
Prompt: Can I request a hc or scenario about a fem!MC that is affectionate and likes to hold hands and give kisses to family and friends?

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: All platonic.


  • It takes him a long time to get used to your love as no one has ever been affectionate with him before. 
  • Your kisses melt away his stress and make him feel relaxed. Sometimes when you surprise him with a hug/kiss, Luci will give you a forehead kiss in return. 
  • When you hold his hand, Luci loves the warmth you give off. It makes him want to protect you even more. 
  • He will never openly admit to it, but he always looks forward to receiving affection from you. 


  • After Asmo, Mammon is the biggest fan of your touch. He tries to ride it off as he doesn’t care, and of course, you would want to be affectionate towards Mammon the Great, but on the inside, he is fanboys. 
  • If he ever catches you holding his brothers’ hands or pecking their cheek, then Mammon will sulk until you give him the same affection. 
  • Being the Avatar of Greed, Mammon is super greedy for your love, though he will not admit it verbally, his actions speak on his behalf.


  • When you first try to hold Levi’s hand or kiss his face, he immediately steps away in a panic. This demon is not used to anyone touching him, so he questions what you were trying to do. When you explain to him, his first reaction is to ask, “WHY?”
  • It takes a while for him to trust you enough to let you hold his hand and even longer to let you kiss his face.
  • Once he gets used to it though, Levi is addicted to your touch. He always invites you to his room to watch an anime/movie or play games in hopes that you will shower him with affection. 
  • Levi loves it when you hold his hand in public, even if you get odd looks. The fact that you don’t care about people’s judgment towards him makes him feel special and gives him a bit of confidence. 


  • Just like Lucifer, it takes Satan a while to get used to your affection. Being the Avatar of Wrath, people are afraid of getting close to him. So, when you start holding his hand out of the blue, Satan is shocked, to say the least. 
  • He’s even more surprised when you kiss his cheek, but he has to admit that he admires your bravery. 
  • Satan is very touched starved so whenever you kiss him, he gets a sweet smile on his lips. A smile only reserved for you. 
  • Sometimes when he has a bad day or is trying to control his rage, all he wants to do is hold your hand and get a kiss from you. Your touch makes him calm down instantly.


  • LOVES YOUR TOUCH. Being the Avatar of Lust, Asmo is always used to showering people with love, but in Devildom, no one usually showers him with affection first.
  • If he could, Asmo would hold your hand 24/7. Out of his brothers, Asmo has the softest hand so holding hands with him is like touching cotton. He also doesn’t shy away from asking for kisses, turning his cheek to you and tapping his cheek with his index finger, saying that he could use some love, saying he had a bad day, and a kiss would make it better… 
  • Overall, Asmo is the happiest to have you in the House of Lamentation. 


  • Beel loves receiving your kisses and will always look forward to them. He also likes holding your hands and enjoys the feel of how small your hand is compared to his. 
  • He sometimes likes to pick you up by the waist and twirl you around, then turn his cheek to you and wait for your kiss, all the while still holding you off the ground.
  • Every time you kiss Beel, he will give you a grin and plant a kiss on your cheek in return. 


  • He doesn’t mind you touch him or kissing him as he’s used to Beel’s affection. Though he does wonder why you chose him out of all his brothers. Then he starts to think that you may be the same way with others. 
  • Belphie gets a bit jealous thinking that you are loving towards his brothers as well, but in time, he gets used to the fact that you’re just an affectionate person. 
  • His favorite is when you think he’s napping and you kiss his forehead or stroke his hair. His most favorite though is when you take a nap next to him and hold onto his hand.


  • After Mammon and Asmo, Diavolo would be the next on the list of “I LOVE YOUR TOUCH”. He can never get enough of your affection and wishes you stayed in the castle rather than the House of Lamentation. At one point, he was even tempted to ask Barb to move all your belonging into the castle. 
  • Whenever Diav is stressed, he asks to see you for the sole purpose of receiving your love. It’s the fastest way for him to destress and recharge his drained energy. 
  • The prince is also very affectionate towards you, number one being showering you with hugs. He loves how small you feel in his arms, especially when he’s in his demon form. 


  • The butler is not used to touch but will gladly accept your affection. At first, he’s a bit wary of you, but over time, he gets used to it. 
  • When Barb gets used to your love, expect him to tease you lightly – “I shall only give you this dessert if you give me a kiss in return”, “I shall cook for you this if you hug me”, “I am going to market, would you like to join me? It has been a while since you have held my hand”. 
  • Overall, Barb is fond of your innocent gestures. 


  • Simeon is used to receiving affection, especially with Luke being around. The young angel is very clingy to him, so when you go to hold his hand, Simeon simply smiles and gives your hand a soft squeeze. 
  • He is also very loving in return, be it hugs, forehead/top of the head kisses, stroking your hair, or giving you head pats.


  • Luke can’t get enough of your affection. He sees you as his sibling, so getting kisses/hugs and holding your hand is a way for him to bond with you. 
  • Sometimes Luke bakes you dessert just so he can receive your love in return. 
  • When the two of you are in public, Luke likes to hold onto your hand. It gives him a sense of protection – not being protected by you, but rather him protecting you from the demon around. This young angel will not let anyone hurt his loveable sister, especially not a demon.


  • Solomon is surprised when you get affectionate with him. Most people find him shady and tend to maintain a distance, but you’re different and he likes that. 
  • Every time you show him any form of love, he immediately asks you why you’re so affectionate, even though he knows you’ll say the same thing, “I’m just like that.” 
  • Whenever you hold his hand around the demon brothers, Solomon notices the glares he gets, especially from the eldest demon, and that gives him a lot of satisfaction. Sometimes, he will pull you into a hug, just to rile the demon brothers. 
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