But We Aren't Dating

Prompt: Team C and W wake up the morning after cheating on their s/o MC. They act off throughout the day, but eventually decide to confront her and maybe apologize to her so their relationship doesn’t get rocky over what should be nothing more than a one-off lovers quarrel. However, it seems the man has forgotten they’re not actually dating MC, their CRUSH, and that it was all just a dream they had. MC is confused.

Gender: fem!Reader

Koku Banner

  • With each step Kokuyou took towards you, his courage lowered. He needed to tell you the truth, but the what-if questions in his mind nagged at him.
  • “(Y/n). Why are you ignoring me?”
  • Did you somehow find out about what he did? Were you waiting for him to confess his mistake? He waited for your reply, but his patience ran out.
  • “Look, I know I messed up. I don’t know how it happened. It was a mistake…a huge mistake.”
  • You wondered what he was talking about but curious to find out, you stayed silent.
  • “I only like you! I don’t like anyone and will never will,” he loudly stated. “I didn’t mean to cheat on you. I swear. Don’t…break up with me…please.”
  • The way he said please in a broken voice stabbed at your heart. A chuckle escaped your lips, “I didn’t know you liked me and that you dream about me.”
  • It suddenly dawned on Kokuyou that the incident was nothing more than a dream; moreover, he confessed to you.
  • “Cat got your tongue?” You giggled and wrapped your arms around his waist, “I like you too.”
  • Kokuyou’s muscles tensed up even more. He was speechless – absolutely speechless.
Aki Banner
  • How could he do something like this to you? You showed him much love and care, and here he was, cheating on you. How did this happen?
  • On top of that, he ignored you and made every excuse to escape you. He can’t keep going like this.
  • Akira grabbed your hand, startling you, and dragged you to the rooftop for privacy. Taking a few deep breaths, he faced you and forced a smile, “There’s something I gotta tell you. Please don’t be mad at me.”
  • You raised an eyebrow as a marathon of thoughts raced through your mind.
  • “I c-che…I…I cheated on you! But I am sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to. I don’t even know how it happened!”
  • You awkwardly shifted your weight from one leg to another and looked around the rooftop. How exactly were you supposed to break the news to him?
  • “Akira…we aren’t dating….”
  • “Whaa?” He ran his fingers through his hair and gathered his scattered mind. “Oh…um…I…”
  • Did he just accidentally, in a weird way, confess to you?
  • “Sorry…I think I had a dream? Um…forget it.”
  • “Hold on a second,” you playfully smiled. “Is there something you want to tell me, Akira?”
Sin Banner
  • His hands shook as he poured a cup of tea for you, making you worry more about him. What had happened to turn the deathly calm and composed man into a shaking mess?
  • “Sin, is something the matter? Are you not feeling well?”
  • He should have known you would pick up on it; it looked like he couldn’t hide it any longer from you.
  • Sin got down on one knee beside your chair and took your hands in his. “I apologize… from the bottom of my heart. I am truly sorry, (y/n). I had no intention of hurting you, and love you dearly,” Sin sighed. “(Y/n), I cheated on you. I should not ask after committing such a crime, but would you consider forgiving me?”
  • You stayed silent for a moment, processing his confession. With a heavy blush on your cheeks, you leaned your face closer to his and planted a kiss on his forehead.
  • “Sounds like you had a dream. Sin, we are not dating,” you smiled, “…yet.”
  • He stared at you, stunned, but seemed relieved. Meeting your eyes, he smiled, “Yet? Then would you like to go on a date with me?”
Taka Banner
  • Takami sat beside you and moved his eyes to the sky. He wasn’t sure how to start, but to show you his true feelings, he decided to show you a side of him that no one had seen yet.
  • “Since the first day I saw you, I was drawn to you,” he smiled.
  • You snapped your head in his direction and stared with your jaw dropped. Where did this come from?
  • “The more I saw you, the more I liked you. You are beautiful…inside and out,” he spoke softly. “When I see you talking to the other cast members, I have the urge to pull you into a kiss to let them know you are taken. That would upset you, though, correct?”
  • “Takami…where is-“
  • “If it’s alright, would you please let me finish? I barely gathered the courage to say these words to you…so please.” He still couldn’t meet your eyes.
  • “(Y/n), last night…I cheated on you. To be honest, I don’t recall how it happened,” he let you a self-depriving chuckle. “I realize it’s selfish of me to ask, but would you give me another chance?”
  • You rested your hand on your chest. Did he like you so much that he apologized for his mistake in his dream?
  • “No, Takami. I won’t give you another chance. But I will give you a first chance…”
  • You met his confused gaze and giggled, “We aren’t dating Takami. Sounds like you had a dream…hopefully, it was only a dream.”
  • Takami covered his mouth with his right hand and chuckled. “Ah, so it seems like I was dreaming. How embarrassing, but I would love to take that first chance.”
Tai Banner
  • Taiga was avoiding you like the plague. You couldn’t remember what you did to make him flee when he saw you.
  • You attempted to catch him alone throughout the day and finally reached the evening. “Taiga!”
  • He tried to run away, but you pinned him against the wall, glaring at him. “Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Do I smell bad? Is there something on my face?”
  • “N-No,” he mumbled. “Look! I messed up badly without meaning to! I don’t know how the hell it happened. I will do anything to make it up to you! Even stop playing…video games…”
  • “You will stop playing video games? Taiga, what are you talking about?”
  • “I cheated on you! There, I said it.” He couldn’t bring himself to look at your expressions.
  • You stared blankly at him and had no idea what he was talking about, but you decided to go along. “T-Taiga…how could you! How could you do this to me?”
  • When he saw tears in your eyes, Taiga panicked and threw his arms around you. “I am sorry. I am very sorry. I love you…I swear.”
  • “Is that so?” You giggled and pecked his cheek. “You have no idea how long I have waited to hear you say that. I love you too.”
  • “Wha…” Taiga stared at your back in confusion as you walked away. “What just happened?”

