Come Home with Me
Prompt: Could we get headcanons about the Savannaclaw boys asking the reader/their s/o to come home with them after graduation?
Gender: gn!Reader

- Leona had been thinking about asking you to come to his home after graduation. You didn’t have a place to go, and he didn’t want to go home alone, so it was a win-win situation.
- “What do you say? Wanna come with me?”
- “Leona…did you just…? YES, I WILL MARRY YOU!”
- The lion’s jaw dropped, and he couldn’t move a muscle. Leona couldn’t believe – how did he not realize earlier? Him asking you to come home sounded like an indirect proposal, but he was not ready for marriage yet. What was he supposed to do in this situation?
- “Leona, why do you look like you just saw a ghost? Did the ghost from Ramshackle follow me here?” You looked around, pretending to find your ghost friends, before looking back at your boyfriend. “Ah, I can’t take it anymore.”
- To his surprise, you started laughing, “Sorry, Leona. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. What you said sounded too much like a marriage proposal. I couldn’t help it.”
- He relaxed a little, only for you to startle him with a tight hug. “I just want to be with you. My home is wherever you are.”
- Leona’s eyes softened as he returned your hug. Your home was whenever he was, huh? Usually, he hated anything that gave him warm, fuzzy feelings, but your words made him happy.

- Ruggie didn’t want to leave you on campus, but was it okay for him to ask you to come home with him? His house and the place he lived in weren’t exactly ideal for most people. What was the worst thing you would say, no? That would hurt him, but he would understand.
- “(Y/n), the headmage is takin’ his sweet time findin’ a way back for you an’ all. What do you say to comin’ home with me after you graduate?” Ruggie folded his hands behind the back of his head and smiled.
- “You…want me to live with you?”
- “Ya, you’ll be livin’ with grandma and me.” Ruggie chuckled, but seeing the hesitation on your face, his smile fell flat. “Hey, I know I ain’t a prince and don’t live in a palace, but our town is friendly. The people there get along and look out for each other. Everyone’ll take care of you like you’re their own.”
- “Uh, that’s not why I’m hesitating. Ruggie, I don’t want to impose on you or your grandma.”
- “Grandma’ll welcome you with open arms ‘cause she’ll think you’re her future daughter/son-in-law. Shyeheehee.” He flashed the biggest grin he could, catching you completely off guard.
- “W-What? Ruggie!”
- The hyena laughed and slung one arm around your shoulders, “But seriously, think about it. I want you to come home with me. Who knows, maybe someday, we’ll get married.”

- Jack understood what it meant to ask you to come with him to his family. His parents would think you’re his future mate, and his siblings would grow extremely attached to you. But he would be lying to himself if he didn’t already think of you as his future partner – after all when a wolf decides to be with someone, he will forever stay loyal to that person.
- When he saw you, Jack tensed up a little, but he finally made a decision. There was no way he would leave you on campus, especially in the hands of the careless headmage who hadn’t even started looking for a way back home for you.
- “Hey, I called you here to ask you a question. After we graduate, do you want to come home with me?” He couldn’t meet your eyes and tried his best not to blush.
- “Come…home with you? Like to your family? Sure, I would lik- wait, WHAT?” You stared at Jack with disc-like eyes, “J-Jack, we can’t…we are only college kids.”
- The wolf looked at you in confusion and rubbed the back of his head, “What are you talking about?”
- “Marriage! We can’t get married yet.”
- “W-WHAT? I am not proposing to you!” Jack yelled and quickly cleared his throat, “You don’t have a place to stay after graduation, right? If you want, you can come home with me. My family is very social, so they won’t mind…”
- “O-Oh…um…s-sure. Thanks. I’ll get going then,” your shoulders slumped as you turned around to walk away, “He doesn’t want to marry me…”
- Jack’s ears perked up at hearing your words. You want to marry him? But you just said we can’t get married yet…yet..yet…wait, so you do want to marry him in the future? The wolf’s cheeks turned red, and his tail excitedly swayed behind him.