How Does He Sleep?

Malleus Banner1
  • Due to his horns, Malleus has no choice but to sleep on his back. He is a very proper sleeper, as in he keeps his body straight and poised, his arms at a 90-degree angle, and his hands resting on top of his stomach.
  • He doesn’t make one sound, nor does he move an inch.
  • If you share his bed, Malleus will extend one arm out for you to sleep on. He likes it when you sleep on your side, cuddled up to his side and your hand resting on his chest.
Lilia Banner1
  • When alone, Lilia sleeps, hanging upside down from the bed frame with his arms crossed over his chest, just like a bat.
  • He sometimes has a habit of talking in his sleep.
  • When you share the bed with him, he sleeps normally because he doesn’t want to scare you. Lilia sleeps on his back with his arms crossed over his chest and head tilted to one side.
  • He likes it when you wrap your arms around him, but he doesn’t have the heart to tell you that he can’t sleep properly unless he’s hanging upside down.
Sebek Banner
  • Sebek sleeps sitting up with his legs stretched out, one hand on his lap and the other holding a sword. He has to be ready to fight in case Malleus needs protection.
  • He has a habit of yelling in his sleep, so his room is at the far end of the hallway.
  • If Sebek permits you to stay in his room, he will ask you to sleep on the sofa. There is no way he will share a bed with you until you two are married.
  • Be prepared to wake up by his battle cries in the middle of the night, though.
Silver Banner1
  • Sleeps on his back with his head tilted to one side and his arms folded over his stomach.
  • He is a sound sleeper as well and doesn’t move much.
  • If you share a bed with him, Silver will adjust his position to your liking. He can sleep anywhere and in any position, so he leaves the decision to you.
Leo Ban Cute
  • When Leona sleeps alone, he’s a side sleeper who has a habit of hugging something, usually a body pillow.
  • He’s fairly quiet and doesn’t make noise. Also, he doesn’t move around a lot.
  • When you are with him, he either likes to be the big spoon or likes to sleep with his face buried in your chest.
  • Alone, he’s a starfish sleeper – sprawled on the bed with his arms and legs hanging off the side of the bed.
  • Jack snores if he’s exhausted, but his snoring is not that bad.
  • Jack is still a starfish sleeper when he’s with you, so if you want to share the bed with him, you will have to sleep on top of him. Or risk getting squished under him.
Ruggie Banner1
  • Likes to sleep on his stomach with his arms stretched out to the sides.
  • He has a habit of laughing like a hyena in his sleep. Sometimes you wake up thinking you are in a horror movie.
  • If you share a bed with him, expect Ruggie to sleep on his stomach with half his body over yours.

