Please Take Care

Prompt: Fem!MC doesn’t take care of herself and doesn’t really eat well, and faints a lot of times because of it? 

Gender: fme!Reader

A/N: Luke platonic.

Warning: Slight angst, and reader is starving/neglecting herself. 

Simeon Banner
  • Simeon once again asked you why your skin was looking pale. He had gotten into the habit of asking you the same question every day, but you made up another excuse, not wanting to tell him the real reason.
  • “(Y/n), I feel like you are hiding something from me. Is there a reason you don’t want to tell me the-” the angel stared at you with his mouth open, and for a good minute, he couldn’t move. “(Y/n)?”
  • He rushed to the sofa you fainted on and gently patted your cheeks, trying to wake you up. Something was going on, after all, but why didn’t you come to talk to him? Simeon was not expecting the doctor say you had not been eating well. He thought you looked skinnier and assumed you were on a diet, but forgoing eating? No, he would not allow that.
  • When you woke up, Simeon thought he would lecture you for not taking care and give you an earful for not telling him the truth; instead, he pulled you into an embrace and buried his face on the top of your head. He was afraid to let you go and couldn’t stop thinking about the what ifs. “(Y/n)…why? Why are you giving up on yourself like this? You know I care about you, right? If anything happened to you, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Please, (y/n), take care of yourself, and let me take care of you.”
  • From then on, your boyfriend tried to stay by your side every day to assure you that you were okay, and whenever he was away from you, Simeon worried about your health. He even asked Lucifer to allow you to stay in Purgatory Hall so that he could keep a closer eye on you. No matter how long it takes for you to recover, the angel will stand by you.
Satan Banner
  • “(Y/n), if I ask you a question, would you please answer honestly? Are you feeling alright? I have noticed – (y/n)? What’s wrong?”
  • The world around you started spinning, but before you collapsed, you saw a panicked Satan running to catch you. He was right to think you hadn’t been taking care of yourself. Why did he do something sooner? Satan felt guilty for not paying more attention to you. 
  • When you regained consciousness, Satan wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and sighed in relief. “Why? Why haven’t you been eating properly? Are you upset about something? If so, why didn’t you tell me? I…I’m sorry for not paying more attention to you. Whatever you are going through, I promise to be there for you. Would you give your boyfriend a chance to correct his mistake?” 
  • Since then, Satan has checked up on you more often and set aside time every day to spend with you. He also made sure to eat all meals of the day with you, and if you didn’t eat, he didn’t eat. There was no way he would let the fainting incidents happen again, as your health and well-being were extremely important to him. 
Luci Banner
  • Lucifer could clearly tell you were not taking care of yourself, but whenever he asked you about your health, you would dodge his question. He wasn’t sure how to get an answer out of you, but he needed to know the truth. 
  • “(Y/n), my apologies for calling you to my office so suddenly, but I need to speak to you. Your RAD grades have been suffering recently. Is there a reason for that? Also, might I add that you don’t look well? Are you feeling ill?” 
  • You suddenly started feeling dizzy, but luckily for you, Lucifer noticed that and caught you in the nick of time before your body fell against his wooden desk. As he tried to wake you up, he felt his heart jump into his throat. ”(Y/n)….wake up…please.“
  • While waiting for you to regain consciousness, Lucifer paced around the room- never once had he felt this restless. Had he not made it clear that you could share anything with him? Did you not trust him? Did he say or do something to hurt you or push you away? 
  • Only when you woke up did his pounding heart calm down. Lucifer sat at the edge of your bed and rested his hand on the side of your head. He wanted to tell you how nervous he felt and how worried he was but could only say, “You are alright…thank the hea-devil.” 
  • Lucifer made you eat all your meals under his supervision to ensure that you actually fed yourself. He made sure to call you every hour and asked one of his brothers to stay by your side when he couldn’t. After you recover, Lucifer wants answers to why you hid everything from him, and he also wants to know if he did something for you to not trust him with your feelings and thoughts. 
Mammon Banner
  • “Yo, open the door, (y/n). I’m gonna kick the door down if ya don’t open it in the next five seconds.” Mammon counted down from five and sighed when he hit 0, “You asked for it! Here I come.” 
  • He slammed his shoulder against the door, opening it with ease, but upon seeing your body on the floor, Mammon screamed your name. He scooped you in his arms and carried you to bed. “Why do ya feel lighter? Have ya been skippin’ out on meals?”
  • Mammon didn’t take the doctor’s words kindly – why does he mean you haven’t been eating for a few months? How did he not notice? The Avatar of Greed sat on the floor with his back against the bedframe, waiting for you to wake up. The second he saw you sitting up, Mammon jumped to his feet and cupped your cheeks. 
