Tasteless Joke

Prompt: MC tells a tasteless joke about Lucifer. Lucifer lectured to MC recently because he/she/they have been doing poorly at school. When the family is eating breakfast together, MC says, “How would Lucifer kill himself? He would climb to the top of his ego and jump down.” How would the brothers react?

Gender: gn!Reader

A/N: Ouch. MC is either very courageous or not so smart. 😂


  • Lucifer doesn’t react and continues to eat breakfast. He is very used to his brothers making jokes at his expense.
  • He is already prepared for his brothers’ reaction; in fact, Lucifer can tell you exactly what reach each brother will have. So, he is completely unfazed by everything going on around him.
  • If you push your luck further, Lucifer will smile and calmly say, “If only tasteless jokes could get you through life, you would achieve great heights.”


  • Even though Mammon complains about Lucifer, he deeply respects his older brother. So, for you to come out and joke about Lucifer’s death is disturbing to him.
  • Also, who makes jokes about someone’s death for something as trivial as doing poorly in school?
  • Ultimately, he brushes your joke aside as immaturity and moves on, hoping you don’t make any more jokes like that one again. But Mammon worries that if you keep saying these things, Lucifer might punish you harshly.


  • Levi stops eating and stares at you in shock.
  • He doesn’t like getting lectured about school and good grades, but to make a joke about Lucifer’s death because of a lecture? That’s going too far.
  • Also, Levi doesn’t want to imagine what would happen if Lucifer vanished. He and Mammon can’t handle the younger brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos. Just the thought sends chills down his spine.


  • Satan is amused by your joke and applauds your creativity but still deems your joke inappropriate.
  • Since he is anti-Lucifer, he can understand your annoyance with the Avatar of Pride. However, Satan thinks education and learning are important, so he agrees with Lucifer lecturing you to work on your grades.
  • More than anything, Satan wonders if you would also make a tasteless joke about him if he lectured you. He loses respect for you.


  • Gives you a side-eye, thinking your joke was uncalled for.
  • Lucifer gave you a lecture for your own good, and your reaction is to joke about his death? Disrespectful, mean, and unnecessary. Asmo starts to look at you in a more negative light.
  • “(Y/n), you speak of Lucifer’s big ego, but aren’t you joking about his death because his lecture wounded your ego? Doesn’t that mean you also have a big ego?”


  • Beel is very uncomfortable with your joke; he has already lost one family member and doesn’t want to lose another. He would have lost his appetite if he wasn’t the Avatar of Gluttony.
  • He doesn’t understand why you want Lucifer dead when he only has your best interest at heart. Does Lucifer deserve death for wanting you to do well in school?
  • For the next few days, Beel avoids talking to you and has lost respect for you.


  • Chuckles slightly at your joke, as he is not a fan of Lucifer’s lectures either. Then again, for a human to disrespect a powerful and respected demon makes him uncomfortable.
  • His outlook on your joke is not as harsh as his brothers, but Belphie does correct you about one thing.
  • “(Y/n), Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride. His pride would not allow him to take his own life.”
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