Riddle Ban Cute

  • Alone, Riddle sleeps on his side, curled up.
  • He has nightmares often and, as a result, moves around in his sleep. He sometimes also mumbles during the nightmares.
  • Riddle prefers you don’t sleep in his room as he doesn’t want to wake you up in case he has a nightmare.
  • But if you share his bed, Riddle holds your hand in his sleep. Your presence lessens his chances of getting a nightmare; if he gets one, holding your hand is comforting for him.
Ace Ban Cute
  • Ace starts his sleep journey in the center of the bed on his stomach. By the time he wakes up, he is sleeping on the edge of the mattress with one hand and leg hanging off the side of the bed. The other side of his body is stretched out on the mattress.
  • He has a habit of randomly bursting into laughter in the middle of the night. When anyone confronts him about this, he says he has fun playing pranks on people in the dream. You can’t blame him for laughing.
  • When you share a bed with him, Ace is either the big or small spoon. And he doesn’t move around much.
Trey Banner1
  • When alone, Trey sleeps on his back with one leg straight and one leg slightly bent. One arm is straight down his side, while the other is slightly angled, with his hand resting on his stomach.
  • He is a sound sleeper and doesn’t wake up easily.
  • When he’s with you, Trey has one arm wrapped around you. If you are a side sleeper, he will hold you close to his side and press his lips on his forehead the entire night.
Cater Banner2
  • Cater changes his position daily, and all his positions mimic his selfie positions. He thinks he’s taking selfies even in his sleep.
  • Sometimes, he talks in his sleep and says hashtags. He even flirts with people in his sleep.
  • If you share a bed with him, Cater will hold you in an embrace and bury his face in his hair.
  • Sometimes, he wakes up to find you sitting next to him, angry. When he asks what happened, you ask him, “Who were you flirting with in your dream?”
Deuce Banner1
  • Deuce sleeps on his stomach with his head tilted to one side, one arm beside his pillow, and the other down by his side. He looks like he is running – imagine the final fantasy running cactus but on its stomach.
  • He kicks and hits in his sleep. Since he can’t get into fights while awake, he chooses to fight in his sleep.
  • If you share a bed with him, you might end up getting kicked or punched. For this reason, Deuce prefers you don’t sleep next to him. Sometimes, you might even find yourself on the floor.
Azul Ban TWST
  • Azul sleeps on his back with his head hanging off the pillow so the pillow is under his neck and shoulder, and his arms and legs are straight.
  • Schemes in his dreams and will talk loudly. Sometimes laughs maniacally.
  • He doesn’t prefer you to stay in his room in case he looks embarrassing in his sleep. But if you manage to convince him, Azul would really like it if you used his chest as a pillow.
  • If you tell him how he sleeps, laugh, or talk in his sleep, Azul will never let you enter his room again. So, keep it a secret~.
Jade Banner1
  • Jade sleeps on his side, knees bent slightly, one arm resting on top of the side of his body while the other is stretched straight out.
  • He doesn’t move much or make any sounds, but he has a habit of grinning in his sleep. If you share a bed with him, you might just wake up to see him giving you a devilish grin.
  • When you are with him, Jade likes to be the big spoon, or he likes to hold you close with your face buried in his chest. At least that way, you won’t wake up with his sharp, white teeth a few centimeters away from your face.
Floyd Ban Cute
  • Floyd sleeps in an “S” shape on his side. It’s the same when he’s in his eel form.
  • Has a habit of sleepwalking. Due to this, Jade sets up a barricade in front of Floyd’s door every night and removes it before his twin wakes up in the morning.
  • If you decide to share a room with Floyd, Jade will warn you beforehand.
  • Some mornings, you wake up with Floyd on top of you. After he is done sleepwalking, he returns to his bed and falls on the mattress like a plank. Sometimes, he falls at an angle; sometimes, he falls horizontally on the vertical mattress. If you are small, he might end up “crushing” you.
Kalim Ban Cute1
  • Sleep on his stomach, his face turned to one side, his arms hugging the pillow, and his butt sticking up in the air.
  • He likes to chuckle and talk in his sleep. Sometimes, when you are with him, he has a full-on conversation with you but forgets about it in the morning.
  • If you choose to share his bed, you might wake up to find Kalim on top of you, treating you like a mattress.
JamTWST Banner
  • Jamil sleeps on his back with his arms folded on top of the pillow and his head resting on his arms, turned to one side.
  • He adjusts his sleeping position every now and then but mostly changes the position of his head.
  • Jamil uses only one of his arms as a pillow when you are beside him and wraps the other arm around you. He wants to keep you close to him.
Vil Banner1
  • He sleeps on his side with his neck and back perfectly straight and a pillow between his knees. He doesn’t want to ruin his posture in his sleep, so he takes precautions.
  • He is a sound and still sleeper, so if you move around a lot or talk in your sleep, you are not welcome in his room. Vil needs to get his beauty rest and will not compromise for anyone.
  • If he allows you to share his bed, Vil will not change his sleeping position to accommodate you.
Rook Ban Cute1
  • Looks like the sleeping beauty when he’s asleep, on his back, hands resting on his abdomen, and a peaceful expression.
  • When the clock strikes midnight, though, Rook begins his hunt…in his dreams. He talks out his strategy on how he will hunt his favorite prey and every action he takes in his dream.
  • If you are with him, Rook will change his dreams from hunting to going on a date with you and reading your poetry. Yes, he will say poems out loud in his sleep.
Epel Ban Cute
  • Epel sleeps on his back, with his legs parted, his arms at 90 degrees, and his hands next to his head, just like a baby.
  • He sometimes talks in his sleep and gets a decent amount of nightmares. When you are with him, he feels embarrassed to get nightmares, so if he wakes up, Epel tries his best not to wake you up.
  • When you are with him, Epel likes to maintain contact with you in any way he can. If you are a side sleeper, he hopes you will curl up to his side. If you are a straight sleeper, he hopes you will use his arm as a pillow. If you are a stomach sleeper, he hopes you will wrap one arm around him.
Idia Banner1
  • Idia sleeps on his side, curled up into a ball and hidden under his blanket. Only his hair is sticking outside the blanket. He sometimes hugs his knees to his chest under the blanket.
  • He sometimes mumbles in his sleep and has nightmares once in a while.
  • Idia refuses to share the bed with you, but if you push him enough, he will let you use his gaming chair. There is no way he will share his bed with anyone and might consider it once you two get married.
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