Child MC 4: Twisted MC
Prompt: Can I request headcanons for all the characters reacting to a young child MC who is really messed up? They are quiet yet ruthless and lack any morals. They insult your insecurities and use your own emotional state against you.
Gender: gn!child!Reader
Warning: Child MC is evil.
A/N: Platonic.
- Initially, he is disturbed by MC’s personality but soon starts to pity them. Whenever he looks into their eyes, he feels pain. Kids’ eyes are supposed to be bright, not soulless.
- Simeon has no trouble with taking MC’s bitter words, but he always reminds them nicely not to say such words to people.
- Wants to help the child change and is willing to do anything. He’s an angel, and for an angel to see a child this twisted and walk away without helping them would be a sin.
- The only time Simeon gets upset with MC is when they insult Luke. The young angel gets affected by their words, and Simeon doesn’t like seeing Luke cry.
- Solomon finds MC amusing and wonders what brought about such a dark nature in a child. Jokes around with Diavolo, asking if MC is his child as in the devil’s spawn.
- Whenever MC is around, the sorcerer keenly observes them as he wants to help them be less twisted and more like a normal child.
- Luckily for him, he has a weapon that MC (or any child) can’t resist – magic. Solomon uses magic when he needs to distract them, especially when the child tries to insult Luke. The sorcerer can’t see the young angel in tears.
- Whenever MC comes into sight, Luke holds a cross up to them. He is willing to trust demons but not MC. How can a human child be this twisted?
- Not to mention, they pick on him and make him cry. So what if he is a boy who likes cooking? He is NOT a chihuahua, and his voice is high-pitched because he is a child!
- The Celestial Realm has taught him to ignore anything that causes stress and makes him mad, and that’s what he is exactly doing by ignoring MC.
- The prince was expecting a tiny, innocent human with a bright smile, not a soulless demonic child.
- Is taken aback whenever he hears them insulting anyone, but Diavolo can’t bring himself to get mad at them. Sure, he is far from happy to hear their words, but he thinks their demeanor is a result of trauma.
- Diavolo tries to be as nice to them as possible no matter what they say or do but sometimes worries that MC might insult a demon who will lose control and cut their life short.
- He is very pleased to know that some members of the student council and the exchange students want to help MC change. The prince is looking forward to seeing what changes MC will go through and how they will come out as a better child. Most of all, he can’t wait to see their smile.
- Dislikes Solomon joking around about MC being Diav’s child and thinks the child is worse than the devil himself.
- Barbatos finds it amusing when the pocket-sized human attempts to insult him, but he calmly reminds them to watch their words.
- If he hears MC insulting Diavolo, Barbatos gives them the most chilling smile he can muster. Luckily, the child gets intimidated by the smile and backs away.
- Sometimes, the butler wants to show MC his true demonic side, the not-so-calm side of his, and scare them out of their wits. But he doesn’t want to put a child, let alone a human child, through scarring trauma.
- Barbatos is a front-runner with Lucifer in “Operation: Turn the Mannerless, Cruel, and Mean Human Child to a Child That Everyone Will Love and Want to Hug”—name courtesy of Levi.
- Reminds himself to be patient.
- He has dealt with a lot worse, and there’s no way he’s going to let this kid get away with this unruly behavior.
- Slowly but surely, Lucifer teaches child MC the difference between right and wrong. He first learns their likes and dislikes, then adopts the reward/punishment behavior.
- Lucifer knows who he is, his personality, capabilities, and everything, so the words of a tiny mortal don’t matter to him, and no insults from a still-developing mind will affect him.
- The Avatar of Pride is determined to change the child, and luckily for him, some of the others are willing to help.
- Mammon gets hurt whenever MC insults him and is disturbed by their behavior, but he doesn’t want to abandon them.
- They remind him of his younger brothers, and Mammon would never abandon them, so he refuses to toss MC aside and ignore them.
- If they insult him, he takes it with a smile and a little sass. After all, MC hasn’t said anything his brothers already haven’t – he’s used to it.
- Mammon desperately wants to help Lucifer and the others to straighten out MC. Maybe by the end of the RAD term, MC will be a different person.
- He’s already terrified by MC when he sees them treating everyone ruthelessly.
- Completely stops talking to them after they insult him. After which, Levi locks himself in his room and doesn’t come out, not even to eat with his brothers. Most of his siblings understand and don’t force him.
- Sometimes, he sneaks out of his room if he needs to go out to buy something, or Asmo drags him out, but if he sees MC, Levi zooms into his room before the child can open their mouth.
- He wishes the school year would be over so that MC can return home and things can go back to normal once again.
- Thinks MC is more demonic than demons, and Asmo doesn’t want anything to do with MC, especially not after he sees chewing out people. Ewwww!
- Whenever Asmo sees them, he comes up with an excuse and makes a run for it. In fact, he has a book of excuses just to use it against MC.
- Sometimes, he watches MC from far away and wonders what makes a child this ruthless. Did they experience some trauma, or is being twisted their natural trait?
- Satan isn’t scared of MC, but their insults do sting. For the most part, he can ride off their remarks as “the words of a brainless, ruthless kid.”
- But the day MC calls Satan a wannabe Luci, he loses his temper. His brothers manage to stop him before he attacks MC, but this incident frightens MC. Fortunately, they stop messing with Satan after that.
- He feels guilty for scaring MC, but he is also relieved that they have calmed down a bit.
- Satan helps the others with “Operation: Change MC” but works from behind the scenes as he doesn’t want to scare them again.
- Beel doesn’t like the way MC looks down on others, especially his family members, but he can’t bring himself to say anything to them since they’re just a child.
- Tries to be as nice to them as possible, even if they are mean. If he sees them hurting people, he distracts them with sweets or their favorite food.
- Sometimes, if MC crosses limits, Beel tosses them over his shoulder and carries them away, refusing to release them even if they kick and scream.
- Really hopes his brothers, Barb, Solomon, and Simeon, can straighten MC out.
- Dislikes dealing with MC and finds their behavior disturbing. Back in his angel days, he would hang around with humans, but he never came across a child this twisted.
- Belphie pities MC and thinks they must’ve gone through something to make them this way, but he chuckles at the thought that MC is naturally like this – talk about fitting well in a place filled with demons.
- He doesn’t want anything to do with them and is at least glad that they’re not loud. He can sleep in peace, but if MC disturbs his nap in any way, Belphie will not hesitate to verbally rip them apart – two can play that game.