Moku Banner

  • Throughout the day, Mokuren kept sharing their food with you, and you had no idea why. It was not like them to give their food to anyone, so why were they being so nice to you?
  • “Mokuren…is something wrong?”
  • They briefly glanced at you but quickly averted their gaze, “I am sorry…”
  • That was all they said before heading to the rehearsal room. Feeling that something was off, you followed them and spied on them through the small opening in the door. They were completely offbeat and unfocused. This was not the Mokuren you knew.
  • “Mokuren,” you opened the door and walked in. “What’s going on?”
  • “I cheated on you,” their response was blunt. “I don’t know how to face you…or what I should do.”
  • Though you had no clue what they were talking about, you asked, “When?”
  • “Last night.”
  • “So…in your dream?” You giggled.
  • Mokuren turned to look at you but didn’t say a word. Were you saying they dreamed about this? Their cheeks turned crimson as they turned their back to you.
  • “At least now I know you will think twice about cheating on me,” you teased, “when we start dating.”
Qu Banner
  • You were sorting through the papers in Unei’s office, and the next thing you knew, Qu pulled you into a tight embrace.
  • “Qu…?”
  • “I am s-sorry,” he sniffed.
  • “Are you crying? Qu, what’s wrong?”
  • “Will you please forgive me?” His voice was hoarse, as if he had been crying for a while.
  • “Forgive you for what? What happened?”
  • “I c-cheated on you last night…”
  • Slowly pulling out of his hug, you cupped his cheeks and met his eyes. You wiped his tears away and forced a smile, “How can you cheat on me when we aren’t dating?”
  • Qu moved his eyes around, trying to piece everything together. There was a question you wanted to ask, but at the same time, you were afraid of what he would say.
  • “Qu…did you g-get…intimate with someone last night?”
  • “No,” he exclaimed, “I was dreaming…”
  • “I’m glad,” you smiled, relieved.
  • “(Y/n). I only have eyes for you,” he whispered, pecking your nose.
Kas Banner
  • For a few minutes, you watched Kasumi sweeping the same spot. What was he thinking about so hard? You cautiously approached him, not wanting to startle him.
  • “Kasumi. Are you okay?”
  • “H-Huh? O-Oh…yeah. Sorry.”
  • “Are you sure?” You asked, worried.
  • Kasumi forced a smile, “I am a bad person and don’t deserve someone like you.”
  • “You…what?”
  • “The least I can do is be honest with you,” he chuckled dryly. “I told myself many times that I would protect you – protect your smile, yet last night, I…cheated on you.”
  • “Oh…um…so you…” you couldn’t even bring yourself to ask if he got close to another woman. “I see. I should stay away from you then…your girlfriend might get mad at me.”
  • Kasumi tilted his head, “My girlfriend. That’s you…”
  • “Me?” You gasped.
  • The two of you stared at each other in utter confusion until Kasumi nervously laughed, “Ah…I think I was dreaming…”
  • “Oh,” you awkwardly chuckled. “Then I will get going. Wait, does this mean you like me?”
  • “I have for the longest time!” He grinned.
Zaku Banner
  • What situation did he get himself into? He knew he shouldn’t have drunk so much, but how was he supposed to know it would lead to such a mistake?
  • “Ara ara, my little bird. What are…” Zakuro became silent for a few seconds. “You know what…I can’t do this. Who knew the burden of guilt would consume me entirely.”
  • “Guilt? What did you do?”
  • ” I cheated on the woman who I love,” he laughed. “I cheated on you. But you know what? I am willing to do anything for you. Ask me to leave Starless, and I shall. Ask me to hit my head against the wall, and your wish will be my command. Slap me if you wish, but please…don’t hate me. I wouldn’t be able to live if you did.”
  • Was he acting? Was this part of some play he was rehearsing? If so, why did his emotions feel so real?
  • “First, no, Zakuro, I don’t want you to hurt yourself, nor will I hurt you. Second, I have no idea what you are talking about. Lastly, you can’t cheat on me if we are not in a relationship.”
  • “Ar…a?” His left eyebrow twitched as his eyes widened. “We aren’t dating? Oh, we aren’t dating…seems as though I confessed my feeling to you.”
  • “Seems like it,” you chuckled. “So…who exactly did you cheat on me with?”
  • “Why do you ask?”
  • “So that I can punch her and tell her to stay away from you,” you giggled.
Hari Banner
  • This was not him. He was raised with manners and proper education and taught to respect women. Then how did he end up cheating on you? Moreover, how was he going to tell you?
  • “Earth to Hari!”
  • He snapped out of his thoughts to see you waving your hands before his face. “What are you thinking about? Did Mokuren kick you again?”
  • “Far worse…”
  • “Don’t tell me they tore into you like you were a piece of meat,” you teased.
  • “No,” he sighed. “(Y/n), what if I cheated on you. What would you do?”
  • “Um…that came out of nowhere. Well, I would not forgive any man who would cheat on me. Why do you ask?”
  • “Any man? Are you dating someone else too?” He gasped.
  • “Huh? Hari…I am not dating anyone. Period.”
  • “What…then,” Hari mumbled and thought for a second. “Last night…did she and I…oh…” It was a dream and nothing more. How silly of him to think he cheated on a woman who he isn’t even dating. “Then, I shall get going.”
  • “Wait, Hari…who is she? Who are you talking about?” You asked as he walked away. “Did you sleep with someone?”
  • “No, but I wouldn’t mind if it were you. Anyway, see you later!” He teased before running away.
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