Prompt: Could I request another quick ask with Nun!MC please? Like maybe Lucifer sneezed and she just kindly says, “Oh, God bless you.” No malice intended! How would everyone react? Including Luci?
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
Stares blankly at MC and doesn’t know what to say – Lucifer
“Wait…did you just say…” Slaps his hand on his forehead – Levi, Belphie, Mephistopheles
Doesn’t know whether to ‘awww’ at the MC’s innocence or shake his head at her cluelessness – Asmo
“Well, someone has a sense of humor,” he says in the driest tone possible – Satan, Barbatos, Solomon
Laughs his/her head off – Mammon, Thirteen
“MC, we need to have a loooong talk” – Simeon
Just as clueless as the MCand doesn’t realize what happened – Luke, Diavolo, Beel