
Prompt: Let’s imagine that the brothers’ sister during the Great Celestial War was trapped and locked in God’s castle by order of God. She spent weeks there, separated from her brothers and sister, until the day they all saw each other in Devildom (except Lilith, of course). Platonic headcanons for the reactions of the demon brothers when their sister appears in their room in the middle of the night due to a nightmare in which someone separates her from them again, and she wants to sleep in his room to calm down.

Gender: sister!Reader

A/N: Platonic.


  • Lucifer was surprised when you showed up suddenly at such a late hour. Setting aside the reports he was reading, he stood up from the sofa and approached you.
  • As you explained your nightmare, his initially stern expression softened. Though he didn’t tell you, Lucifer often had nightmares related to the Celestial Realm and knew they left a bitter aftertaste.
  • He offered you a rare, comforting smile and rested his hand on your head. “No one shall separate you from us. I assure you.”
  • With those words, he led you to his bed and tucked you in. For a while, he sat on the edge of the mattress, caressing your hair until you fell asleep.
  • After that, he returned to reading his report, but his mind ventured to the events of the past. It made him wonder if his younger brothers had nightmares related to Lilith and the war as well.


  • When he opened his eyes and saw you standing at the foot of his bed, Mammon jumped out of his bed. It was unusual for you to come to his room this late at night, so he knew something had happened.
  • Once you told him about your nightmare, Mammon immediately shifted to protective mode and promised that nothing like that would ever happen again.
  • He tucked you in and sat down on a chair beside the bed, holding your hand to make sure you knew he was there for you once you ventured off into dreamland.
  • Eventually, Mammon fell asleep with his head resting on the mattress. In his slumber, he mumbles about not letting anyone hurt you or his brothers ever again.


  • The Avatar of Envy was busy gaming and didn’t hear you enter his room. But when he saw something moving out of the corner of his eyes, Levi threw off his headphones and nearly chucked the controller at you. However, when he saw you, he sighed heavily and asked you not to scare him like that.
  • After hearing your recount of the nightmare, Levi empathized with you, relating to your fear of separation due to his own fears of abandonment.
  • He pulled an extra chair next to his gaming chair and asked you to join him. Playing games helped him, so it was bound to help you, too.
  • When you eventually fell asleep on the chair, Levi covered you with a blanket and quietly kept his chair close to yours as he continued to game. His memories of the war began to resurface, so he did his best to focus on the game. He would not get any sleep as Levi feared that as soon as he closed his eyes, he would also have nightmares.


  • Satan had found an interesting book to read, so he had no plans to sleep. As soon as you entered his room, he noticed your expression and knew something was wrong. Bookmarking the page he was on, the Avatar of Wrath gave you his undivided attention.
  • Once you told him about your nightmare, Satan thought for a bit. He couldn’t relate to you fully, as he only saw what happened in the Celestial Realm through Lucifer’s shared memories.
  • However, Satan offered you a more logical perspective, ensuring you that the past couldn’t hurt you. They were all safe in Devildom, and none would separate them.
  • Patting his bed, he invited you to join him. Once you sat down next to him, Satan opened his book and read the words out loud. You eventually fell asleep with your head resting against his upper arm.
  • He didn’t move an inch and allowed you to sleep in peace, and Satan didn’t have plans to move until you woke up.


  • Asmo was getting ready to go to bed, but when you entered his room in tears, he immediately hugged you and asked what happened.
  • Hearing about your nightmares made him slightly uncomfortable as those were memories he didn’t want to recall. But Asmo knew he had to do something to help you. The only idea that crossed his mind was a sleepover.
  • He set up his ‘cozy’ night out setup with countless plush pillows in one area of his room with fuzzy blankets. Asmo lit your favorite candles and started to talk to you about pleasant memories and upcoming events to distract you from your nightmare.
  • When you drifted to sleep, Asmo watched over you but couldn’t stop his mind from drifting to the dark past. He sometimes missed being the Jewel of the Celestial Realm.


  • The twins were confused when you walked into their room as late as they thought you were already asleep. But when they saw remnants of dried tears on your cheeks, Beel immediately handed you a bag of snacks, and Belphie patted the empty spot beside him on his bed.
  • Though you told them about your nightmare, you made sure to keep any mentions of Lilith out. The last thing you wanted was for Beel to blame himself again for not being able to save Lilith and for Belphie to feel survivor’s guilt.
  • Both of them listened to you in silence as they, too, had nightmares of the past often.
  • Beel joined you and Belphie on the younger twin’s mattress. They promised you that they will always be there for you and won’t let anyone separate you from them.
  • You were the first to fall asleep, content in their presence. Belphie eventually drifted to sleep beside you, holding your hand. Beel, however, stayed awake the entire night and watched over the two of you. He wanted to make sure that neither of you had any nightmares, and if you did, Beel wanted to be awake to comfort you.
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