
Prompt: Headcanons for comforting a fem MC who fears she’ll be rejected by others because she thinks she’s not as good as the others (or something beyond her control).

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

Jamil headcanon banner simple
  • Rejection? He can relate.
  • Throughout his entire life, he has faced rejection. When he sees you in a broken state, Jamil feels uncomfortable. 
  • He is reminded of all the events that happened in his past. Jamil doesn’t want you to feel the same pain he has and is willing to do anything…ANYTHING to comfort you.
  • “What is it that you fear? You have been through so much, yet you’re still standing strong, aren’t you? That proves you’re a capable woman. Besides, I can’t think of any reason why any person would want to reject you. ” 
  • He tells you stranger’s opinions don’t matter. What matters is to keep your self-worth high in your eyes. 
  • Jamil rests his hand on your head. “”You are an amazing girl, so stop doubting yourself. If someone rejects you, then that person is not worthy of your time.” 
  • He doesn’t want you to stay in Ramshackle by yourself and risk the chance of you spiral down a dark hole. So, Jamil asks you to stay in Scarabia for a few days. He knows with him and Kalim around, you won’t have any time to think about your fear.  
MalleusTWST Bann
  • Rejection? What is that?
  • Malleus doesn’t understand but strokes your head. He even tells you to cry if it’ll make you feel better. 
  • He asks you why you would worry about something like that? Why would you fear getting rejected by strangers?
  • As Malleus asks these questions, a thought dawns upon him. He realizes that in some ways, he gets rejected by others around him. People forget to invite him to parties or meetings, and they get scared of him for being different and powerful.
  • Malleus brings you back to his dorm and takes you to his room. “Let us converse here. If you wish to share your fears with me, then I shall lend an ear.”
  • The young dragon reminds you that you are a worthy person and requests you not to be too hard on yourself. “Do not torture yourself, child of man. Even though you do not possess magic, the mirror chose you to attend NRC. This alone makes you worthy.” 
  • Malleus smiles gently and adds, “I believe you are truly a worthwhile woman. Only fool would say otherwise, so pay no mind to those foolish beings.” 
New Jack updated simple banner.
  • Rejection? Who cares what others think.
  • Jack is confused when you tell him about your rejection and how it has been affecting you. He isn’t sure how to comfort you, but he doesn’t like seeing you feeling down. 
  • He wants to understand what’s on your mind and asks a series of questions. Why would you think people would reject you? Why would you let their opinions get to you? Why put yourself through this pain?
  • Jack almost wants to give you a piece of his mind for not believing in yourself, but he doesn’t want to agitate your already fragile emotions. 
  • “Oi, don’t let people’s words get to you. If they don’t like you, then ignore them cause they’re not worth it. Remember, not everyone is goin’ to like you.” 
  • Jack tussles your hair and blushes a little. “You are g-great just the way you are. Also, if anyone dares to hurt your feelings, know that I won’t spare them.”
  • He asks you to spend the day with him. Jack may not be great with words, but he wants you to know he’s there for you. 
Leona Banner2
  • Rejection? Not you, too. 
  • Leona’s heart breaks when you tell him about your fear. Soon, that heartbreak gives way to anger. Was he angry at you for thinking this way? Yes. But did he understand your pain? YES.
  • He has been rejected all his life and has no choice but to learn to live with it. Leona knows it’s a bad place to be in, and the last thing he wants is for you to suffer the same fate.
  • The lion prince brings you back to his room for privacy and asks you to talk out all your fears and insecurities. 
  • Leona assures you that your fears are not going to come true. “You are a strong, beautiful, and worthwhile woman. Stop worryin’ about things that are not in your control.”
  • He yawns and stretches himself out on his bed. “Sometimes your emotions get the better of you, but don’t let those feelings take over your life. Don’t push yourself in that direction. Also, herbivore, you better not forget I’m here for you….and always will be.” 

