Body Swap
Prompt: Can you do a body swap headcanons with demon brothers? So basically, female MC swap body with one of the brothers.
Gender: fem!Reader
- Lucifer is the most mature in handling the body swap incident. He doesn’t make a big deal about having to deal with being in a woman’s body, even though he secretly feels uncomfortable.
- If you set any rules for him, he will gladly follow them as it is your body, and Lucifer does not intend to take advantage of it.
- He asks Solomon and Barbatos to help resolve this situation as soon as possible. But for some reason, he can be himself without feeling pressured to uphold his title.
- On the other hand, you don’t like openly showing your emotions, even more than usual. You also feel the pressure of being prideful. It almost feels like things are out of your hands. You don’t want to be prideful, but the universe forces you to behave that way. Is this how Lucifer always feels as the Avatar of Pride? Your ego also gets wounded more than usual.
- But you can finally take off your…Lucifer’s shirt…and get to see the scars of his wings firsthand.
- Most of all, you enjoy ordering others around. Even though the brothers know that you are not Lucifer, they still get intimated since you are using the first brother’s body.
- You would have taken full advantage of this by transforming into Lucifer’s demon form, but he already warned you not to do that by threatening you with a tough punishment once you two switch back.
- He is embarrassed! Why did he switch bodies with you? How is he supposed to sleep and go to the bathroom and stuff? Just the thought of undressing makes his mind explode.
- When you suggest using a blindfold or closing his eyes, Mammon tries his best to do things without peeking at your body, even though a part of him is tempted. But no! Respect is more important.
- Meanwhile, you have the sudden urge to hoard valuable things and ‘borrow’ things from others, and the most prominent thing in your mind is money. Money, money, and MONEY!
- You feel your greed levels rising and have a hard time to control. Sometimes, you have to talk to Mammon to figure out the best way to control your destructive urges.
- “Now, y’know how I feel…”
- Those words hit you hard, and you forgive him for everything he has ever done.
- While you were protective of the younger brothers before, you have a devastating urge to sacrifice yourself for them, even though your…Mammon’s body trembles at the thought of what punishment Lucifer will give him.
- You make a mental note to help Mammon get out of punishments in the future when you switch back.
- Absolutely refuses to do anything and sits in his room in a fetal position. He can’t even bring himself to go to the bathroom or take a bath. Even if you tell him to clean your body, he will refuse.
- Though, Levi feels lighter because he can think more clearly being away from his demonic body. It’s almost like he can think more clearly.
- For some reason, you start to feel jealous of everything…every little thing to the point where it makes you feel down and suffocated. When you start crying from the feeling, Levi panics and tries to calm you down. After calming down, you realize that he always feels this way – no wonder Levi is always down. You give him (your body) a tight hug, making him blush profusely.
- Unfortunately for the brothers, when you become aggravated due to an argument between them, your emotions accidentally summon Lotan. However, the brothers don’t blame you for it, and Levi finally realizes how scary it is for the others when he calls Lotan out of nowhere.
- You spend the most time in Levi’s room and get into a habit of changing into his demon form and wrapping his tail around him (your body) just to get a reaction out of him.
- This experience brings you two much closer than before, and Levi trusts you far more than before.
- Oh my Devildom, he doesn’t feel angry, even when triggered. This feeling is very difficult for him to get used to, but it’s a refreshing change. However, he constantly reminds himself that this is only temporary and that he should not get used to it.
- He is also mature about the body swap and does his best to respect your body as best as possible. Even though Satan won’t admit it, he finds the experience fascinating and finally understands how a woman’s body works. Although, he will never get used to random body aches, especially random lower back pain.
- You, on the other hand, are not so fortunate. You feel like you are a ticking time bomb of anger. One little mishap, and you feel like destroying everything around you. Satan tries his best to pacify you, but it doesn’t work all the time. At times, Beel and Lucifer have to restrain you after you have a rage episode. Then, you profusely apologize and nearly break into tears. It’s a vicious cycle.
- This makes you realize just how hard Satan has to work to keep his anger in check, and Satan realizes how difficult it is for his brothers to control him when he gets angry.
- Once you switch back, you are tempted to tell Satan to meditate, but the thought of a demon meditating is hilarious yet odd.
- Asmo is the only one who is excited about the body switch. He doesn’t feel uncomfortable in any way and actually enjoys being in your body. He has always wanted to see what it feels like to be a woman.
- Even though Asmo is in your body, he has the urge to fix every skin problem you have. If you don’t have any, he will continue to take care of your skin for you. He may even go as far as to develop a skincare routine tailored to you. If the two of you stay switched for a long time, he will whip your skin into perfect shape.
- Meanwhile, even though you feel beautiful in Asmo’s body, there is always a voice in the back of your head that whispers ‘what-if’ scenarios. What if you stop being beautiful? What if you get breakouts? What if no one loves you? What if others think you are unattractive? The pressure to be beautiful is suffocating. A part of you feels very bad for Asmo and can finally understand why he has to be beautiful at all times.
- One thing makes you very uncomfortable, and that is Asmo’s urge for desire. His avatar needs physical affection all the time. The thought of getting close to someone in Asmo’s body is very disturbing, so he helps you out by cuddling with you whenever you need to get close to someone. At least you are hugging your own body…which is still odd to think about but better than the alternate option.
- He doesn’t like the feeling of being shorter and less muscular, but that doesn’t stop him from working out. However, you will have to remind him not to start with heavy exercises if you don’t work as much as him.
- Most of all, he feels odd not having to think about eating 24/7. He can actually focus on other things, and it’s a nice change. But he does miss eating endlessly solely for the taste of good food.
- Meanwhile, you feel like devouring the entire world’s food supply. Nothing you eat, no matter how much and how heavy, satisfies you.
- You cannot focus on anything except food. The worst part is that Beel forces you to exercise, following his normal routine. He doesn’t want his body to be out of shape.
- On the plus side, you can see over most people’s heads. You will never lose anyone in a crowd. Also, you have a great deal of strength to the point where you can lift an entire house if you want.
- For the time you are in Beel’s body, you act like a superhero, saving everyone from the bullies and villains. All you need to do is grab them by their shirt and lift them off the ground with one hand. That is enough to make them petrified.
- You also get the pleasure of flexing in front of the mirror and admiring Beel’s rock-hard muscles to your heart’s content.
- He finds the situation hilarious and doesn’t seem to care. Belphie almost has a ‘it is what it is’ reaction. Initially, he thinks his sloth-like nature will pass to your body but soon realizes that he has a lot more energy to do anything and everything he wants.
- Belphie decides to use this chance to fulfill this bucket list before he returns to his sleepy body. Of course, he drags you with him everything, much to your dismay.
- You feel sleepy, lazy, and lethargic. No matter how much you sleep, it’s never enough. Your brain always feels hazy to the point where you can’t even think straight. How does Belphie constantly put up with this? No wonder he sleeps most of the day.
- You secretly try to consume caffeine products, but nothing works to keep you awake. Sometimes, Beel has to carry you around because you get into a habit of falling asleep anywhere at any time.
- Though you don’t tell Belphie, you are secretly happy to return to your body. A part of you doesn’t feel like sleeping for days as you got all the sleep you needed in the few days you were in Belphie’s body.
After you switch back, you finally understand why the brothers behave the way they do. While you don’t say it aloud, you believe the avatars are more curses than anything else. However, you learn to sympathize with them more. How do they deal with the curse every day? They are strong.