  • “Why haven’t ya been eatin’? Are ya upset about somethin’? Ya know you can tell me anything, right? We…are datin’…and..,” he sighed and rapidly blinked away his tears, “I…ain’t a good boyfriend. Sorry, (y/n). I call myself Mammon the Great, but I ain’t even smart enough to know when my girlfriend ain’t well. H-Hey, I’m not tryin’ to break up with ya or anythin’, just…I’m gonna try to take better care of ya. Want to…get somethin’ to eat? I ain’t takin’ no for an answer.” 
  • Mammon tried his best to take better care of you, from making sure you eat and sleep to making sure you stay happy. Sometimes, you would catch him staring intensely at your face, and when you asked him what he was staring at, Mammon would blush and say, “Nothin’. I’m tryin’ to make sure you’re ok…” 
Asmo Banner
  • “Sweetie, um…is there a reason you don’t want to go out on a date with me? I know you said you were tired, but…,” Asmo sighed and rested his hand on top of yours. “Why do I feel like you’re hiding something from me? Beel told me a few days back that he has been eating your food. You are not trying to starve yourself, right?” 
  • Asmo got his answer a minute later as you fainted and fell into his arms. He quickly carried you to his bed, called a doctor, and messaged his brothers about what happened. As he watched the doctor examining your body, Asmo felt guilt weighing down on his shoulders. His responsibility was to take care of you, and he failed. 
  • Opening your eyes, you saw Asmo standing close to the bed, looking at you with a faltering smile. There were so many things he wanted to say to you, starting with an apology, but his words were caught in his throat. He could only manage to hug you and say he was sorry. 
  • Asmo did everything to help you recover, and for the first time in his life, he paid more attention to someone else’s needs more than his. He was not going to let you suffer again.  
Belphie Banner
  • Belphie got the shock of his life when you walked into his room and collapsed a few feet away from the door. His sleepiness flew out the window as he hopped to his feet and rushed to your side. Was this related to what Beel told him? Had you been giving all of your food to his twin? Why, though? 
  • As he waited for you to wake up, Belphie tried to piece the puzzle together. He couldn’t deny that he noticed something off about you, but instead of asking you, he assumed you were okay. How could he have slept so peacefully while you suffered by yourself?
  • ”(Y/n), good morning…,“ he forced a smile. “Hey, was there a time in the past few months that you tried to talk to me about your troubles, and I fell asleep? I am sorry for not being there for you. It’s difficult for me to stay awake…but I know that’s not a good excuse. What I’m trying to say is…I haven’t been a good boyfriend. Mind telling me why you haven’t been eating and taking care of yourself?” 
  • Belphie was prepared to help you no matter what you told him. After the scare you gave him, he wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully without knowing you were genuinely alright. He has also asked his twin to help him with trying to get you to eat properly. 
Beel Banner
  • “(Y/n)?” Beel ran next to you, dropped to his knees, and scooped your body in his arms. “What’s wrong? Please wake up!”
  • He noticed you weren’t eating properly and got all sorts of foods from the Human and Celestial Realm for you to try, thinking you were bored of eating Devildom food. Beel even asked if you were okay, but why did he believe you when you said yes?
  • Sitting next to your bed, he took hold of your hand and watched you sleeping peacefully. “I’m sorry, (y/n)…I promise to take better care of you.”
  • And take care of you he did – Beel made sure to hand feed you and didn’t let you leave until you ate. If you refused to eat, Beel said he wouldn’t eat either, and no matter how much his stomach roared, he didn’t take a bite until you ate first. 
  • He now texts you every thirty minutes to make sure you are okay, and if you don’t reply to his messages, he will personally come to check on you. 
Levi Banner
  • Levi noticed you would sleep more than you usually do, but he assumed you were tired from all the schoolwork. He never expected to hear the doctor say you were starving yourself and not taking care. Useless – he felt more useless than before. What good was a boyfriend if he couldn’t even tell that his girlfriend wasn’t doing well and that too for months?
  • He pushed a few hair strands out of your face and stared at your pale skin. “You…don’t hate me, do you? I wouldn’t blame you even if you did. Stupid otaku who can’t even do anything right…” 
  • Levi’s mind started to wander into the darkness and thought about breaking up with you. You deserved someone better who could understand you and take better care of you. 
  • When you woke up, the Avatar of Envy pulled you close to his chest and wrapped his arms around you like his life depended on it. “No…I can’t…I don’t want you to be with anyone else. I want to be with you and take care of you. I know I’m not the best at reading people, but I want to help you. You don’t hate me, right? Please don’t hate me…I promise to be better.” 
  • Levi tried his hardest to keep that promise. He couldn’t bear to think about losing you, or seeing you suffer, or watching you starve yourself again. He was going to help you get through this struggle, no matter what he had to do. 
