Accidental Confession

Prompt: A scenario for Ace talking to the first-year gang about his feelings for a fem reader, not noticing that she is right there listening.

Gender: fem!Reader

Word Count: 878

Ace Banner1

You and Grim were heading back to the dorm, talking about upcoming events for students. You told him you wanted a picnic for the first years so that the freshmen could get to know each other. Unbeknownst to you, Headmaster Crowley was close by, and out of nowhere, he appeared in front of you, nearly giving you a heart attack.

“Excuse my interruption! That’s a fantastic idea,” he spoke in a boisterous voice. “I shall make your idea a reality, for I am gracious.”

The following week, all the first years gathered in NRC’s courtyard for the much-awaited picnic. You and Grim were running a little late, thanks to the three ghosts in Ramshackle.

“(Y/n), why did ya suggest this picnic? Did ya just wanna go to a picnic, or is there somethin’ else on your mind?” Grim asked curiously, lifting his head to look at you.

“I…I wanted to spend time with Ace,” you confessed in a hushed voice.

The little creature seemed confused by your answer and tilted his head, muttering a why. You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head, “I don’t know…he’s just really cool. Ace is good-looking, kinda smart, has a chill attitude, and…I’m going to stop talking now.”

Averting your eyes, you hid your burning cheeks under your hands, leaving Grim even more baffled. The rest of the way, both of you remained silent, enjoying the crisp spring breeze.

Right when you and Grim reached the picnic area, you heard someone saying your name. You grabbed the little creature, covered his mouth, and ducked behind a tall tree. Though you knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, you wanted to know who was talking about you and why. Slowly, you poked your head out to see Jack, Sebek, Ace, Deuce, and Epel sitting on a blue picnic blanket.

“Ace, why have you been acting so odd?” Deuce questioned, staring at his dormmate. 

“I’ve noticed the same thing,” Jack added as he pushed the picnic basket towards Epel. 

“I…noticed you’re ignoring (y/n)…,” the purple-haired boy spoke, getting the food out of the basket. Sebek examined the food Epel was taking out, seemingly uninterested in the conversation. He did not care about idle chatter, nor did he care about the picnic. Unfortunately for him, his lord ordered him to attend, so Sebek had no choice. 

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you guys. Stop gangin’ up on me,” he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. “I…I don’t want to talk to her ’cause I feel awkward.” 

“Awkward? Why?” His dormmate asked in shock. 

“I realized a few days ago that I like her…and after that, I can’t bring myself to talk to her.”

Jack’s ears twitched as his lips turned into a frown, “Be a man and own up to your feelings.” 

“It’s not as easy as you think!” Would you be able to tell the person you like your feelings?“ Ace sighed and hung his head, earning a hmph from the wolf. 

“Jack’s right, though. Will you be able to avoid her for three more years? You will have to talk to her sooner or later,” Deuce said, sympathizing a bit with his friend.

The red-haired boy’s eyes widened as he let out another sigh, “Why is it so hard to tell someone you like them?” 

“Ace…I don’t think you’ll have to worry about tellin’ her,” Epel whispered, causing all the men to look at him puzzled. He wordlessly pointed his finger towards you.

Hearing Ace’s confession shocked you, and without realizing it, you stepped out from behind the tree. You were frozen in place, staring at your crush with wide eyes. When he saw you, Ace backed away, using his legs to push off the picnic blanket. 

“H-How much of that did you h-hear?” 

“She heard all of it,” Grim replied on your behalf and snickered. 

The bewildered boy darted his eyes around the area, trying to find a means of escape, but Jack grabbed Ace’s uniform jacket to make sure he couldn’t run away. 

Grim raced up to the group and stood in the middle of the picnic blanket. “Why are ya tryin’ to run away? (Y/n) wants to spend time with you.” 

“G-Grim! You weren’t supposed to tell him that!” 

Ace glanced at you with wide eyes. “You d-do?” 

“I think we all should go somewhere else,” Deuce suggested as he rose to his feet and beckoned the others to follow him. 

“Why? I just got here an-” Grim started to say, but Jack grabbed him by the bow and carried him away. 

After everyone left, Ace got up and dusted off the back of his pants. “You…want to spend time with me? Why?” 

“I…don’t k-know…I just d-do…”

He walked up to you, and for a moment, the two of you stood quietly, letting your eyes wander around the busy courtyard. 

“Ace…,” you whispered, breaking the silence. 

“Yeah?” He gazed at you from his peripheral vision in time to get a glimpse of your red cheeks. 

“I…like you too.” 

Your confession left him speechless, and for a good minute, he stood still with his eyes fixed on you. Soon enough, the corners of his lips curled up, and he held his hand out towards you. “You wanna get something to eat?” 

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