And the Best Booty Goes To...
Prompt: HCs for who has your top 3 starless booty and the 3 at bottom tier butts?
Top 3 (in no particular order):
- We’ve yet to see him from the back side, but in his 5* initial card, we can see him sitting and kinda guess.
- I’m literally basing this off his physique and what I imagine his behind to look like: muscular (that’s a given), firm, and round shape.
- Reaction to s/o complimenting his behind: “Someone’s eyes have been wandering lately.”
- Reaction to s/o slapping behind: Stares at you with an eyebrow raised and smirks. “You know what I’m capable of, don’t you?”

- We get a peek at his behind in his and Mokuren’s versus card and in the card above.
- Muscular, firm, and in between flat and round.
- Reaction to s/o complimenting his behind: “….”
- Reaction to s/o slapping behind: Would reflexively go to punch but stop halfway when he realizes it’s just you. “The hell you do that for?”

- Again, we’ve yet to get a peek at his behind, but just like the two guys above, he’s muscular.
- Being the most muscular and a sportsman, he would most likely have the firmest butt and square shape.
- Reaction to s/o complimenting his behind: Too shocked and shy to say anything.
- Reaction to s/o slapping behind: Face turns bright red, and he is speechless.
I I I I….like muscular men and cannot lie.
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Bottom 3 (in no order):

- Since Heath can’t exercise due to his health and all, he would most likely have the most skeletal behind in Starless.
- Bone-y but round.
- Reaction to s/o rap dissing his behind: “Oh…okay…” T—-T
- Sorry heath, /throws hearts at him/.
- Reaction to s/o slapping behind: Passes out from the shock. Be prepared to be chased by Mizuki and Ran.

- Yoshino doesn’t really seem like he likes to exercise/doesn’t exercise (if you don’t believe me, then look at his reha card).
- Flat and kinda squishy.
- Reaction to s/o dissing his behind: actually, please don’t diss any part of him, he already has confidence issues (which seem to be getting better).
- Reaction to s/o slapping behind: Nearly gets a heart failure. Can’t look at you in the eyes for a month.

- I’m not targeting the singer, I swear! Kinda makes sense though since they don’t really need to exercise their body as much as the performers.
- Petite, firm, and in between round and square shape.
- Reaction to s/o dissing his behind: for the sake of your life, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself (good or bad).
- Reaction to s/o slapping behind: Again, if you value your life, I suggest you think twice.