Banner for Azul twisted

  • Rejection? He knows what it feels like all too well. 
  • Azul is upset when he hears that you’re worried about getting rejected. He starts having flashbacks of his childhood days.
  • “If anything is troubling you, I am always here to listen to you. But I am curious to know why you would let the worthless beings around you decide your value? They are all senseless fools. In my eyes, you are a woman worth respecting and loving. I wish you would stop worrying about other’s opinions.” 
  • Azul holds his hand out in your direction, “Shall we head to the Monstro Lounge? With your permission, I would like you to spend the rest of the day with me.” 
  • While he escorts you to Octavinelle, he asks, “Tell me, my dear friend, what can I do to make you happy? I grant the wishes of those around me, so let me have the honor of making your wish come true. Do not fret. I shall not ask for any compensation in return.”
New Floyd updated simple banner.
  • Rejection? Never thought about it.
  • Floyd is a bit confused when you tell him about your fear, but he doesn’t like seeing you sad. 
  • “Eh? Why would anyone reject a tiny, cute shrimp like you? Also, who cares about what others think. The most important thing is what you think of yourself.” 
  • The more Floyd thinks about your fear, the more it reminds him of baby Azul. So does this mean you’re going to turn into another Azul? Just the thought sends a chill down his spine. 
  • “Hey, shrimpy…I don’t like seeing you hurting yourself. Don’t care about what others think, okay? You are perfect just the way you are.”
  • Floyd pinches your cheek and slings one arm around your shoulder. “If anyone hurts you, then lemme know. I’ll strangle them for you. Now, will you smile~ for me?”
Jade banner for hcs and scenarios
  • Rejection? I don’t want you going in that direction. 
  • Jade has seen what rejection has done to Azul, and he doesn’t want you to go through the same pain. The older eel doesn’t like seeing you worry over things that are out of your control. 
  • He gently rests a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t let others judge your value and worth. There will always be those that love you and those that dislike you. Pay no heed to the latter.” 
  • Jade pats your head and smiles. “You are a genuine woman who is truly striking in both personality and appearance. As for me, I hold you close to my heart as a dear friend, and nothing will change this.” 
  • As he tries to cheer you up, Jade can’t help but wonder what Azul would have been like if people had accepted him. 

Ace banner4

  • Why would you worry about that? 
  • Ace is surprised and doesn’t understand why you think you’re not good enough. He wants to tell you his honest opinion, but the last time he tried that with Riddle, well, his dorm leader nearly destroyed Heartslabyul. 
  • He gently holds your shoulders and looks into your eyes, “Listen, there will always be things that will be out of your control, and worrying about them won’t do you any good. As for the things that are in your control, just give it your best. You may not always get the results you want but keep trying. Even if you fall, you have to get up and keep going.” 
  • Ace kisses your forehead and grins widely, “Remember I’m here for you, so if you fall and can’t stand up, then I will pick you up and carry you for as long as you want me to. Don’t be so hard on yourself, okay?” 
Twisted banner for Trey.
  • It’s okay to have fears, but don’t let your fears control your life. 
  • Trey had his doubts about your fear of rejection but was waiting for you to confess. When you finally tell him, he gives you a small smile and sits you on his bed. “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. I know life can be hard, and sometimes, you feel like you can’t take it anymore, and that’s fine. But, my love, stressing out about matters that are not in your control will only hurt you.” 
  • He takes hold of your hands and squeezes them firmly. “Whenever you feel low, come talk to me. I will remind you just how wonderful you are.”
  • Trey has seen Riddle go through a similar situation, and he doesn’t want you to experience the same pain. He delayed helping Riddle, but this time around, he will not repeat the same mistake. 
Riddle banner for twisted hcs.
  • Rejection…not good enough…he understands what you are going through. 
  • Riddle is upset to learn that you’re going through a similar phase in life as him. Though he doesn’t tell you, your boyfriend is worried that your stress/ fear will find a negative outlet, much like his, and you will end up hurting yourself.
  • He still regrets what he did and will not let you go through the same torture he experienced.
  • He takes you in his arms and holds you close to his chest, “I forced myself to always strive for perfection and went against what my heart wanted just to uphold the image I had created of myself. When I overbloted, I realized that I was not alone… there were people who cared about me and wanted my happiness. Please don’t think you’re alone. Whatever worries or stress you have, share them with me, and we will find a solution together. I promise I will always be there for you.” 
Deuce banner4
  • Not good enough? That’s a hard place to be, but you have to keep trying.
  • When he learned about your fear, Deuce wanted to hug you and tell you that you’re wrong to think less of yourself. After all, he always looks to you for inspiration whenever he thinks he can’t push forward. 
  • He knows the fear of rejection and not being considered good enough, but Deuce also knows that working hard pays off. His first words to you are, “Don’t ever give up.”
  • With a determined look in his eyes, he cups your face and says, “You can’t give up no matter what. If a delinquent like me can come this far, then a hardworking and strong person like you can achieve anything. If you feel down or think you’re not good enough, come to me right away.” 
  • “Also, if anyone tells you that you’re not good enough, then let me know…you are an amazing person, and no one can say otherwise…and if they do, I will break their face.” 
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