Teen MC 31: Change of Heart

Prompt: Do you think you could do a part 2 of the bitter teen MC ask that takes place a few years after? Maybe the brothers meet MC again, and MC changed a lot as a person and is actually a somewhat nice person?

Gender: gn!Reader

A/N: Platonic. This is a sequel to Teen MC 23.

Mammon Banner

When he saw MC back in Devildom, his first reaction was to run like the wind. What was Diavolo thinking? Was he even thinking? He knew how much torture MC put them through, so why did he bring them back?

“Hey, Mammon. How’s it going? Missed me?”

Seriously? Did MC just ask if he missed a person who insulted him, called him a waste of space, and laughed at his pain?

“Wait, don’t answer that question. Look, Mammon…I am sorry. Sorry for saying mean things to you…and treating you badly.”

He couldn’t believe his ears. Someone went through a major personality change for the better. “Oh…um, it’s ok, I guess. But don’t expect me to be all chummy with ya or anythin’. I’m only forgivin’ ya ’cause I’m Mammon the Great.”

“But Mammon, I still don’t see what’s great about you.” MC laughed at the demon’s shocked expression and quickly added, “I’m joking…kinda.”

Once a devil, always a devil, but at least they were nicer than before. He wondered what event in MC’s life made them change so drastically.

Asmo Banner

Asmo noped out of there when he saw MC in the student council room. He wasn’t in the mood to take on additional stress. But why was MC back? His brothers clearly told Diavolo they didn’t want anything to do with MC and wanted them out of Devildom forever.

“Hey, Asmo.”

He pretended not to hear them and walked away but stopped when he heard, “Wait, please. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? And you?” The demon was prepared to tear MC verbally.

“Yes, I am sorry. I take back everything I said. You are not ugly and are beautiful. You were right – I was insecure head to toe and picked on others as a coping method.”

He stared at them to observe their body language. They were telling the truth. “Aw, thank you for calling me beautiful!” Asmo smiled; his attitude took a 180-degree turn. “MC, I am relieved to see this new you. Um…I am also sorry for saying you will be a lifeless bag of bones, unwanted and hated by the world.”

Luci Banner

Unbelievable. How could Diavolo go back on his word to never bring MC back to Devildom? Lucifer glared at the prince, causing Diavolo to tense up and raise his hands defensively.

“Lucifer, please don’t be upset with Diavolo. I asked him to bring me here.”

The Avatar of Pride was mildly surprised by MC’s polite tone. Was this their way of toying with him? Maybe manipulation him into accepting their return to Devildom?

“I hurt everyone here and said a lot of mean things. I crossed a lot of limits, and I am very sorry,” MC bowed.

Lucifer coldly chuckled, “What prompted this change of heart? MC, do you believe a sorry will suffice for your mistakes? I care not what you said to me, but you deeply hurt my brothers, and that is unacceptable.”

MC seemed disappointed. Did they come all the way here just to apologize to him and his brothers? He massaged his temples and sighed, realizing it would be immature to brush aside MC’s genuine attempts, “Very well. If all my brothers forgive you, I will do the same.”

Satan Banner

When he woke up, Satan knew the day would not go well, but he didn’t imagine it would be this bad. Did MC want to take his offer to free them from their miserable existence?

“Hi, Satan.”

“Don’t talk to me,” he flat-out refused to talk to them, but this wasn’t enough to push MC away.

They tried for days to get the fourth brother to listen to them, and MC finally got their chance when they broke into Satan’s room. “Before you get or lose control of your temper, I want to say I am sorry. Very, very sorry!”

He lowered his book and stared at them blankly but gave them a chance to continue. “I don’t know what was wrong with me back then, but I changed…for the better. I am sorry for comparing you to Lucifer and constantly poking fun at you…even though you tried to be nice to me. Can we please start over again?”

“See. Was it so difficult to be nice to someone? Fine, I forgive you,” Satan sighed, “but before you get happy, let me warn you. If you compare me to Lucifer again, I will not forgive you ever again.”

“O-Okay,” MC chuckled, “I thought you were going to say ‘I will put you out of misery once and for all’.”

“Do you want me to change my statement?” Satan asked with a hint of amusement.

“N-No! I am fine with your original threat.”

Levi Banner

Levi started to shake, and his first instinct was to summon Lotan, but Lucifer’s hand on his shoulder calmed him a little. They got rid of MC, so why were they back?

“Hey, Levi.”

He looked the other way. How dare they “hey Levi” him after everything they said and did to him? Was MC here to check if he was still a low-life otaku? If so, he had an answer for them.

“Why are you talking to an otaku? You know, the same people you said belonged to the lowest life tier.”

“I am sorry, Levi. I know a sorry isn’t enough for what I did. If I could go back in the past and change everything, I would. Do you think you can give me another chan-“

“No. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“That’s okay. I will do whatever it takes to get you to forgive me,” MC smiled.

“W-What? That’s not what I meant!” Levi was at a loss. Did they come back to Devildom just to apologize and make it up to them? But why?

Beel Banner

Beel didn’t mind MC returning to Devildom as they already said all the worst things they could have said to him. As long as his family didn’t have to host them, he didn’t care.

“Hi, Beel. What are you eating? It looks good.”

“It is good.”

“Beel, are you wondering why I am back? I know none of you want me here, and I understand. Don’t worry, though. I have a good reason for coming here and will leave in a few days,” MC forced a smile.

“Why are you then? Did Diavolo call you back?”

“No. I came back to see all of you. A lot of things happened in my life after I left Devildom, and all of you were right. No one liked me or wanted to be around me…people started to hate me…,” MC sighed. “Never mind my past. I came here to apologize to everyone here. You were one of the nicest demons here, but I kept hurting you again and again. Can you forgive me?”

Beel chuckled and nodded, “Yeah. MC, you don’t want to talk about your past because it hurts, right? So, don’t bring up the past of other people…it’s painful for them too. Okay?”

Belphie Banner

Nope. He wasn’t dealing with them and wanted nothing to do with them. Belphie noticed the changes in MC’s behavior along with a change in their aura. Guess even bad humans can mature and bloom into better ones. So, was MC here to say sorry to them?

“Hi, Belphie. Uh…can you not look at me like you want to kill me?” They nervously laughed, “I am not the same person you knew before. I mean, I am the same person but not the same…you know what I mean.”

“Why are you here?”

“To say sorry and thank you to all of you. Sorry for the way I acted, and thank you for putting up with me for as long as you did. Oh, I said sorry to Beel too…and he…”

“Forgave you? That’s Beel for you, but I am Belphie, not Beel. A sorry won’t erase what you did,” his tone was sharp, “but it’s nice to see you act humanely.”

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