Diav Banner
  • Diavolo was expecting to spend the afternoon with you at his castle. It had been a while since the two of you had spent quality time together, and he couldn’t wait to catch up with you. The prince was not prepared to get a call from Lucifer saying that you fainted. 
  • He dropped everything and ran to the House of Lamentation only to get the news that you had not been taking care of yourself. In a single moment, Diavolo felt like someone had pulled away the very ground he was standing on from under him. 
  • This was his punishment for putting his work before you, wasn’t it? But if it was his punishment, why were you suffering for it? He should have checked in on you more often and made sure you were okay. 
  • ”(Y/n),“ his voice cracked as he took a firm hold of your hand and pressed a kiss on the back. “I honestly didn’t mean to ignore you. Recently, my workload increased, and I couldn’t find the time, and due to my mistake, you….you…forgive me, please.” 
  • You had yet to tell him why you hadn’t been looking after yourself, but he continued to blame himself. Diavolo moved you to the castle and asked Barbatos to help you recover your health. Since then, he never let you out of his sight, and during the times when he absolutely couldn’t bring you along, Diavolo asked Lucifer to stay by your side. 
Barb Banner
  • Barbatos was stunned when Beel thanked him for all the delicious meals he had cooked. Those meals were supposed to be for you, so how did Beel taste them? Did you share with him, or were you not eating? 
  • He called you to the castle, saying he needed to discuss an important matter. The butler was ready to lecture you about sharing meals with Beel when those dishes were meant solely for you, but he never got a chance. As you walked down the corridor towards the kitchen, you started to feel dizzy, and before you collapsed, you called out to Barbatos.
  • As you slowly started to come back to your senses, you heard the butler’s voice. “Was my cooking not to your liking, my love? I am aware that I pay more attention to my responsibilities than to you, but serving the prince is my priority. Please do not misunderstand me. I care for you more than anyone, but…I believe I am making far more excuses than I should. Ah…you are awake? Did you perhaps hear my words?” 
  • Barbatos felt guilty for not paying attention to you, and with Diavolo’s permission, he asked you to move to the castle. The butler made sure you ate properly and cooked all the meals you requested, no matter how difficult they were to make. Taking care of you was just as much of a priority to him as taking care of the prince. 
Luke Banner
  • Luke thought you looked paler, but he didn’t want to sound rude by asking. He did try to ask if something was wrong, but you didn’t brush aside his concerns by saying yes. 
  • You came over to Purgatory Hall to work with Luke on an assignment, not expecting to faint in front of the young angel. As you fainted onto the couch, you heard Luke screaming your name. He tried to shake you, call your name, and playfully threaten to draw things on your face if you didn’t wake up, but nothing worked. 
  • When you opened your eyes, you saw Luke standing next to the sofa, crying and begging you to wake up. The moment he saw your eyes open, the angel wiped his tears and threw his arms around your shoulders. “You are awake! (Y/n), the doctor said…you weren’t eating and taking care of yourself. Why? You have to eat! I can cook for you and make everything you like. I will learn all your favorite recipes, so…if I make your food…will you eat?” 
  • Luke stayed true to his word and learned all your favorite recipes. Throughout the day, he came to visit you and always brought food along with him. But before he handed you the food, Luke always pressed the back of his hand on your forehead to make sure you didn’t have a fever and examined your face to make sure you didn’t look pale. 
Solo Banner
  • Solomon tried to call you countless times and was starting to panic. This was not like you – you always picked up his calls, and in the moments you couldn’t, you would send him a quick text saying so. 
  • With a quick apology for invading your privacy, Solomon used a spell to teleport him straight to your bedroom. There, he found you leaning against the wall for support as if you were dizzy. Was it just him, or did you look deathly pale? Without wasting time, he ran to you, and right as you were about to faint, he caught you. ”(Y/n)!“
  • Upon examining your body, he noticed you were not only pale but also thinner. What was going on? Were you upset that he wasn’t spending more time with you? Were you battling something on your own? But…why did you think about telling him? 
  • “Hello, (y/n), are you still dizzy? I suggest you don’t try to get up.” Solomon stroked your hair and gave a small smile, “I know sometimes I give the air of not caring, but you know I care about you dearly, correct? You don’t need to hide anything from me – in fact, I don’t want you to hide anything from me. Being together means sharing your sadness and pain with me. Would you kindly explain what you have been feeling for the past few weeks?” 
  • Solomon couldn’t believe you had been starving and neglecting yourself; moreover, he cursed himself for not noticing this. He would not let you continue going on like this, even if it meant force feeding you. 
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