
Prompt: May I have some HCs for the twisted characters? What action of fem MC would they find most attractive? 

Gender: fem!Reader

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  • Your giggle.
  • Whenever Riddle hears your sweet giggle, it makes him blush, and his heart beats faster. 


  • Your laugh.
  • He loves to hear you laugh, especially if you laugh at his jokes or pranks. 


  • Hearing you say his name.
  • Deuce’s heart flutters when he hears his name escapes your lips. 


  • Tucking your hair behind your ear.
  • Cater finds it irresistibly charming and can’t get enough of it. 


  • Your blush.
  • Sometimes, Trey teases you just to see your red cheeks.

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  • Your smile. 
  • He loves seeing your smile and will do anything to keep the smile on your lips. 


  • Holding your arms out for a hug.
  • Jamil’s heart races when he sees you holding your arms out to him. He wants to embrace and kiss you but control his urges. 

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  • Getting up on your toes to hug or kiss him. 
  • He finds it absolutely adorable and gets a reminder of just how tiny you are compared to him. 


  • Biting your lip. 
  • Every time Lilia sees you biting your lower lip, he wants to steal a kiss from you. 


  • Your smile.
  • He likes it when you’re happy, and Silver always wants to see you happy. 


  • Your wink. 
  • Sebek is never prepared for it, and his cheeks turn bright red every time. 

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  • Batting your eyelashes.
  • Leona can’t resist it but will never admit it’s his weakness. If you want him to do something, bat your lashes at him. 


  • Your playful giggle.
  • Jack finds it endearing and appealing. He blushes and averts his eyes every time. 


  • Your laugh.
  • As a hyena, laughter is the most important thing for him. 

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  • Twirling your hair.
  • Vil finds your absentminded action to be charming. 


  • Crinkling your nose. 
  • You remind him of a rabbit. “My dear Lapine, might I remind you I’m a hunter?” 


  • Tilting your head to the side, especially when you’re confused. 
  • He finds the action to be very feminine and charming. 

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  • Puffing your cheeks. 
  • When you are upset and puff your cheeks, Idia ends up blushing. You remind him of his favorite anime and game characters. 

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  • Pondering while tapping your finger on your chin.
  • Azul doesn’t know why, but he finds it mesmerizing. Not to mention, he finds your thoughtful look attractive. 


  • Covering your cheeks when you blush.
  • Jade finds it charming. It’s a reminder to him about how cute you are. 


  • Your anger.
  • Floyd likes it when you get riled up and enjoys teasing you. “My cute little Shrimpy thinks she can bite~.” 



  • Your sweet smile.
  • Neige is famous for being cute, but he can’t think of anything cuter than your smile. 


  • Your grin.
  • He is the Cheshire Cat, after all. 


  • Your warmest smile. Not many smile genuinely for him, so he truly treasures your smile.
  • Your blush. It makes him blush, and he hates it (in the best way possible).
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