump to conclusions.”
- Satan offered you a warm smile before continuing, “If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine too, but don’t continue to suffer alone. It will only hurt you more.”
- If you pour your heart out, Satan will comfort you verbally and even hug you if you ask. If you decide to stay silent, Satan will talk to you daily to see if he can alleviate even a little bit of your pain.

- Asmo noticed your shaken behavior immediately and approached you the first moment he found you alone. He asked if you were okay, but when you avoided him and ran away like he was a scary monster, Asmo was shocked.
- At first, he was upset with you for not noticing his beauty and treating him like a scary monster. Then, he started paying close attention to your behavior and realized that you behaved this way with everyone. Finally, it dawned on him that something might have happened to you, and considering you didn’t like anyone coming close to you, he figured it had to do with something physical.
- It didn’t take long for Asmo to figure out what could have happened. He was deeply disturbed by the thought of someone touching you against your will and wanted to comfort you however he could.
- “Sweetie, wait, please don’t run. I am not here to hurt you…please believe me when I say I am not a monster.” Asmo’s voice was sweet and soothing. “Whatever happened…it was not your fault…and you didn’t deserve it. I want to help you in any way I can, so will you please put some trust in me?”
- Asmo holds his hand out to you to show he is trustworthy and his touch is not harmful. If you take his hand, he will gently hold your hand in his and stroke the back of your hand with his other hand. Whatever you want him to do, he will happily do for you. If you can’t trust him, he will try again and continue trying until you can open up to him.

- When Beel saw your shaken state, he felt uneasy. He didn’t say anything or approach you, but as more time passed, Beel had the urge to give you a protective hug.
- He followed his instincts without taking anything else into consideration. So when you pushed him away and ran to the other side of the room, Beel was shocked and hurt. He couldn’t understand why you were scared of him, or did you just not like him?
- “I…am sorry. Am I scary? Um…I am not bad, I promise. (Y/n), you have been sad since the day you came to Devildom, and I just wanted to hug you to make you feel better.” His voice was genuine and innocent. “I needed to ask for your permission before hugging you. You are now part of the House of Lamentation, and since my family lives here, that makes you part of my family. I don’t like seeing my family members sad or hurting.”
- Beel carefully took a step closer to you and gave you the most serious and sincere expression he could.
- “I will do anything to protect my family, including you, (y/n). I will protect you from pain and harm from now on. I will also share my food and snacks with you…I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.”
- Beel held his arms out before asking sweetly, “Can you give me permission to hug you?”
- Beel will envelop you in his warmth and hold you protectively against his chest if you run into his embrace. If you don’t hug him, he will be heartbroken, but that won’t stop him from trying again another day.

- Belphie noticed you were shaken but felt he would be nosy if he asked what happened to you. So, he chose to ignore the words of his heart and mind. He ignored your behavior most of the time as he was asleep.
- But when his brothers talked about how quiet you were and how you seemed shaken by something, Belphie’s curiosity grew.
- As he approached you in the planetarium, he saw how exhausted you looked and figured you hadn’t been getting much sleep. Every sign he picked up on stated that you had experienced an unforgettable trauma.
- At first, he only spoke to you, but since Belphie was hellbent on figuring out what happened, he intensely observed your reaction to his words and actions. The moment he saw you flinch when he slid his hand closer to your hand on the planetarium bench, Belphie could guess what had happened.
- He immediately withdrew his hand away from you as he searched for the right words to say to you. “I am sorry for what happened to you. We probably made your situation worse by bringing you to an unknown place and telling you that you will stay here for the year. I will be honest with you…I am not good with words or emotions to a certain extent…but (y/n), I am here for you if you want to talk or spend time together. Anything you tell me, I will keep to myself. You don’t have to fight alone. We are here for you. I am here for you. Always remember that.”
- Belphie doesn’t push you in any way and gives you space. If you approach him with your pain, he will help to alleviate it in any way he can. If you stay away from him, he watches you from a distance to see how you are doing. He will approach you once in a while to talk to you and try to divert your mind from your trauma, even if for a moment.