Prompt: Fluff/angst headcannon in which an insecure Azul’s female s/o tries to cheer him up by saying that she absolutely loves his octopus form, telling him that it makes him look truly beautiful?
Gender: fem!Reader
Warning: Spoilers from chapter 3.
- Azul generally didn’t mind when you complimented the Leech brothers, but the day you said they looked amazing in their original forms, the octopus felt a sting in his heart.
- Everyone was either fascinated with or terrified of the eels, and they had it all—the looks, the height, the swimming speed, the power, and most of all, each other. Ever since they were kids, the brothers were very popular, but he…he was that chubby tiny octopus who hid in his pot and was fun to pick on.
- He couldn’t swim fast, didn’t have the looks, was a round blob, had eight legs, and worst of them all, whenever he was nervous, stressed, or emotional, he inked himself. What did he do to deserve this fate? Why couldn’t he be cool in his original form like the twins?
- Azul never thought he would end up dating you, but if he had the slightest hint, he would never have sent you to the underwater museum to retrieve his class photo. Now, you knew how ugly he looked in his octopus form.
- The dorm leader sunk into his office chair and pulled the brim of his hat lower on his face. Maybe he could come up with a potion to look cooler in his octopus form – there had to be something in some book that could allow him to change his appearance, right?
- “H-Hey Azul. Are you busy?” You peeked into his office, catching him off guard. He quickly sat up in his chair and fixed his hat, forcing a smile and motioning you to come inside.
- “Um…I have something I want to ask. I don’t want to beat around the bush, so I’m going to ask directly. You have been acting odd since the day I saw the twins in their eel form. Is there a reason for that?”
- “N-No…,” Azul cleared his throat and lowered his gaze to his desk, “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.”
- You should have known there was no way he would answer the question – so much for plan A. But at least this time, you thought of a plan B in case A failed. “My dear Azul, you know we are dating, right?”
- “Y-Yes. Why…do you ask?” He was surprised to hear that question but patiently waited for you to continue.
- “And you know I already saw what you looked like in your original form, right? I saw your childhood photo and your overblotted form.”
- Azul nodded but couldn’t understand why you were asking him such obvious questions. Chuckling, you walked closer to his desk and rested your hand on top of his, “What I’m trying to say is, Azul Ashengrotto, the reason I’m dating you is because I like you just the way you are. I know why you dislike your original form, but my sweet octopus, I think you look amazing as a human and as an octopus.”
- “You…do?” The house warden gave you a long, hard look as if he didn’t believe your words.
- “Yes! Octopuses have big brains and are smart, and Azul, you are one of the smartest students in NRC. Even the headmaster is kinda scared of you and your abilities. Octopuses have three hearts ~ all the more to love me with.” You giggled cutely, “You have eight legs, and if I remember correctly, you used those tentacles to read eight books at the same time. Most people can’t focus when reading one book, and you read EIGHT. If that’s not cool, I don’t know what is.”
- You paused for a second to look at his shocked expression before continuing. “Lastly, you are embarrassed about inking, right? Just like humans use words and violence in self-defense, octopuses use ink. That’s not something you should be ashamed of. Azul, your octopus form is amazing, and I would love to see you in that form one day. So, would you please show me what you look like whenever you are ready?”
- Azul took a moment to digest your words and gave a slight nod, still taken aback by your compliments. Thanking him, you gave a playful smile. “I just have one last question. By any chance, were you jealous of me complimenting the twins?”
- “Uh…I…what? N-No,” he turned his face away, but it was already too late as you already saw his red cheeks.
- “So, you were jealous! Aww, my boyfriend is jealous. So cute,” you teased him ruthlessly, much to his dismay. “But, on a serious note, Azul, I like you and you only. Always remember that.”
- “(Y/n),” he spoke in a gentle voice while softly gazing into your eyes. “Thank you.”