Argument Between Lovers

  • Raising their voices

  • Yelling and screaming

  • Interrupting each other

  • Attack each other’s character

  • Bring up personal issues from the past

  • Using harsh words and insults simply to hurt their lover

  • They bring up negative characteristics in the other person

  • Blaming each other for every problem in the relationship

  • They don’t listen to what their significant other is saying

  • They throw things around or slam objects on the ground

  • Slamming doors

  • They give ultimatums or threaten to end the relationship

  • Cannot see their fault in the situation and take jabs at their significant other

  • They have difficulty expressing emotions like sadness or vulnerability and raise their voice instead

  • Silent treatment or ignoring their partner

  • Accusations are thrown back and forth, trying to prove who is right or wrong

  • Refusing to compromise or even think about another point of view

  • Crying seriously or with the intention of emotional blackmail

  • Walking out in the middle of the argument
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