Child MC 9: Scared MC
Prompt: Can I have a quick ask, please? Maybe she gets a barely passing grade on a test and gets scared because, at home, her parents would hurt her if she didn’t get perfect scores despite being a child! She surrounds herself in a salt circle before handing the test to Luci while covering her head, waiting to be hit! How do the brothers react?
Gender: fem!child!Reader
Warning: Implied parents mistreat child!MC.
A/N: Platonic.
Initial reaction:
- Lucifer: Concerned. Does she think he will hit her? Kneels to her height, praises her for her efforts, and asks what she would like as a reward for her efforts.
- Mammon: Nearly laughs at seeing the salt circle. That ain’t goin’ to keep any demon out, ‘specially not Lucifer….he knows because he has tried. Get upset at Lucifer for rewarding the child for her efforts – where are his gifts then? He puts a lot of effort into everything, too!
- Levi: Chuckles at the salt circle but wonders if she got a bad grade and is scared to face the consequences. If only keeping away Lucifer was as easy as pouring a salt circle around yourself.
- Satan: Sighs. Remind him to teach her that salt circles don’t actually keep demons away, but he is concerned. It’s not normal for any children to show such behavior.
- Asmo: Thinks the situation with the salt circle is cute and goes to take a picture but stops when he sees her covering her head. Why is she so scared?
- Beel: Tempted to eat the salt but doesn’t want his brothers to get mad. Beel isn’t happy to see her cover her head. Doesn’t she know that Lucifer would never hit her?
- Belphie: Wonders if she faced major consequences for not doing well on her exams back in her world. Doesn’t want to jump to conclusions, but he doesn’t like this situation one bit.
Reaction after finding out why child MC did what she did:
- Lucifer: Angry. Giving punishments for unacceptable behavior is fine, but to a child, and that too hitting her? That crosses several limits. What upsets him the most is that MC got a score of 95 on her exam – a score worthy of praise – yet here she is, scared and expecting to get hit.
- Mammon: Disturbed. That’s not right. How could anyone hit a child, and that too, for a test grade. 95 is an amazing score! The parents should be praising her for studying hard enough to get an A. Maybe he should hand the parents to his witch friends and tell them to do whatever they want with her.
- Levi: Sad. It’s one thing if their child wasn’t doing well in school and the parents were upset, but she got a 95! A NINTY-FIVE! They should be proud to have a smart kid. It’s a good thing they were in front of him; otherwise, he would have summoned Lotan and drowned them both.
- Satan: Angry. Perfectionism is good, but only to a certain level. No one can expect any living creature to be perfect, especially not a child. He wants to hug her and tell her “it’s alright” and “she did well”.
- Asmo: Unhappy. Her parents punished her for getting grades below 100? That’s insane. They are insane. Everyone makes mistakes…the parents need to stop pretending that they are perfect because they are committing the biggest mistake of their life-destroying their child’s mental health. She doesn’t deserve this. Wants to ask Lucifer if they can adopt her and keep her with them.
- Beel: Sad. Can he devour the parents whole? Family members are supposed to uplift and support each other, not hit each other…especially not a child over grades.
- Belphie: Angry. If the parents are trying to teach the child to work hard and make something of herself, they are doing it wrong. And if they are trying to teach her to be perfect, they are in the wrong. There are no such creatures as perfect creatures, not in this realm, not in the celestial realm, and definitely not in the human realm.